I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 686 The Counter-Invasion Begins!

Listening to the inferences of the surrounding gods, Hephaestus' hands under the table tightly twisted her thighs, telling her not to laugh casually, otherwise she would really be unable to hold back.

"If these guys find out that Bell is Hestia's only child, their eyes will probably pop out of their eyes."

Although Hephaestus was not interested in having fun at all, she was also very interested in the fantasy in her heart at this moment.

If Bell wasn't still in a period where he needed to hide as much as possible, Hephaestus really hoped that the day would come when Bell's identity would be revealed.

Then we can see how many gods' eyes fell on the table.

Finally, Bell, who led the team, led the team to a dead end.


With a snap of his fingers, the wall of the dead end suddenly began to move. The mechanical movement was quite loud. If you listen carefully, you will know that there is a thick door stuck inside.

After a while, a "click" was heard from inside the wall, and the door slowly opened.

Different from the white rocks on the stone wall outside, the moment the stone door is opened, the picture inside is completely like a dark palace built exquisitely.


All the members of the strategy team who saw this scene were shocked from the bottom of their hearts.

Deep in the underground city, a large-scale base was built, and the entrance was still in the "White Palace".

Is this something a normal person can think of?

*One on the 23rd floor, and another on the 35th floor. Those guys are really energetic. "

The absent-minded Bert couldn't help but complain.

The dark faction really has too much time, and they are also a little too rich. Building such an underground palace does not just cost a little money, it definitely requires a lot of money to build it.

What's even more terrifying is that those guys really dare to do this.

The 23rd floor is only the middle level, and the monsters in the middle level are not born as fast as in the deep level.

But the 35th floor is a real deep place, and the birth rate of monsters here is super fast. Even if there is a guide | "White Palace Palace", experienced teams will not stay here longer.

Who would have thought that the dark faction would actually build an underground palace of this level in this "White Palace"? This perseverance is truly admirable.

Dionysus was also filled with emotions when he saw this hidden floor for the first time.

"It can be said that the construction funds in the underground city are pouring in like water every day, which is not enough to fill this big hole."

Although it is important to build a base belonging to the dark faction in the dungeon, the funds used by the dark faction are also quite terrifying.

Dionysus did not take over the dark faction's industry. After all, his identity needed to be hidden and he could not interfere directly.

But after knowing the materials used to build the perimeter of this hidden floor, Dionysus was very sure that this was a bottomless pit.

It is estimated that more than 80% of the funds of the dark faction in the past were poured into this deep pit.

"Daedalus is indeed a complete madman."

Although Dionysus admitted that this madman was really useful, he also did not hope that this madman could live to this era, otherwise it would definitely be a big trouble for him.

"This is the hidden floor on the 35th floor~||."

The indistinguishable voices of men and women came from the front, attracting Dionysus' attention.

"There are several entrances inside this base, so I also asked the maker of the Hestia Family to make something to block other entrances. To ensure that no one can easily enter this hidden floor, and No one can leave easily."

Can the kid who made rune stones also make something like this?

Dionysus was slightly surprised, but it was not that he could not understand. After all, if runestones of that level could be made, other types of runestones could not be made.

If the "mysterious" development ability can be obtained, the manufacturing angle may be greatly broadened.

But after saying this, everyone present who knew Bell's identity immediately understood what he was doing.

Tiona, who was usually carefree, shut up in an instant, and even Ais, who often spoke shocking words, also shut her mouth tightly.

"The internal scale is very large, and there are quite a lot of traps designed. You need to pay more attention during the strategy."

"Also please note that the purchase of runestones in Orario is not subject to quantity restrictions, so you may encounter a series of troubles during the strategy process."

This reminder also cheered up all members of the strategy team.

The existence of runestones is indeed something they need to pay special attention to. Once the enemy seizes the opportunity to use runestones, they will become passive.

"Then, I wish you all good luck in martial arts, and I'll take my leave now."

"Well, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Finn nodded slightly.

As he spoke, Si'er's figure disappeared in full view of everyone.

"Is it really magic?"


"Okay, let's start taking action!"

Once he uses his divine power, I'm afraid the people in this hidden floor will notice.

If he used some divine power at this moment, he might be able to find the child's location, but Dionysus could not do this.

Finn took a deep breath and turned around to look at everyone on the attack team.

Only then did the people who entered the hidden floor see how big a circular metal door was stuck behind the entrance.

"Are you all ready?"

"God Dionysus, you and the White Miko will follow Riveria and the others."

But this is not what they need to care about now. What they need to face now is a crisis no less than deep in the underground city.

"Now enter the enemy's hinterland. Don't let the team separate for the time being. Then when you encounter the enemy, start to adapt accordingly."

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Everyone in the strategy team followed them in, and it wasn't until the last person entered that the entrance was closed again.

"Attention everyone."

"Rivieria, use your magic according to the situation. Lefia, your magic this time is to deal with the main attackers of the dependents, so be prepared to buy it."

It is better to hide his entry as much as possible, which will also make his activities more convenient.

Immediately, Finn immediately turned around and led the team into the entrance.

Everyone responded in unison.

"The enemy has a large number of self-destruction soldiers holding "Fire Stones". (Li Liao) does not need to show mercy to any of the family members of the dark faction, and do not give them a chance to get close. "

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