I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 673 The Tone Of This Strategy Has Been Set

After dealing with Dionysus, Loki had just walked into the inner courtyard from the outer courtyard when he saw his three children standing there with what looked like stone pillars, and their faces were quite ugly.

"What's wrong with all of them? Their faces are so ugly."

The three of them looked at each other, speechless for a moment due to the overwhelming shock.

But there are some things that can't be settled without saying anything. There are some things that they need to ask clearly.

"Loki, in yesterday's meeting, Bell did not directly say the name "Ennio", is it...?"

Finn did not say the last name, but looked at Loki with questioning eyes.

Loki just smiled and put his index finger on his lips.

"Maintaining silence is an important quality."

"It's useless even if you know some things, and some people just need specialized people to deal with them. And Dionysus is right, children in the lower world should not bear the responsibility of killing gods.

All three of them knew who the "specialized people" Loki was referring to.

"Actually, this should be what gods teach children in the lower world."

"Some things are not particularly excessive if everyone knows about it, but once some people cross that level, the final result will only be regarded as trouble and cleared away."

"This applies to both the lower realm and the heavenly realm."

Loki had a sneer on his face as he spoke.

"Most of the gods who join the dark factions have the emotion of "fearing that the world will not be in chaos." But in my opinion, those guys just played too many games like destroying the world in the heaven, and even when they got to the lower realm, they still couldn't turn around. "

"It's just that those guys who can't turn corners also know that some things can't be overdone, so they restrained themselves a little.

"But some guys really don't have any brains."

This is how they seek death. Now Loki really wants to split the heads of those bastards open. It seems like there is a pig living inside.

But now the dark faction has embarked on the road to death.

Even if the entire dark sect is not beaten to death by Ouranos with a stick, those guys who are closely connected will probably not be able to stay in the lower world.

"Finn, Mom, the purpose of your action this time is to exterminate other members of the dark faction. You don't need to participate in issues related to the gods."

Finn and Riveria naturally understand this.

They knew from the beginning that Bell would wrap up some of the follow-up matters, and they didn't even think about the issue of gods.

"This time the dungeon strategy mainly follows Bell's plan."

"Although there are a lot of troubles in the dungeon, as he said in the planning meeting, in fact, most of the problems have been solved by him. What is left for you is some troublesome cleaning."

"The only thing you need to worry about is whether there will be trouble from the fairies."

Loki didn't hide anything like he did before, and some actions still needed to be communicated with Finn and the others.

Moreover, this time's action plan can only be regarded as a boost for Fenn and others, and the main force lies in those who want to continue to advance.

You must know that there are 54 Level 5 "Fairy Soldiers", so anyone can get a chance to be promoted by challenging them.

We can only wait and see if those children can catch this overwhelming wealth.

Finn looked at Loki with some depression. Only at this moment did he really understand the difficulty of this crusade.

"So, the difficulty of conquering the hidden floor this time is actually the lowest."

"As long as we arrange the personnel well and be a little wary of some fairy guardians, our strategy can end smoothly?"

Loki naturally knew that Finn was very depressed at the moment. This kind of arranged strategy would not be so interesting if he knew it.

But she still needed to correct Finn's thinking.

"Finn, the lower the difficulty of the hidden floor strategy this time, the better."

"You should know what kind of situation we, as the main force, will face once the difficulty of this strategy increases."

Faced head-on with 54 Level 5 sieges, even the Loki Familia would be prepared to be annihilated.

This is after counting the promotions of Finn, Riveria and Grace.

If the Finns and the others had not been promoted to Level 7, perhaps the destruction would have been faster.

The riot caused by the dungeon's malicious intent towards adventurers is the "Monster Feast".

Suddenly, an unusual amount of monsters appeared on the floor. This was a riot caused by the dungeon's malicious intent towards adventurers.

The 54 "Fairy Soldiers" on the hidden floor are to some extent more malicious than the "Monster Feast".

………Please give me flowers…

After the number of monsters reaches a certain level, no matter how strong the wall is, it will be knocked down, and no matter how strong the resistance is, it will be trampled on.

What stands out is a powerful brick flying!

Therefore, Loki still thinks it would be better to make the strategy process less difficult. She doesn't want to watch Finn and the others die.

"I don't want to see you all stay in the dungeon."

Finn shook his head helplessly. He was not complaining that the difficulty of the strategy had been reduced.

PS: It’s a little late, I’ll add seven.

"Regarding this issue, we have to see if he has any follow-up plans."

"Thank him? No need."

Yes, Finn feels that the risks taken by Bell are too high, but they have been reaping the benefits.

Finn and Riveria were both attracted by Grace's question.

"Well, he just has a very realistic style of doing things sometimes."

"Moreover, Bell has given many people the opportunity to improve this time. No matter what, after this strategy is over, we all want to thank Bell."

"His character is like this. As long as you are valuable, he will give you some benefits, and many times these benefits are related to his subsequent plans."

Loki, who knew Bell's character well, immediately interrupted Finn's plan.

"Compared to the risks Bell took, the risks we took were really low.

This question is difficult to answer.

"So, Loki, what is that boy's strength?"

"I also hope that I can bring everyone back smoothly, instead of watching the people I brought with me stay in the dungeon forever.

Even I was initially attracted to Bell because he is extremely realistic and will do whatever it takes to achieve his own goals, but at times he still has an emotional personality.

Of course, Lu Ji doesn't dislike this sometimes very realistic character.

"Loki, I'm not going to complain that Bell has lowered the difficulty of the strategy."

This strategy may not be of much benefit to the three of them, but for those who want to make progress, this opportunity is too rare.

Loki grabbed her hair. She didn't know if Bell planned to expose her own strength after this strategy, so she didn't explain it directly.

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