I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 614 Dumbfounded Artemis

"The number of escaped monsters is much smaller than expected."

In fact, the leaked erosion is more serious than imagined, but the number of monsters spreading from the center to the outside is not very large.

There are probably only a few hundred in one wave, not even thousands. It can be said to be pitiful.

"Is it because the main passage is blocked~?"

"It seems that God Artemis is also well prepared. -"

This should be the final preparation.

Completely lock the door of the passage from the inside, sealing larger things inside. It was precisely because they completely cut off their own escape route that the Artemis Familia blocked the monsters that wanted to rush out.

But Bell can already imagine the price he paid for this.

Continuing to move forward, the two finally arrived around the island in the lake.

The central island filled with black mist made Ais frown.

"It's even worse here, with a stench.

"Do you smell it?"


"Guess where those scorpions that appeared on the road were born? How were they born?"

For a moment, Aisi looked stunned, and she said that the wind could blow up a stench outside.

"The guy inside has been trying his best to get out of it, but there is a thick enough seal in front of him blocking the guy's way."

"If we want to enter it, we must go through the main entrance, so we must open the sealed door. If we don't make any preparations at this time, after we enter it

That guy's tentacles will continue to spread outward.

Aisi's face suddenly turned very ugly.

"Then what do we do?"

Bell shook his head slightly, indicating to "Sword Lady" that she didn't have to worry so much.

“What I hate most is actions without any preparation, and the parts of the plan that are prone to accidents.

"We will need a lot of time before we can deal with the monster inside, so we must contain the tentacles of this monster from extending outward."

As he spoke, Bell raised his hand and left a rune in the space.

"It's not very difficult to control."

It is not a difficult thing for Bell, after all, he is a person who can create different spaces. After having relevant experience, it is indeed not difficult to completely control things here.

"It's just that if we waste too much time outside, we will reduce the time for activities inside, so I can only arrange a simple ending.

""Sword Girl", get ready and stay in good shape before facing that guy. You don't have much time to act. "

"I see."

Ais responded and began to sit on the ground, taking out some food from her pocket. She also needed to be prepared before the battle began.

If the fighting time is not enough, that is to say, she needs to use all her strength the moment she faces the monster. Once the fighting time is delayed too much, the final result may shift in a bad direction.

Bell, on the other hand, is arranging the barrier, but it is not arranged at a simple level, but at a standard that simulates an alien space. What is ensured is that it is secure so that there is no risk of the guy inside running out.

"This, is this what your children call simplicity?"

What Artemis saw through her own eyes was that the entire ruins were completely thrown into the barrier, and then the barrier was connected to an alien space.

Artemis's eyes widened after confirming this.

This scale and intensity are simply more extreme than her last resort!

"Hmm~ This should be considered a very common operation for Bell.

Hestia had seen too many cases where Bell was cautious, and she was already used to this level of caution.

"Well, after all, that child's character is so... cautious?"

When Hephaestus said this, her expression was a little strange, especially the word "caution", which made her not sure.

"Why are you so unsure?"

Artemis quickly discovered the weirdness in Hephaestus' words and asked uneasily.

But the only answer to Artemis was Hephaestus' slightly stiff expression and unnatural turn of her head.

"Why did you turn around suddenly?"

It was at this moment that Artemis also vaguely felt a problem. There might be a big problem with Hestia's child.

Freya, who was sitting next to her, just smiled and didn't say anything else about this issue.

"This is the character of that child. Simply put, that child has such an uneasy character and likes to be more cautious when facing many things."

…Please give me flowers…

"Artemis, what level do you think that child is now?"


Freya's question put a lot of question marks on Artemis' head. She didn't think that a child who could enter the streamer only had a very low level.

But what kind of strength specifically allows children from the lower realm to have such speed?

"I can not guess it."

"Then let me give you a hint. It's only been half a year since that child entered Orario and became an adventurer."

"Half a year???"

Artemis turned to look at the projected Bell with wide eyes.

It took more than two years for the most talented child in her family to cross the threshold of Level 2. It took only half a year for Hestia's child to become an adventurer?

No, that's not right, this child definitely has more than just LV.2.

This child can enter the streamer, how can his strength be only Level 2.

In the projection, Bell has roughly laid out the barrier. The surrounding space has seen a slight distortion, confirming that the inside of the barrier has become an alien world. He really doesn't want to miss any angle.

"Freya, are you sure you're not kidding me?"

But this reaction made Artemis confirm that this was not a joke, it was a fact.

However, you have developed such strength in half a year???

Freya just smiled and didn't explain.


"That guy actually wants to catch that guy back, right?"


"Can an ordinary child reach Level 2 in half a year?"

Although she has seen a lot of the world, she has really never seen such a world.

Artemis felt like her brain was about to burn.

The only person who was dumbfounded was Artemis who heard this speculation.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

The three goddesses also lost their ability to speak for a while, because they felt that such a possibility was really possible.

Loki couldn't help but guess Bell's true thoughts in his mind.

This also made Artemis look at Freya with some suspicion.

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