I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 759 The Limit Of That Couple’S Souls Is One Year

At nine o'clock the next morning, Bell had already gone out.

Yesterday, I had made an appointment with Aisi to meet, so naturally I couldn't make the meeting time too late.

After a simple wash, Bell left Loki who was still resting in the room and headed to the Loki Familia.

Through the tunnel in Loki's room, you can directly enter the interior of Loki's family.

Feeling the exciting but restrained atmosphere inside, Bell was slightly surprised.

"Have you brought the situation within the family under control so quickly?"

When I came here three days ago, I could clearly feel that the family members were filled with the joy of mastering power and the desire for stronger power.

But in just three days, this desire was restricted.

No, it's more accurate to say that these desires are better sorted out. It's not that it's blocked, but it's better to turn desire into the driving force for progress.

"Those three must have put in a lot of effort to manage this kind of family members."

Bell didn't know the hardship behind this, but he was sure that that person was definitely exhausted during the day.

Considering the hard work of those three people, Bell would naturally not make too much noise within the Loki Familia. After all, she would only talk to 137 Ace about certain things.

Bell is very sober about Ace's room.


"Not in your room?"

Continuing to expand the search for aura, Aisi’s specific location was confirmed. It's just that this specific location makes Bell not sure where to say it.

Ais is in Riveria's room.

Because he had inspected it before, Bell was very sure that it was Riveria's room.

This discovery gave Bell a strange look on his face.

Well, girls can be in the same room.

Riveria is from the royal family of elves, and although she also has issues like mysophobia, Ais is a child raised by Riveria, so there should be no rejection.

But the nominal mother and daughter still share a room at their age. Isn’t it too good of a relationship?

Bell shook his head to end his random thoughts.

If it was Aisi's room alone, he could go directly through the space. As long as he blocked his five senses, there would be no problem.

But it would be rude of him to do this if there was Riveria in the room. Maybe Riveria had already picked up the wand and smashed it down on his head as soon as he appeared.

To avoid that situation, Bell decided to go directly and knock on the door.

The road to Riveria's room is not curved, it just goes straight ahead.

Arriving at the door of the room, Bell raised his hand and knocked gently on the door.

"Knock knock knock!"

The sound of getting up could also be heard vaguely in the room.

"Hold on."

It was Riveria's voice.

Bell also waited outside for a while.

In fact, girls sometimes wake up very quickly. No, the door opens after five minutes.

A fully dressed Riveria appeared in front of Bell wearing the most appropriate clothing.

But Bell still noticed some details.

For example, some of Riveria's emerald green hair is still sticking up.

For example, there are not many traces of cleaning on the face, just simple wiping. This does not look like a serious case of mysophobia.

"Five minutes is still too anxious."

Bell muttered something silently in his mind, but his eyes still temporarily shifted their direction.

"Good morning, Deputy Captain Riveria.

Looking at the boy in front of her, Riveria felt very complicated at this moment. But she still tried her best to maintain normal etiquette.

"Good morning, Bell."

"Deputy Captain Riveria, I'm here to see the "Sword Queen" today. "

"I know."

Riveria naturally knew the purpose of Bell's arrival today. Ais had already made some things clear to her yesterday. But it was because of Aisi’s words yesterday that Dian Wei Liya Ming (chbh) couldn’t sleep well for nearly a night.

She took a deep breath, took a step forward, and lowered her voice.

So, what you said to Ais yesterday are true?"

Bell naturally knew that Riveria was a smart person, and smart people often have much stronger understanding and imagination than ordinary people, so he could naturally understand what he meant by what he told the "Sword Queen".

"This is just a kind of stimulation. The specific situation can only be known after seeing the parents of "Sword Princess". The extent to which the underground city has eroded them is something I can't guess without seeing it, but..."

"But what?"

Riveria, whose rhythm was taken away, still couldn't hold back.

Bell raised his lips slightly.

"But according to the condition of their souls, it shouldn't be deeply eroded. I'm afraid they will put part of the soul fragments on the "Sword Queen" for this purpose, so that they can still deal with " Sword Princess" show mercy. "

After getting this answer, Riveria felt a lot more at ease.

Although the topic just now was that she was being led away, this answer was indeed reassuring. Moreover, what Bell means in his words is not to say that as long as the erosion does not reach a certain level,

So can Arya and Ellen's souls be saved?


The sudden turn of events made Riveria's just relaxed mood rise again.

"If it were in the past, it should be possible to at least guarantee the erosion of the souls of "Sword Princess"'s parents. But now that the soul fragments of "Sword Princess"'s parents have returned to their original bodies, it's time to race against time. "

This moment made Riveria nervous, and there was a hint of urgency in her voice.

"How long will it take now?"

"About a year. Their souls can still remain uncorroded for a while. Once this time is exceeded, their souls may be completely hopeless."

Bell gave this answer calmly.


This time was really too short, and it made Riveria look very unhappy.

"In other words, if the souls of Arya and Allen cannot be saved in the next year, they will really die?"

Bell shook his head slightly.

"They will not die, but will become puppets in the hands of the dungeon, completely losing all rationality. Even if the "Sword Queen" sees them, I am afraid they will not show any mercy to the "Sword Queen". "

This answer can be said to be quite bad.

Riveria realized that this year might be Ais's last chance. Only by seizing this opportunity could Ais have a chance to save her parents. But one year is too short. For Ais, it is impossible for her to grow much in this year.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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