I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 631 Aisi’S Thanks

The teaching ends here.

Bell doesn't need to say anything else about teaching. His education is education, but in fact it just gives this genius a reminder to help her find a direction for improvement.

In Bell, it seems that it's not that Ais has no room for growth, but that no one can guide her to move forward. But as long as she has a clear direction, she will work hard to rush in that direction. Although she can't grow quickly, it's not because of her poor quality, it's just because she doesn't have the conditions for rapid growth.

"So, how far should I grow?"

This question also makes Bell often think about it.

His awakening of consciousness may be an accident to this world, but this accident looks like a deliberate wait. He had seen so many "Bell Cronies" when he awakened his magic, but now he didn't feel like the self in the parallel world he thought he had in the past.

But this is nothing more than speculation, and he has no clear evidence to prove this.

"Let's ask Hestia and the others when we get back."

Putting aside his doubts about himself for the time being, Bell turned his eyes to Ais.

I saw her still playing there with the broken sword, trying to wrap the wind around the sword. This was just like what she had done in the past, but the result was slightly different.

"Hoo ho!"

The violent wind condensed heavily on Broken Sword's original sword body. The wind that originally only condensed on the outside of the fitness body condensed into the shape of a sword this time.


Ais was also surprised when she looked at her masterpiece.

But the condensed sword body was still too fragile. Just because Aisi's mind fluctuated slightly, the sword body turned into the wind and dispersed.

"Ah, right"

The surprise just turned into stiffness and loss before it turned into a smile on his face.

Only when Bell saw this scene could he feel that "Sword Princess is also a girl".

"You have just started working in this direction. It is normal that you were unable to condense the sword body with wind at first.

""Sword Girl", give me the hilt of your sword, and I will demonstrate it to you. "


Ais directly handed over the broken sword when Bell reached out.

Taking the broken sword, Bell pointed it at the wall next to him and flicked it, and a wind blade flew directly from the blade.


A two centimeter crack was left in the wall.

Ais's eyes suddenly lit up, and her gaze was directly locked on the broken sword in Bell's hand.

The condensed wind was almost invisible to the naked eye, but Aisi could feel the extraordinary wind condensed on the broken sword.

"Is this the wind that has been condensed to the extreme?"

Such a move was really very attractive to Ais, but Bell shook his head slightly and returned the broken sword to Ais.

"It's not about condensing the wind to the extreme, but controlling the wind to move quickly at a balanced speed.

"As I just said, wind and water are the gentlest, but they are also the most violent. The huge waves can take them away. The strong wind can destroy everything. What makes the wind and water change is that "sports.

"What you need to do is to rotate the wind at a faster and even speed. "Sword Princess", you can regard my suggestions as your training direction in the later stage, and it may have some effect on you. "

The clear-headed and calm Ais is best at listening to advice.

"I see."

"As before, if you don't understand something, just ask Deputy Captain Riveria. She is good at magic, and she has far more experience in controlling magic than ordinary people."

Ais naturally knows that Riveria is a trustworthy person, and she can definitely gain control experience from Riveria.

"Then, the next time is your own training. I will send you to the family, and you can also confirm your growth from God Loki.


Ais bowed down respectfully to express her gratitude to Bell.

"Well, I accept this thank you. But you also need to know that this is an exchange of equal value."

"I remember."

"That's good."

Bell opened a rift in space.

"Sa, your family has been waiting for you at home for a long time. Now it's time to go back."

Ais nodded slightly and walked towards the space crack.

When she was about to cross over halfway, Ais suddenly took a step back to withdraw from the space crack, and then turned to Bell.

Just when Bell was thinking about what else Aisi had to say, Aisi suddenly took a step forward, came directly in front of Bell, and hugged him.


This "thank you" made Bell's slightly stiff body pause for a moment.

"Perhaps, this is her way of saying thank you. But it shouldn't be because of the influence of the female elf."

Shaking his head slightly, he didn't have so many taboos.

"You are welcome."

The gratitude was pure. After expressing her gratitude, Ais let go of Bell and walked into the space rift again. At the end of the day, he even said goodbye next time.

Ais didn't have any pretense, this was the way of gratitude she learned from Lefiya. Lefia said that hugging is the best way to express gratitude. Ais didn't think so before, but now she is very sure that Lefia is right.

Fortunately, Bell has enough means to find clues in these passages.

However, you still need to waste some time before that, and you need to make some preparations in these passages.

Bell was already familiar with the road to the "White Palace". He had stayed there for a while before, and he had been struggling with the "Earthlings" inside for a long time.

It's not like he didn't do anything during the past half month.

He also noticed that someone was moving some things to the 35th floor.

Although he hopes not to have too much contact with other people next time, reality often takes a completely different path from what he expected.

Bell was left alone and messy in the wind.

"Bell, call me next time you exercise."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"Eh... I really don't hope there will be a next time."

But also because the "White Palace" is very large, it is not easy to find a hiding place for a group of people in such a large place.

There are countless roads leading to the unknown inside the cave-like "White Palace", and those roads are also traps used to attract adventurers.

Bell couldn't be sure that he wouldn't call Ais next time.

Only this time, Bell didn't show up like he did during the previous training. Instead, he came to the "White Palace" with his aura hidden.

"Say, I need to investigate too."

After sighing with emotion, Bell did not return to the family immediately, but moved to a deeper level.

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