I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 63 The Loki Family

Bell, in the form of Ray, rushed towards the Minotaur.

The sharp "Blade of Hestia" cut the throat of a tauren almost instantly, and almost instantly the Minotaur turned into a mass of black ashes, leaving only a magic stone and a broken piece. Horns and an axe.

"I can't fight, I still need to get out of here in a moment."

Although Bell hopes that the person coming over there is just a deaf and blind person, the fact is that the perception ability of the adventurer is unexpectedly abnormal. If you want to fight at such a distance, you have to hide an adventurer who rushed over here. It's just a fool's dream.

Since you can't hide it, you can only fight quickly.

Studying the Minotaur is not a job right now, and there is no rush to think about those things when you can enter the 15th floor in the future.

The other Minotaurs also sensed the strange atmosphere, roaring to intimidate the surroundings, and swiftly waving the axe in their hands.

Unfortunately, this approach also shows that the Minotaur really can't see any action.

A blast of thunder flashed past the popliteal fossa of the Minotaur's calf.


"Ah ah ah!

The sprayed blood stained the ground red, and the screams of the Minotaur also resounded throughout the fifth floor.

Even the people who rushed over couldn't help but pause for a moment.

That is, to seize the momentary gap, Bell did not pause at all, the "Blade of Hestia" held by his backhand drew a beautiful arc in the space, and the air could even smell the burning breath. .

But this knife also successfully slashed the four Minotaurs who were kneeling on the ground, turning them into black ashes.

Bell took all the dropped objects into the four-dimensional space almost at the moment of slashing the Minotaur, and left the scene at the fastest speed.

He couldn't stay on the fifth floor, and even if he wanted to exercise, he had to go to the fourth or third floor to exercise.

If you act under the nose of the Loki Familia, the chances of being found are too high.

Bell didn't want to gamble in a place like this.

As for the "Jianji" of the Loki family, it's better to have less contact with them before they grow up. Otherwise, once they get close, they may be targeted by some "Jianji fans".

Controlling the state of Leihua, let himself quickly leave the scene.

Almost the second after Bell left, a blond girl wrapped in the wind came to the battle field just now.

A silver armor and a white lining, very light armor, highlights the girl's exquisite figure to the fullest, and the buttocks wrapped by the skirt is even more noticeable.

The girl's name is Ais Wallenstein, a Lv.5 adventurer who belongs to the "Loki Familia".

Its youth, beauty and strength are the three most attractive points for adventurers, and its rapidly growing strength is one of the most concerned objects for adventurers in the city of Orari.

But now the object of the attention of the adventurers up and down Orari is tilted his head in an incomprehensible way.

"So soon 〃?"

The opponents are only five Minotaurs. It is not very troublesome to solve the problem quickly, but the speed just now is a bit out of line.

Ais could be sure that she heard the slight thunder and it took less than five seconds for her to arrive at the scene, but the Minotaur was killed in less than five seconds.

She listened carefully to the movements around her, the thunder just now had disappeared, obviously it had gone far away.

I sensed the surrounding aura, but I didn't feel anyone hiding around.

In other words, the other party ran away quickly after killing the Minotaur?

The lower-level adventurers can't do it, and the upper-level adventurers disdain to do it.


The other members of the Loki Familia who were one step behind Ais also caught up.

"Ace, what about the Minotaur?

The person who asked the question was a boy with a golden spear, but really don't treat this boy as a young child.

There is a special ethnic group called "Little Human Race" in the city of Orari, and their image is like a child no matter how old they are.

And the little people who asked the question were not some unknown person. This child was also the leader of the "Loki Familia", named Finn Dimna, and the title was "Brave".

Ace shook her head blankly.

"I heard the screams and thunder of the Minotaur, and it was gone when I rushed over."

Finn frowned slightly.

Someone can kill five Minotaurs before they and Ais arrive, so this strength is definitely not weak.

And when Ais heard the screams of the Minotaur and rushed here, but both the Minotaur and the other party disappeared, it means that the other party not only has enough strength, but also deliberately hides himself. identity of.

As for the thunder, I am afraid it is a kind of magic.

"Riveria. 99

The elves holding the gorgeous wand inlaid with gems nodded slightly.

As one of the three Lv.6 members of the "Rocky Family", he is also the deputy head of the "Rocky Family", a royal elf, the strongest wizard in the city, and Livy, who is known as the "Nine Magic Princess" Leah Rios Alfredo.

As the royal family of the elves, they have a great affinity for magic elements, and magic is also the power that the elves are best at, and the same is true for Riviria.

After simply feeling the surrounding thunder elements, Riviria frowned.

Finn noticed Riveria's mood changes and couldn't help but ask.


"The very powerful thunder element is completely different from other thunder elements, it is even more violent, even if it is an affinity element, I will be repelled if I touch it a little.

"There are two reasons for this."

"One, the opponent's strength far exceeds mine, and the thunder element he envoys is not something I can touch at all. 55

"Secondly, the opponent has a special thunder attribute magic, which will make the elements violent and cannot be used by others."

"Then, that's the second reason."

Lv.6 is almost at the apex in Orari, except for the only Lv.7 Auti, there are almost no other Lv.7 adventurers, so the reason can only be the second.

Finn made such a judgment, and Riveria also had the same idea.

The strength far exceeds her, and she can far exceed her in the element of the envoy. Even if such a person really exists, it is impossible to remain anonymous.

So, the second possibility is too high.

Finn did not expect that such an adventurer would still exist in Orari.

"Ais, how long has it been since you heard the voice and rushed over?"

(Li Zhao's) "Five seconds."

Ais thought for a moment and gave the exact time.

"In five seconds, he killed five Minotaurs, took away the Minotaur's magic stone, and escaped Ais' perception.

"Then the other party should have sensed Ais' existence, ended the battle within five seconds, and left quickly. It seems that the other party is deliberately hiding his identity."

"Being able to intentionally hide an identity, if it's not an identity that needs to be hidden, then it's a new person."

Most of the adventurers with sufficient strength are acquaintances and do not need to deliberately hide their identities.

As for those of the dark faction, they won't be on the fifth floor.

Therefore, Finn has put the other party's identity in the list of "newcomers" at this moment.

Killing the Minotaur may require the strength of Lv.2, but there are also unexpected situations.

If the opponent has special magic, then it is not impossible to kill the Minotaur in a short time.

PS: For collections...for flowers...for evaluation.

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