I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 756 Creating Factors That Stimulate Aisi’S Growth

"If you just want to see your parents one last time, I don't mind if you use this method of destroying yourself to grow up."

Riveria didn't know what Ais had done to make Bell describe Ais as "destroying herself", but Riveria also knew that Bell must have seen something that they couldn't see, and understood Ais. The situation has moved towards self-destruction.

However, the key point of this sentence may not be that Ais is on the road to collapse. The key point should be "I just want to see your parents one last time."

In other words, Bell has a way to let Ais not only see Arya and Allen? After receiving this answer, Riveria's heart was like a huge wave.

But, is this true?

But, how can it be true?

In the secret underground workshop "220", there are two more utensils that are different from usual.

Two vessels of nearly two and a half meters are considered quite tall.

The vessel can be seen to be filled with a strange solution, and two drops of scarlet liquid can be seen floating in the center of this pile of solution.

As the owner of the workshop, Bell watched quietly.

"let's start."

After the start command was given, the entire solution seemed to be boiling, and the two drops of scarlet liquid floating in the solution began to boil. The liquid began to expand very quickly, and the two drops of scarlet liquid multiplied rapidly in the solution like bacteria.

"The speed of cell division is still very fast, but the consumption of life solution is also quite large."

Bell held his chin, his face still full of confusion.

The solutions contained in the vessels are called "life solutions" and are special solutions condensed from the aura emitted by the astonishing elves.

This solution can be quickly absorbed by the body as if it has vitality, accelerating the body's recovery, and even accelerates cells to absorb nutrients and divide quickly.

That is to say, because it has a very powerful effect, if it is slightly improved, it can be sold as an excellent recovery potion.

But for Bell, these things are not for sale.

Of course, the main reason is that Bell doesn't want to work in this area.

It is quite troublesome to compete with Orario's medical family members for business. Song Yao's casual attack would be regarded as a positive provocation by many family members.

Bell doesn't need that much money now, so there is no need to offend those medical families.

As for the other reason, it is naturally that Bell is too lazy to do such troublesome things.

Bell looked at the two vessels in front of him and scratched his hair irritably.

"Ah, this is actually very troublesome and a waste of time for me."

A year was very tight on his budget. Under such circumstances, the matter at hand seems very troublesome.

Although the matter in front of Bell was a trouble, it was completely meaningless to him. But he also needs to consider accelerating the growth rate of the "Sword Lady". Sometimes he needs time to grow. Maybe it's not that his own growth is too slow, but that the "Sword Lady" cannot meet his standards.

"The growth of "Seven Deadly Sins" pollution is meaningless. Only by giving her positive stimulation can she further accelerate her growth. "

In fact, the speed of pollution will be faster, but pollution needs to take Loki's mood into consideration, so it cannot be done.

Bell felt his head hurt when he thought about such restrictions.

"Forget it, just think of it as the road to mastering various powers. Anyway, that is also in my one-year plan.

Considering the benefits gained from giving up the "Favor System" and "Shape Moon System", Bell is ready to give up "Rune".

However, this kind of preparation is not done now. It is to completely squeeze out all the functions of "Rune" in the next year, use it as a cornerstone of one's own growth, and then completely abandon it. .

After all, Bell can be considered a relatively frugal type.

Anything of value needs to squeeze its utilization value to the limit, otherwise it is a wasteful behavior.

Rune is a kind of magic with great development potential.

Almost all capabilities can be simulated through different sequencing. Although the power is slightly weaker, it can still be considered to have 80% of the power of the original version, and it can be considered to cover almost the entire scope of power...

So, this is also one of the moving forward projects in the next year.

After thinking about it, Bell no longer complained as much as before. After all, the whole process must have been very painful for him.

It's not that he doesn't want this process to proceed quickly, but because the "life solution" reserves are no longer enough.

Now this giant cell has begun to slowly adapt to the growth situation, and is even constantly absorbing the energy in the "life solution" to replenish it for another birth form of life.

.....If the people around her can help her do this, I won't have so much trouble. "

It’s not that it’s impossible, it’s that an ordinary body simply cannot bear it.

"The birth of life... is truly miraculous."

Bell frowned slightly, but he still took the initiative to stop the rapid growth of cells in the vessel.

Bell didn't think there was any problem. It was a waste of time to complete the capabilities from the experimental topics.

"Spend some time today to deal with things here, and have a good talk with "Sword Princess" tomorrow to stimulate some of her positive emotions. "

The body is still very fragile. As long as it is slightly unfit, it really dares to give up at any time.

"Tsk, as expected, creating a body [simulating the birth of a body] is such a waste of energy."

But it's useless to say anything now.

The most important thing is that this energy must also have the characteristics of life. Simple magic power is not enough to supplement the birth of the body.

"We need to pause here."

His eyes stared straight at the amount of red liquid that gradually increased, and then formed a condensation of large cells in the solution.


"Now 4.0 needs to condense a large amount of "life solution". Well, it can also be regarded as an enhanced understanding of life and time, so it is not a big problem.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Since the companions around Aisi are not strong enough to provide Aisi with enough nutrients to grow at this stage, Bell can only try special methods.

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