I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 732 There Is No Limit If It Is Not Written

[Name: Bell Clonney


Development ability:




·Kill God:E→A









"Four-dimensional space":


"Royal Thunder":

·Quick Attack Magic

·Envoy of Thunder and Lightning


"Personal training":


·Double the experience of fighting powerful enemies


•High luck

"The Desire of the Poor":

·Accumulate power

"Seven Deadly Sins":







Bell's ability value is still so exciting, and his growth rate of 27 degrees is much faster than ever imagined.

Not only the ability values ​​of the five basic attributes exceeded the limit, but even the durability and magic power once again exceeded the limit of the previous level.

"Well, the durability and magic power can continue to grow. It seems that the current values ​​have not reached the limit."

Listening to the abilities Hestia introduced to him, Bell understood that his durability and magic power still had room to grow.

"Then, do we still have to wait?"

Hestia asked tentatively


But Bell shook his head slightly.

"Although there is still room for continued growth in magic power and durability, there is no room for continued growth in strength, agility and flexibility. Continuing to specialize in the growth of magic power and durability is just a waste of more time."

Considering the actual situation, it is still feasible to continue to study the growth of durability and magic power, but the subsequent growth of durability and magic power may become very slow.

If we look at this problem from an overall perspective, then continuing to focus on the growth of durability and magic power is actually a serious waste.

"Hestia, just help me upgrade now."

"Well, wait a minute and I'll start."

Hestia agreed, and at the same time her fingers began to upgrade and update.


"Depend on!"

At this moment, no matter whether it was the Zeus Familia or the Hera Familia, they couldn't help but jump up.

Looking at the four-digit ability values, strength, agility and flexibility have all reached an astonishing 1999, durability and magic power have reached 2312, and the other has reached 2278. Is this a height that normal adventurers can reach?

The limit of ordinary adventurers is 999. You can imagine how much this 1999 surpasses ordinary adventurers.

Moreover, even the 999 limit for ordinary adventurers is not a level that any adventurer can reach. To reach this extreme height requires a very talented adventurer.

Alfia has reached it, but even Alfia has not reached 999 in all aspects, but has reached the agility and dexterity that he is good at, and his magic power has exceeded the limit of 999 for ordinary adventurers, reaching 1001.

Alguaia, who had accomplished this step back then, was already qualified enough to challenge the Level 9 "Empress". You can imagine how important it is to go beyond the limit.

But now Bell's five attributes have all exceeded the limit, and it didn't just break through 2 points like Alguaia, but broke through 1,000 points.

Looking at Bell's strength, agility and dexterity reaching 1999, this should be the limit of limits.

But looking at Bell's durability and magic power, 2312 and 2278, this is another limit breakthrough after the limit breakthrough.

This is no longer a height that normal people can reach.

"This kid is simply not human."

"I originally thought Alguaia was a monster enough, but now compared to Bell's abilities, Alguaia can only be regarded as ordinary.

"Well, it is indeed too ordinary. This kind of ability value must not have been achieved only now. Bell must have reached a similar height before when he upgraded."


Only then did everyone who was reminded react.

"Isn't that kid..."

Now everyone was even more stunned.

"This time he has accumulated enough ability points, and he will definitely upgrade to Lv. 7. In the past six months or so, his upgrade speed and accumulation of ability points have been as fast as flying.

Everyone quickly focused on one of Bell's skills.

"Personal training".

This skill has two characteristics: "early maturity" and "double the experience of fighting powerful enemies".

It looks very simple, but it is this simple introduction of skills that makes it even more unusual.

"Lord Hera, what is the trait of "premature"?"

Although everyone has been an adventurer for a long time, it is still unclear what kind of trait "premature" is. After all, I have never seen such an introduction in the past.

""Premature"... I didn't expect to see it in this child.

Hera really didn't expect that the introduction of "premature" would appear on Bell.

"Premature maturity is indeed a very special trait. It is a trait that can accelerate the rapid growth of adventurers. That boy was able to grow to this point in half a year, in addition to his own efforts, there is also the effect of this skill."

However, Hera always felt that something was strange.

In a sense, this is really cheating.

But judging from Bell's situation, it seems that the effect of the "premature" skill is still maintained, and it is still effective even now.

Zeus' explanation made Hera raise a brow.


Not writing restrictions means there are no restrictions.

There is no need to look at what happened next.

"Everyone should go back and prepare. We will try our best to get back within a month."

"It went on too long."

Good guy, I originally thought that guy Bell was very abnormal, but it turned out that his skills were also so abnormal.

Zeus's sudden words 400 made Hera react. Yes, the skill "premature" is very special and rarely seen.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Zeus already knew very well that Bell had no security issues at all in Orario, and even said that his presence would cause security issues for a large number of Orario gods.

Level 6 is not considered a "precocious" level, it has even reached a "mature" level.

"Okay, that boy's matter is over for now.

"The description below of that kid's skills only says "premature", but it doesn't clearly state the limits. That means there are no limits.

But can the skill of "premature maturity" be maintained for such a long time?

This time Zeus didn't even want to go back.

He had to have a good talk with Ouranos, and he had to use some brainless guy to think of Hestia.

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