I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 669 The Meeting Of The Strategy Team

The meeting started very quickly, but it ended equally quickly.

After discussing the information brought back by Bell and confirming the situation of the dark faction, the meeting was completely over.

Hermes and Ganesha really wanted to know the true identity of "Enio", but Bell still used the excuse that "they will know in three days" to get through.

Although they did not know the true identity of "Ennio", the two of them understood that that person should be related to the crusade three days later.

The reason for not saying it directly is probably to avoid alerting the enemy.

After all the extra people have left, the next step is the internal members.

It mainly refers to the Loki Familia, and the rest should be the Freya Familia and the Hephaestus Familia.

This time, the main strategy team is still dominated by the Loki Familia. Neither the Freya Familia nor the Hephaestus Familia need to participate in the strategy for the hidden floor of the dungeon "250".

"The focus of the strategy team is the Loki Familia."

Bell directly pointed out the central idea of ​​the second meeting at the beginning.

"The internal space of the hidden floor is very large, and it will not collapse even if it withstands a certain scale of battle. The outer wall is also made of special metal and materials that isolate magic and perception. Even if a larger scale of magic is used inside, it will not collapse. Less than the whole.”

"But because of this structure, once a large-scale fire magic is used internally, the internal temperature may rise rapidly. Therefore, large-scale fire magic needs to be prohibited."

This is the restriction for Riveria.

"I have found all the traps inside. When it comes to counter-intrusion, I will immediately remove all the traps inside, and at the same time, I will completely block the space on the hidden floor. No one can escape from it, nor can anyone Someone can get in temporarily."

"In other words, during the strategy process, only us and the dark faction members will exist on the hidden floor?"

Finn asked.

"Yes. y

After Bell affirmed, Finn asked another question.

"If that's the case, what about the problem of those "elite soldiers"?"

Riveria couldn't help but agree and worry.

"That's right, 54 "Fairy Elite Soldiers" equivalent to Level 5 are difficult to deal with even if they bring all the Level 5s in Orario. "

"Although I, Finn, and Grace have the strength to block part of it, if we directly encounter such a large number of "Fairy Soldiers", we will die.

However, the two people who stated the facts did not show excessive worry.

Because the two of them knew very well that this part of the matter must have been taken into account long ago.

Bell is naturally well prepared for this.

"This is the same for everyone."

#54 Lv.5 are already qualified to drag down Lv.7 to death. If it is in a relatively closed space, then 3 against 54 is looking for death. "

"I know this very well myself, so I added some special things into the incubation process of "Fairy Elite Soldiers". "

"I can't say what they are specifically, but the things I added should be able to reduce their danger."

"So, Captain Finn also needs to be prepared."

Finn came back to his senses instantly after being stared at by Bell's somewhat thoughtful gaze.

Finn, who had made several previous transactions, instantly remembered the most difficult battle they had ever experienced. It was really a battle that even he felt he had given his all.

Isn't this moment the same as that moment?

Finn, who understood in his heart, instantly suppressed the smile on his face.

“It is indeed necessary to prepare in advance.

Under the incomprehensible looks of Riveria and Grace, Finn did not have any explanation.

Some things are not suitable to be said after class on such an occasion. Even if you need to explain them, they should be after the meeting here.

Bell then looked at Ota.

"As for the Freya Familia..."

"I believe that the current Freya Familia is still superior to the Loki Familia in terms of overall strength."


Loki didn't seem happy to hear this.

"Who said that? Three of my children have entered Level 7, and there is only one in this guy's family. How did you calculate it?"

With a hint of resentment in his eyes, Loki's gaze always made Bell feel that this person was not simply talking about the strength of the Familia.

In this regard, Bell did not hide it and directly stated his current judgment.

"Of course it is calculated based on the most intuitive feeling of strength."

That is to say, the relationship is now deeper and we can say something.

If this matter were left in the past, Bell would definitely choose to remain silent about such words...

After all, facts offend people.

"Although Captain Finn and three others have entered the Level 7 realm, they have only just entered. Do you think they will be the opponents of the "fierce" who have been immersed in this realm for many years?"

These words left Loki speechless.

"Except for the "Fierce One", the other members of the Freya Familia are not for viewing. "

"They have a very clear purpose and a greater desire for power. That desire is much more terrifying than the "Sword Queen". "

"There's another thing you forgot."

"The "Sword Princess" grew up little by little under protection, but there is a big gap in the growth of other members of Freya's family who stood up in constant competition.

"Unless "Sword Queen" reaches Level 7 or even Level 8, Freya's Familia is still stronger now. "

These words were so realistic that Loki couldn't refute them.

Aisi did grow up in protection.

The strength may be good, but the difference in temperament between people who compete all the time is too big.

The same goes for Finn and the others.

After all, Austria has been at Level 7 for seven or eight years. How can Finn and the others be able to compete with it as soon as it comes up?

I'm afraid it will take a year or two to really grow up before they have the ability to compete with the all-out Austrian team for a 1.6 50-50 ratio.

Bell, who had suppressed Loki's change for the time being, returned to the subject.

"That is because the strength of the Freya Familia is still the strongest in Orario at this moment, so they cannot act arbitrarily."

"When the Loki Familia takes action, those guys in the underground will find ways to pull people into the base and surround them separately. But if the Freya Familia takes action, someone should have said hello to the people below in advance."

"So, Freya Familia needs to be Orario's last fuse to ensure that those guys don't prepare for the worst in the end."

Austria didn't speak, he was waiting for the goddess's order.

So Freya gave a clear order.

"Do as he wishes, Ota."


PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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