I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 663 Fairy Elite Soldier Training Place

The team entered one by one, and the goods were moved in bit by bit after everyone confirmed that there was no problem.

There are very strict detection barriers at the entrance and exit of the base, which are specifically used to detect the imprints of the family members. As long as the imprints are detected incorrectly, problems will arise.

Because this is a test of the Mark of Favor, there is almost no way for adventurers to avoid it, so the success rate of the test so far remains at 100%.

The team leader and guardian watched each person pass. Even the final test was very successful, and no one had any problems.

The guardian glanced at the leader.

"Now you can confirm - there's no problem, right?"

The team leader was relieved.

"No problem, let's go in."

After confirming that the entry was correct, all members of the transport team entered the base.

After the last person walked in, the rock door closed again, as if there was no trace at all.

After the interior door was closed, a five-meter metal circular door opened from the inside and rotated down from above.


As if stuck in the notch of the entrance, the circular door blocks the entrance, thereby ensuring that the internal environment is completely sealed.

After the door was completely stuck, the moving personnel breathed a sigh of relief.

"Finally we're here."

"Yeah, I didn't think the poisonous mushroom just now was something bad.

Recently, no one in Orario is safe for the dark sects, so they often have to bear the risk of being discovered, caught on the spot, or even killed when they go out.

Although they are all walking zombies and have completely lost their souls, they still want to do more things. According to the words of the Lord God, as long as they make more contributions to the dependents, the Lord God can ensure that they have a greater chance of meeting their former family members, wives and children after death.

Under the attraction of this condition, everyone from the dark faction has a clear point of view.

They can die for the Lord God to overthrow Orario, but they must not die without any contribution.

All this is just to meet the dead relatives again.

I have to say that this is a kind of sadness and despair.

Yes, the logic of action of most of the cannon fodder at the bottom of the dark faction is to sacrifice.

They chose to join the dark faction and become a speck of dust just for the sake of sacrifice and to meet again in the next life.

In their view, sacrifice is just to see their loved ones again in the next life.

For this reason, they can give up everything they have for such sorrow and resentment, just betting that they can be reborn and see each other again after that explosion.

This sounds ridiculous.

But in this world where human life is as short as grass, such crazy behavior is actually the despair of ordinary adventurers at the bottom.

Precisely because they have lost their choice, apart from living an ignoble existence, this is the option they desire most.

After all, not everyone becomes an adventurer for women, fame, and wealth. There are also people who become adventurers for love and family.

When everything they hold dear is destroyed, so is their will to survive.

At this moment, the god of the dark faction once again promised "see you again in the next life" as a bait. Almost no adventurer can resist this impulse.

Among the crowd of members of the Dark Faction, a man wearing a windbreaker lowered his eyebrows slightly.

this. "

The man who came in disguise was naturally Bell.

"As expected, it is a mouse that likes to hide. This hidden floor is almost exactly the same as the previous hidden floor. But the entrance here is on the 35th floor, and the entrance of that one is on the 23rd floor. J

Obviously, the location here is even more difficult to find.

The "Big Tree Maze" is only the middle level at best, but the "White Palace" is the lower level. The construction difficulty of the two is completely different.

"This needs to be checked."

Before this base can be conquered, all the rats need to be locked inside.

However, before that, all the traps in this hidden floor need to be dealt with, otherwise it will cause too much damage to the strategy during the strategy process and it will be very troublesome.

Bell was naturally very cautious when exploring here.

However, Bell, who had already had an exploration experience, naturally knew the logic of trap layout on hidden floors. As long as he could accurately grasp the location of each trap, it would not be difficult to disarm it.

The internal structure is like a normal dungeon with many roads, and each road extends in all directions. If you don't know the road, there are almost no landmark buildings in the entire maze, and it is almost impossible for outsiders to find the correct road.

.........Please give me flowers 00

But this is not a big problem for Bell.

It's just a map, it doesn't take much effort.

Locking down the dark faction's last base is Bell's first goal in this operation. As for the second goal, naturally it is to turn this last base into a mouse cage. This is the final battle against the dark faction, and naturally it is necessary to completely wipe out all the members.

After wandering around, Bell soon came to a special room filled with a large number of fairy fetuses as tall as a person.

The embryo inside the green outer membrane has begun to mature, but it is no longer the monster-like image I saw last time, but an image that is half monster and half human.


"The elite immortal soldiers seem to have entered a mature stage."

After checking the surroundings and the situation inside the fetus, Bell keenly discovered a lot of magic traps, which were almost of the same type as the traps he encountered before, so it was confirmed that these magic traps were all made by the same person. hand.

"He's very protective. He seems to be someone who knows how to be on guard. Does he have the same type of personality as me?"

"Then, let me give you some time for now."

Taking premature action often makes things uncontrollable.

Now the dark faction has made a move, but the explosion on the ground makes it impossible to carry out a quick strategy... I think these guys have the same idea, so they played such a trick.

They must have the means to allow these immortal soldiers to complete their final growth in a short period of time.

"Are you sacrificing your control and becoming a rioter, or are you sacrificing your active time and becoming a substandard product?"

"Well, the probability of the former is even greater."

After all, riots will not affect efficiency.

As long as these violent fairy soldiers are released in Orario, the dark factions don't even need to care whether these guys attack their own people.

"If that's the case, then let me make these guys controllable."

"Just in time, I just got something useful."

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review with zero price.

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