I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 717 God Killing!

"Then, God Xanatos, let's start the final processing.

Bell did not cut off the last and most important question, but started the final topic after the topic here ended.

"That's fine."

Xanatos also looked indifferent. To him, it was just being sent back to heaven. This was just the price that the loser of the game had to pay.

Seeing the disapproval on Thanatos' face, Bell's eyes flashed with a cold light under his hood.

He took out a pair of gloves from the four-dimensional space and put it on his right hand.

Without any extra words, he used "God Killing" in his hands, and Bell's body quickly turned into a ray of light and appeared directly in front of God Thanatos.

At a time when none of the parties involved felt it, he suddenly took action.


Bell's gloved right hand stabbed through Thanatos' heart.


The unprecedented pain caused Thanatos' indifferent expression to become distorted.


A mouthful of hot blood couldn't help but spurt out of his mouth.

And at this moment, the hand that penetrated the heart of God Sanatos grabbed something and quickly pulled it out in the next second.

An eight-sided glass body stained red with blood appeared in Bell's hand.

Bell glanced at the divine core in his hand and smiled at God Thanatos who was about to collapse while clutching his chest.

"Thank you very much. If it weren't for your cooperation, I wouldn't be able to dig out the divine core hidden deep in your soul in one go."

"You...kill God...for real"

Faced with Thanatos' questioning, Bell was very innocent.

"Didn't I tell you before? I will send you on your way. I never said I would send you back to the "heaven", but I would send you to a place you have never seen before." Dead end."

Thanatos was trembling all over, but the life was disappearing from his body bit by bit, and soon he became a corpse without any ability and fell to the ground.

But gods don't die so easily.

The soul as Thanatos soon floated up from the corpse.

"Damn it!!!"

It seems that the resentment of Saint Natos in his soul state is not ordinary.

"Boy, wait for me, wait for me..."

"Liberating divine power? Liberating power?"

Bell didn't wait for God Xanatos to continue speaking and directly expressed his thoughts.

Sanatos paused for a moment, but he soon tried to liberate the divine power that he had sealed, but he found that he could not change the seal, or even be able to unshackle himself in the seal, or even be tightly sealed.

This situation made Thanatos panic as never before.

"Why!? Why can't the seal be unlocked?"

The corners of Bell's mouth raised slightly.

"Yeah, what?"

"Why is it that the seal that the gods can control independently cannot be controlled? Why is this? Why is this?"

"Pfft hahahaha~"

Finally unable to bear it any longer, Bell couldn't help but laugh. After laughing enough, he slowly stopped and explained.

"Because, this seal was not a seal that existed for you to control yourself from the beginning, it was only a seal that existed to shackle you.

"From the beginning, this seal didn't just exist to allow the gods to better experience life in the lower realm. It was not a simple limiter of divine power. That seal not only limits the power and power of the god, but also limits the power that the god can use to its maximum extent. "

"After being put on this seal, the gods can only stimulate the power, thereby triggering the possibility of self-destruction."

"However, as long as the divine core hidden deep in the soul of a god is dug out, it is unrealistic to even cause self-destruction.

It can be said that self-detonation is something that can only be done when the divine core is still in one's soul.

As long as the divine core is not in the god's own soul, even if the divine core is still connected to the god's soul, it will no longer be able to self-destruct.

"How can it be…………"

Xanatos was beginning to doubt life a little at this moment, because everything was the same as what this unknown boy said.

But soon Thanatos calmed down a bit.

"So what?"

Yes, even so, Thanatos is very sure that there will be no problems. Everything is just that he does not have the right to control independently, which does not mean that he will face death.

"Even if you can dig out my divine core, can you kill me?"

"The gods cannot be killed."

After hearing this conclusion, Bell just smiled and nodded in agreement:

"Hmph, it seems your mind is quite normal."

"Please don't get me wrong. The reason why you are immortal is not due to your own personal reasons. It is just because the power connected with your soul brings you to the market."

"There is garbage among humans, so what humans need to do is clean up the garbage."

What is the reason for the existence of gods? Perhaps he is the only person in the world who knows the most clearly, so Bell realizes that gods are actually no different from humans at the beginning of their birth, but the situation of gods is more special.

"Because power is one of the rules of the world, the rules of World 563 cannot be affected by the death of mere gods. Therefore, this is the reason why gods are immortal and can be reborn in heaven even if they die completely."

At this moment, there was no trace of respect for the gods in Bell's words.

"But now, it's not like we can't clean it up."

After hearing this, Thanatos couldn't help but mocked:

"It is precisely because I have enough understanding that I can understand that gods are pure rubbish.

"Just like the god Ikelos who was killed by me before."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

"I know God better than anyone else."

"After I gradually gained a clear understanding of the world, I finally understood the circumstances under which gods were created.

Those rude words made Thanatos's soul twitch with anger.

But faced with this kind of irony, Bell didn't feel angry at all. Instead, he continued to explain.

"That's right. If you do it to this extent, it will only abolish all the means of resistance that the gods can make. It does not mean that you can completely kill the gods."

“But cleaning up the trash in the gods is a little more complicated.

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