I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 715 Thanatos Admits Defeat

"Lord Thanatos, we were attacked by the "Fairy Elite Soldiers"!"

The member of the Dark Faction who had lost one of his hands rushed to Xanatos anxiously.

Xanatos frowned as he looked at the severed arms of his relatives.

"The rampage of the "Fairy Elite Soldiers" was already determined when they first chose to use flesh and blood to support them, but how could they hatch so quickly?"

It will take several hours for the hatching "Fairy Elite Soldiers" to fully grow up with the support of flesh and blood, and they should not start hatching so soon.

The culture chamber is placed deep to one side of the entrance.

If Loki's family members choose the other side, the breeding room will hatch normally, that is, in a few hours.

If the Loki Familia chooses to enter the training room, then if the Loki Familia does some irritating behavior to the "Fairy Elite Soldiers" who are absorbing flesh and blood to hatch in the training room, then the "Fairy Elite Soldiers" will be forcibly hatched.

The forcibly hatched "Fairy Elite Soldiers" are definitely different from the normally hatched Fairy Elite Soldiers, but it is definitely possible to destroy the Loki Familia.

But the news that Thanatos received just now is that his family members are resisting the advance of the Loki family members with all their strength, so how did the "Fairy Elite Soldiers" that should hatch after a few hours directly hatch?

Xanatos's face changed slightly, and he couldn't help but have a bad premonition in his heart.

"Is there really someone else on the other side!?"

Sanatos had previously speculated whether a third party other than the Guild and Ennio was involved. After all, it was said that the Guild and Ennio were responsible for the previous incident.

It's a little inconsistent with the guild and Ennio's style of doing things.

Even if Ennio is the real dark faction, he will not kill the dark faction. After all, Ennio still wants to use the dark faction. Even Ennio's final plan is to kill him to achieve Ennio's control over the dark faction.

As for the guild...well, the guild would not do such a despicable thing. What's more important is that once the guild takes action, the evidence left behind will be too great, and Ouranos will definitely not take action.

Before, Thanatos also wondered whether the guild and Ennio had reached some kind of tacit understanding when dealing with the dark faction.

But now combined with the abnormal incubation method of the "Fairy Elite Soldiers", Sanatos has every reason to suspect that there really is a third party.


Thanatos covered his face with a helpless smile. He didn't expect that it turned out to be what he originally guessed. He didn't expect that his guess, which he didn't take seriously at the beginning, turned out to be the most correct answer.

"It seems that everything is under the control of that third party, even the immortal elite soldiers."


Heart-rending screams came from the dark passage, and soon a black shadow quickly jumped out.


Those who hadn't shouted out the last words had already been beheaded, and the rest of the dark faction's remnants were also slaughtered by the shadows one by one.

It wasn't until the black shadow completely stopped that Thanatos could clearly see what the black shadow was.

"Fairy Soldiers".


Thanatos lamented clearly in his heart. He did not expect that he would be forced to a dead end by a third party force that he had not discovered.

While Thanatos was waiting to be slaughtered, the "Fairy Elite Soldier" just glanced at him and slowly walked to the other side of the dark passage.


Xanatos' face became extremely ugly. As a god, he could accept his own failure, but he could not accept being despised like this!

But the vicious curse could not be uttered in the end. Sanatos knew that the loser had no right to refute. This was the rule of the game.

The gods have formulated the rules of the game, and those who need to abide by the rules of the game are the gods.

As I said before, gods can afford to play and let go.

As long as you still lose in a head-to-head confrontation, no matter what conspiracy or trick is used, if you lose, you lose.

The losers can only be forced to accept the rules set by the winners, which are the rules of the game set by the gods.

Finally, Thanatos breathed a sigh of relief and shook his head helplessly.

"Forget it, I'll just accept the winner's rules."

"At least before returning, I should also meet who is the person who fooled us all?"


At this moment, the projected picture has changed into four sides.

The first side projects Bell's back as he turned around just after speaking. The second side shows Thanatos walking toward the darkness with a face full of grief and anger but helplessness. The third side shows Dionysus and him calmly accepting his failure and walking into the darkness. The only child now, as for the fourth side, it is the struggle of the Loki family.

Although there are many people staring at the struggle of the Loki Familia, more people are still staring at the remaining three projections.

.........Please give me flowers...

It's not because the battle between the Loki Familia is not exciting, it's because the information exposed by the other projection is even more explosive.

"Thannatos Dionysus... these two are really..."

Zeus covered his forehead and didn't know what to say anymore. These two guys actually fell into that brat's trap at the same time. They didn't even realize that they had been tricked until the end.

Should I say that brat is hiding deep?

"The two gods ended at the same time, but I always feel that this brat has other purposes.



"Enough is enough, but don't forget, this time is the day of crusade for the dark faction. If we don't give you some greater stimulation, I'm afraid the dark faction will resurrect in a few years.

Hera looked at this scene quite interestingly. Being able to hide behind the scenes and design such a big drama is not something ordinary people can do.

Probably due to the sixth sense from the goddess, Hera always felt that Bell had some plans behind his back.

Moreover, in such a big drama, it is the end of the dark faction. If they just surrender in the end, it seems that there is still a long way to go.

Or should I ridicule those two idiots for thinking too simply?

Being able to suppress it for so long just to drag the ground into chaos, it is not difficult to think about whether those rats will continue to curl up in the sewer like rats, waiting for the next opportunity.

"Tsk, tsk~ That guy Bell did a good job."

Zeus felt that such stimulation was enough, but Hera still felt a little worse.

"So, I'm afraid the next step is the key."

Hera was also quite surprised at the vitality of those mice.

The dark faction had already existed in her and Zeus' time, but they were suppressing it at that time. Even if there was someone who wanted to jump out to oppose, where would there be any room for those guys to play?

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

"Isn't this enough?"

"The purpose of that brat is nothing more than to cover up his identity as a Hestia Familia, completely strip off his current identity, and then reveal some secret information that would scare us gods to death."

Zeus reacted instantly.

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