I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 633 Jiaohan Angry Method

Fifteen minutes later, Loki, with a dark circle on his face, was lying on the bed, whimpering silently.

"It's too much...it's really too much..."

The plaintive voices are endless.

The person who caused this phenomenon had no regrets at all. Instead, he stared at Loki who was still killed over there with eyes like a worm.

"It's all Loki's fault!"

Aisi's eyes were firm and her condemnation was quite heavy.

"Ha! How could it be because of me? I updated your data according to Aistan's request. Where did I go wrong?"

"Loki just had a very bad intention."

Loki's weird smile with strong emotions just now still made Ais feel a little hairy in her heart, especially the goosebumps that still stood up on her skin, reminding her how dangerous Loki was just now.

"My whole body feels uncomfortable when your fingers touch me."


As she spoke, Aisi still turned her back to Loki and rubbed her arms with her hands, but the goosebumps still didn't go away. Instead, they still stood there.

Loki lost his temper after seeing this scene.

Should we say that Ais is really foresighted in this regard? Loki always felt that if he thought so, he would really become a joke in Ais's heart.

"Loki, please be serious."

"Alright alright."

After Ais finished rubbing her arms, 143 looked back at Loki with a critical look.

Seeing that there was no way to take advantage like in the past, Loki no longer had the intention.

Of course, it would be another matter if the child Ais could be a little less resistant to her.

He returned to Ais's back with the needle, used the needle to poke a small incision on his finger, squeezed out the god's blood and then smeared it on Ais' back, and the data updating ceremony began.


"What's wrong?"

The strange noise coming from Loki behind her caught Aiz's attention.

But at this moment, Loki focused all his attention on Ais' growth data.

[Name: Ace Wallenstein


Development ability:


·Abnormal resistance:G










"Wind Spirit Walks"

·Additional magic

Wind attribute

·Chant "Wake Up"


"Revenge Princess"

·Activate at will

·Highly enhanced attack power against monster species

·Strengthen the attack power of dragon species beyond the domain

·The effect increases as the level of hatred increases】

"The ability value has increased too quickly."

This abnormal situation made Loki a little worried about Aiz's physical condition.

There have been no changes in the skills and ability values, but this time the ability values ​​have improved beyond the previous level. Perhaps the speed of this growth is far less than that of Bell, but this speed is like riding a rocket during Ais's growth.

"It's only been half a month since the last data update. How could Aisi improve to this level in just half a month?"

"There are definitely external factors."

At this time, Loki already had an answer in her mind, but she still needed to verify it before she could confirm it.

"Ais, I won't show you the growth of my abilities this time."


Loki's sudden decision caught Ais by surprise, who was still looking forward to seeing her abilities.

Almost as soon as she heard these words, Ais asked "why".

"Why...this reason is a little complicated. I need to ask someone to get the answer to what happened to you. I will show you your data after someone gives an accurate answer. .”

Ais, who was full of doubts, wanted to continue asking, but when she thought that Loki didn't have his usual playful smile when he spoke just now, she suppressed her doubts for the time being.

"Well, Aistan is a good boy."

That rather perfunctory compliment made Ais puff up her cheeks. Turning her head away slightly angrily, she planned to ignore Loki until (chcf) saw the data.

Loki was not angry when he saw that Aisi was losing her little girl temper, and even had a hint of relief on his face that his daughter had finally grown up.

"This kid has quite a lot of emotions."

"Is it because of Riveria? Or is it because of Lefiya?"

A figure flashed in Loki's mind, causing a trace of displeasure to flash across Lu Ji's face, which was still smiling with relief.

"Tch! If it were you, I would definitely leave a tooth mark on your neck this time when I go back."

Loki's teeth were itching and he couldn't help but want to go back quickly.

Aisi, who had finished updating her data, was already dressed. Because she was angry that Loki didn't tell her the data, she went out without saying hello to Loki.

He even left a cold snort before leaving.


Aisi was very angry, but she didn't know that her angry look looked really cute to outsiders.

Especially in Loki's eyes.

"Ah~ Aisitan has really grown up well."

The look of trying hard to stay angry just now just gave people a kind of coquettish feeling. He can't express his anger, but his cute image is clearly expressed.

Loki felt very sorry.

If Riveria could act like a little girl, Loki could guarantee that he would not be able to withstand a single round. It's just that Riveria's seriousness has already confirmed that "acting like a baby" has nothing to do with her.

Hestia simply rolled her eyes.

Passed through the space passage and came to her room.

Without saying a word, Loki opened the door and walked outside. There was a drinking party here before she went back, and those guys must not have finished drinking yet. It's time to continue having a drink, or you can wait at home for Bell to come back.

"I'm back."

"I just saw my Ace Carbon, so I rushed back to see if Bell was back.

"The first day you knew about the fact that Bell was helping your children exercise in the underground city? At least Bell wouldn't come back until your children came back.

Loki's words completely silenced the harmonious atmosphere.

Before anyone even went downstairs, Loki's voice had already spread throughout the house.


Loki held on to the stairs as he walked down.

"Bell isn't back yet."

The four goddesses downstairs were all sitting at the same table, and the smell of barbecue filled the entire room. Each goddess had a blush on her face, and it was obvious that they must have drank a lot of wine.

"Well, I must have learned this look from Lefia. Riveria has a stern face all day long, and no matter how cute she is, there is no hint of coquettishness."

After the emotion passed, Loki quickly put away her thoughts and headed to her second home through the space passage in the room.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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