I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 642 Wives Still Need To Coordinate With Each Other

"Eh!? Why do you think so?"

Not once did Bell think Hestia was useless.

Maybe Hestia does not have the same favorable conditions as other gods, but that is directly related to the time in the lower world. Other gods have been working hard in the lower realm for many years, but Hestia is only a new god who has been in the lower realm for a year. How can she compare with other gods in terms of conditions?

Moreover, Hestia is not essentially a god with production capabilities. She cannot establish a production-related family like Hephaestus, and her natural living conditions are much worse.

However, Hestia does not have the ability to produce herself, but she has a good friendship with the gods. This relationship is much stronger than most gods. What does it mean that the gods have many friends? It means that there are many channels and there are many people who can help when you are in trouble.

"Then why didn't you come to me when something happened?"

Hestia had a look of disappointment on her face. She had always known that she still lacked a lot as the main god of the Familia, but when Bell encountered a problem, the first person he looked for was Freya instead of her. This made her still very sad. Uncomfortable.

Is this the problem? Bell looked at Hestia's disappointment, and now he knew the reason for Hestia's sadness.

"Hestia, actually I wanted to talk to you and Hephaestus at the beginning."

"Then why did you turn to Freya's side?"

There was still a hint of resentment in her voice, "Obviously Hestia wanted to know why Bell, who was originally looking for her and Hephaestus, turned to Freya.

"Well, I just thought about the "Seven Deadly Sins", so I wanted to come over and ask Freya for her opinion.

Then Bell lowered his voice.

"In addition, I have told you before that I will treat you as family. I have been in constant contact with Loki for such a long time, but I rarely talk to Freya alone. I always feel that doing so is a bit scumbag." .

A bit scummy indeed. If she didn't consider anything else, just listening to what Bell said, Hestia felt that Bell was a little too much towards Freya.

But then Hestia reacted. Since Bell felt that she was a little too much towards Freya, wouldn't it be inappropriate for her to target Freya tenfold?

"Ahem, don't let Freya know first."

Apparently Hestia also felt something bad. She was the one who said she would accept her at the beginning, and now she is the one who is resisting one after another. It would not be appropriate for the person concerned to notice.

"Put aside Freya's matter for now. How did you abduct and stay in the room with Freya...that?"

When Hestia said "that", her heart still felt twisted, but this time it was just out of jealousy.

""Whether it's the Seven Deadly Sins or my life as a virgin, let's take them all together." After being told this, I couldn't think of making excuses to leave like before.

I wiped it so hard!? Hestia's eyes widened and she couldn't believe that such words came from Freya's mouth.

Hestia could almost imagine Bell saying this sincerely to Freya, and she couldn't refuse even if she were in Bell's position.

With this thought in mind, Hestia glanced into the room inadvertently. In her sight, she could almost see Freya lying on her side on the bed.

I used to think that Freya was very charming, but it turned out that she was a virgin. Now when it was confirmed that she was a virgin, it turned out that she was extremely courageous.

"Tsk... This old maid still has such courage."

This complaint made Bell feel ashamed. He suppressed his embarrassment and lowered his head to remind Hestia.

"You were also a virgin before, aren't you scolding yourself too?"

Seems to be.

Realizing this situation, Hestia quickly coughed and dropped the topic. She seemed to be in the same situation as Freya at the moment.

"Freya, Hestia actually doesn't mean any harm.

Freya, who was lying on her side with her pink back facing the door, slowly turned around. She was not sleepy at all at this moment, and her charming eyes were still smiling.

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Looking at Freya's situation now, she suddenly wasn't so angry anymore. After all, there was already a Hephaestus who made her angry enough. Freya and Loki were both unexpected people, but they gave her enough preparation, instead of suddenly asking her to accept the tragic result like before.

She just laughed and sighed.

I like making friends, reading books, and hanging out with friends, but I don’t like fighting.

"It's just that she likes to be quiet and always likes to stay in her own territory and read a book. Otherwise (De Zhao Zhao) will visit other people's territory and basically won't do things like fights. She even hates those wars. Therefore, she always had trouble with Loki when she was in heaven."

Bell, who was standing at the door of the room, looked outside, carefully closed the door, and then turned to face Freya, who was lying on her side on the bed.

"In the heaven, neither those who are easy to get along with nor those who are not easy to get along with will say anything wrong about Hestia. Because everyone knows that once Hestia leaves in tears, they will probably not be easy.

"Especially Loki. I remember one time she tormented those guys who said something bad about Hestia to death, so that the guy didn't even dare to come down from the source even now.

Although Hestia wanted to take Bell away at this moment, Freya was still asleep. When she woke up, she also wanted Bell to be by her side, instead of planning to get up early as usual.

“Hmm… we’ll talk about other things later.

Hestia didn't know if Freya thought so, but she didn't intend to do something as drastic as calling Bell away. Song Shi left a sentence: "We will talk about it later and then go to the craftsman."

Hestia glanced at Freya who was still sleeping in the room. Although she was pouting, she was not making trouble unreasonably and was not ready to wake Freya up directly. She had also experienced that morning, and she was in terrible pain even if she was not prepared for treatment.

In just two sentences, Hestia's character was clearly explained.

"As for me, ha~ If she didn't like to face me, I would quite like her."

"Bell... you'd better stay and come down as soon as Freya wakes up."

"Hestia has always been like this. She doesn't have much ill will towards anyone. She won't get close to any god on purpose, nor will she alienate any god on purpose. So when she was in heaven, she was considered the strongest among the gods. The popular ten.”

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