I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 640 How To Refuse Such An Invitation?

"Well, Freya, I'll go back first.

"Going back? Then why did you come?"

The words "I'm back" almost made Freya's cerebellum shrink.

On this occasion and in this atmosphere, could it be that this person came back deliberately just to talk to her about his future direction and plans, and wasn't he going to do something?

"Um...I'm here to explain to you what I just did."

With all conscience, Bell was definitely not joking. He really just wanted to tell Freya what he had just done and a series of plans he would continue.

Thinking about the meaning of Freya's words just now and the ambiguity caused by his actions to Freya, Bell's eyelids inadvertently twitched. He felt that he had to react faster in this regard, otherwise it would be very difficult for Freya to misunderstand her.

In fact, this was enough for Freya to misunderstand.

Looking at Bell who was about to leave, Freya clenched her gums.

"Really, I didn't mean to come and stay today. Why are you so attractive to me?"

In the past, Freya had never experienced being set on fire and then put aside. This made the fire in her heart soar by several levels.

But this anger was extinguished a little when he saw Bell.

Freya could tell at a glance whether other people had that kind of intention, and naturally she could also see that Bell didn't have that kind of intention. But the atmosphere at this moment was so good that she couldn't help but fall into the same reverie as ordinary people.

"Hey...this kid has such a personality. He really doesn't understand some things at all."

Considering that Bell is better at being passive, and thinking about Hestia and Hephaestus, if Hestia hadn't taken the initiative, I'm afraid Hestia would have been a virgin until now. Freya's mood obviously improved a lot when she thought about it.

It's really not her problem, and it's certainly not Bell's problem.

Boys tend to be slower to understand as they grow up, especially when it comes to emotional issues. Coupled with Hephaestus and Hestia's initiative, it is inevitable that Bell will not know when to take the initiative.

After taking a breath and calming down her rising blood pressure, Freya decided to give Bell a lecture.

"Sit down first Bell."

These words made Bell, who stood up, not knowing whether to sit down or leave directly.

"Concerning what you just planned, if you abandon the "gift system", how can you open it with your own power?"

This topic was not mentioned by Bell just now, which made Bell silent for a while before sitting down to answer Freya's question.

"This is also one of the necessary conditions in the plan."

"After abandoning the "gift system", I needed a power as part of my foundation. And this power cannot be obtained from the "gift system" or another way. Therefore, I also set my target on the "Seven Deadly Sins". "

The Seven Deadly Sins! It was only then that Freya suddenly realized that this was indeed not the special nature of Bell and the power in the "Gift System", but could indeed be the cornerstone of Bell's power.

"Is it really controllable?"

Freya was more worried about this issue, but Bell was not very worried about it.

"Don't worry about this. Although I used magic to peel it off from Hephaestus initially, my subsequent experiments confirmed that the Seven Deadly Sins would not resist my own orders. It will not pollute me, it will only dissipate power to execute some ideas in my mind when I cannot control it."

The reason why Bell chose "Seven Deadly Sins" as one of his foundations is also for this reason.

"Actually, the "Seven Deadly Sins" are not like other powers that are restricted by magic and barriers. When I first discovered "jealousy" on Hephaestus's face, I used magic to peel it off. In fact, if the "Seven Deadly Sins" were not under my control, they would have already exploded at that time.

"...Bell, you really dared to attack Hephaestus under those circumstances."

There was some blame in Freya's voice, and she blamed Bell for being wronged.

"Freya, actually I had already used magic power to test "jealousy" at that time. It was only after confirming that it showed no resistance that I began to peel it off Hephaestus' face..."

He had really thought that the "Seven Deadly Sins" would resist, so Bell had tried it out at the beginning. If the "Seven Deadly Sins" had violently resisted, he would not have used such methods to peel them off.

But who would have known that "Jealousy" would be so well-behaved at that time. It didn't look like one of the "Seven Deadly Sins" at all, but more like a cat in the hands of its owner. It even took the initiative to come over and let the owner stroke its head.

“The ‘jealousy’ at that time did not resist at all. I also confirmed this before peeling it off from Hephaestus' face. At that time, I carefully sealed it in a bottle. "

Thinking about it now, Bell feels that he was really embarrassed at that time. Fortunately, "Jealousy" was quite well-behaved and didn't let him die on the spot.


Listening to Bell's caution, Freya couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"Can emotions be restricted by magic? Even if a god is attacked, what kind of magic can restrict it? If it hadn't been willing to be restricted, I'm afraid it would have made a big fuss at that time. There's a fuss."

These words made Bell blush a little. Now it sounds like he is really a social dead man. After all, he has little knowledge and is prone to problems on this kind of thing.

Looking at the look on Bell's face, Freya couldn't stop smiling. She always felt that this child's past experience must be interesting, and there might be more interesting stories in 5.4. But at this moment, she still restrained her smile and turned to the topic just now.

"Since the "Seven Deadly Sins" are the cornerstone of your future, you should hope to recycle them as soon as possible, right?"


Bell's brain stagnated for a moment, and then he understood the meaning of Freya's words on a physical level. His hand has been guided to Freya's heart.

"You should know my heart."

"Whether it's the Seven Deadly Sins or my life as a virgin, I hope you can take them all away today. Or are you prepared to refuse?"

Bell swallowed, what should he say at this time? How could he refuse such a thing?

PS: Please collect...Please...Flowers......Please evaluate.

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