I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 658 Trouble And Monitoring

After Bell left, Asphi and Hermes remained silent in this secret room for a long time without speaking.

It wasn't until 30 minutes later that Yasifei spoke.

"So, Mr. Clonney has thrown us into a big problem, huh?"

"It is indeed a big trouble, but that is only after we deal with those madmen from the dark faction.

Hermes walked to the side of the stone table and knocked on the table gently.

"It's a good thing that he could secretly create such a map. That kid should have visited all the places in Orario before, otherwise, he wouldn't have created such a detailed map. "

"Isn't this just saying..."

Hermes nodded slightly, but did not stop Yasi Fei from speculating on the truth, because that should be the truth.

"If that kid hadn't felt that he couldn't handle everything by himself this time, he probably wouldn't have exposed the fact that he made the Orario map.

Hermes felt that Bell's character map would never be exposed unless necessary.

But the most terrifying thing is not that Bell controls the direction of all Orario's relatives and gods, but his unbridled thoughts. Just like the gods do not regret their actions at all, they also have the same thoughts as the gods, and even local gods should not be more extreme.

But Hermes did not say these words.

Because Hermes knows that the first thing a "hero" needs to do is not to be afraid of gods. Only those who have the courage to face God can be called a "hero".

"So, he was cultivated by you on purpose, Zeus."

The more this happened, the more Hermes felt that all this was like Zeus and Hera playing a big game of chess. Even though they had given up their positions as chess players, the direction of the chess game was still controlled by those two people. With.

"Whether or not this is what you want to see, the chaos in Orario is indeed going to be suppressed just like you did in the beginning."

But when thinking about this, Hermes paused for a few seconds.

"No, maybe everything is going completely different from what you planned."

He crossed his hands behind his back and clenched his fists gently. He needed to think about the next questions.

"Just bring Hermes in."

Bell, who returned to the Hermes Familia, directly told her story about her time in the Hermes Familia.

Several goddesses were also quite surprised by Bell's decision, especially Hestia.

"I thought you wouldn't choose to bring Hermes into this."

"Actually, I don't have any good ideas. God Hermes has a great relationship with various gods. I even guess that he has a certain relationship with the dark sect."

Bell's remarks did not cause a big stir. After all, the person he was talking about was Hermes, so everyone understood.

"Well, that guy has always been like this. I don't believe it at all if you say he has nothing to do with the dark faction."

Hestia was 100% certain that Hermes was behind the troublesome actions of the dark faction.

Hephaestus also nodded in agreement and agreed.

"He is Hermes after all. He has been very good at running around in camps since before. When he was in the heaven, he would often follow Zeus to help with some things, so we often asked him to run errands and deliver letters. He cooperated with those guys. Together, they probably guessed that Hermes joined them just for "play". "

"Hmph! Playing? I think they know what Hermes is thinking, so they plan to let Hermes join."

Loki snorted coldly, and she revealed the key point in almost one sentence.

"Hermes has a good relationship with the gods, and everyone knows that he is just a loser, almost falling on both ends. But it is precisely because everyone knows that he is a loser on both ends, that's why he looks very ugly in the eyes of those guys. Important. In the final analysis, it is a relationship of mutual utilization."

"Well, it can be regarded as a kind of restraint. God Hermes must know a lot more lists than I do. What I need to pay attention to now is the stronghold of the dark faction on the ground, and when those guys in the dungeon start to act, The rest, that's not what I need to think about.

"In addition, Hermes is usually very slippery and rarely takes the initiative to stand on either side, so the dark factions feel safe to contact Hermes, which makes it easier for them to use Hermes. achieve some goals.”

"But at this stage, the dark faction shouldn't continue to have trouble with Hermes, right?"

As a god with ethics, Artemis is actually very particular about some things, so what she particularly dislikes is the kind of god who lives on the sidelines.

"That's why I don't like Hermes' attitude."

Hestia finally understood why Bell would throw things out this time when he thought he was in too much trouble.

"Indeed, given the current situation, God Hermes will definitely not continue to quarrel with the dark faction. However, God Hermes has come into contact with some unimportant dark factions. At this time, the god also handed over the monitoring work to Hermes. Another reason for the god Erris.”

Freya doesn't quite agree with Artemis's ideas. She can only say that Artemis is too strict at times, which makes people feel too unhuman.

"Hermes is not just a faggot, he is more principled than any other god. He always likes to pretend to be not serious, but he understands some things better than anyone in his heart. You can joke about it, but some things are not something you can joke about."

Bell sometimes needs to calculate some important and less important things separately.


"That's because your character is too stubborn, Artemis."

She knew about Hermes' behavior, but she also disapproved of it.

Artemis, who heard these words, shook her head helplessly.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a price.

In addition, it is not so easy to be a wallflower. Among so many gods, only Hermes is the least annoying wallflower. Everyone even knows that he is a loser, and even knows that this guy often plays tricks at critical moments, but people from different forces choose to contact Hermes. This is actually the skill of Hermes.

"Is that why you gave that map to Hermes?"

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