I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 768 Get Ready, Go Back!

“Through self-sealing, the self-evaluation level of the “favor system” can be reduced without reducing one’s own strength, thereby gaining more experience when challenging monsters of the same level. "

"This is a kind of fraud on the "favor system". "

Bell delivered a very bad line straight away.

Fraud, this word is not uncommon among adventurers, but it is really new to use this word when facing the "favor system".

You must know that it is the gods who created the "favor system".

The act of defrauding the "favor system" is actually equivalent to defrauding the gods. There is no doubt that if outsiders know and publicize this, it is a major sin against the gods.

Of course, only Bell can say this.

Likewise, only Bell dared to use runes to take advantage of the "favor system". Another person might not be able to do such a thing.


Ace's eyes suddenly shone. She didn't notice how bad the word "fraud" was. She noticed another problem.

"Teacher, does this mean that I can quickly gain combat experience in this way?"


Bell is quite confident about whether he can gain more experience.

"Ais, you should remember the battle against the "Filthy Fairy" during the expedition, right?"


Ais nodded, how could she not remember that battle?

Everyone in the family clan used almost all their strength to deal with the "Filthy Fairy". After using Haruhime's power to increase their level, they barely defeated the "Filthy Fairy" and got a chance to be promoted.

Especially Finn, Grace and Riveria were all promoted to LV.7 after returning to the ground in that battle.

"That's my actual operation of the "favor system" fraud. "

This matter was still a secret at the time, but now it is no longer a secret, and Bell said it without politeness.

"That is a trial based on the premise that the adventurer does not know the situation of the challenge object."

"In fact, the "Filthy Fairy" was completely controlled by me before you arrived. Basically, I was controlling the "Filthy Fairy" to fight against you. "

"Although this is true, none of you knew it at the time."

"And afterwards, it also proved the possibility of achieving great achievements."

Controlling the "Filthy Fairy" seems unrealistic to anyone. Perhaps it was because of this that the ten frauds on the "favor system||" went so smoothly.

However, Bell was not at all proud of completing this feat. To him, it was just a test of the "favor system".

It's not that only he can do this, but only those who meet certain conditions can do this.

No one has tried it in the past, perhaps because no one has considered a specific plan to defraud the "favor system".

Of course, the more important point should be not to use the fraudulent behavior of the favor system on yourself.

Altruistic behavior is simply a joke in Orario, and no adventurer would do such a stupid thing.

Therefore, only Bell who is stupid enough and needs to perform altruistic behavior can do such a thing.

Having said this, Bell's words contained some regrets.

"But the fact that it only works for other people disappoints me."

If it has an effect on himself, maybe Bell can use this as a basis. Instead of challenging the Level 8 Fairies, he can achieve great achievements by transforming himself into a Level 8 individual.

It's a pity that I can't do this.

.....Teacher, if other people hear what you say, they might strangle you to death.

Ace really didn't know how to express her regret for Bell, she felt a bit...pretentious.

Of course, Ais knew that Bell had absolutely no intention of doing so, and he was probably just stating his "regrets."


Bell no longer cared about what others thought. As for the question of whether he wanted to strangle him to death, Bell could only say that those people probably couldn't do it.

Those insignificant things Bell quickly threw aside.

"Ais, now go back to the igloo to repair it, and then you have to go back."

Aisi was stunned for a moment, obviously she didn't understand the meaning of "go back".

"Teacher, where are you going back?"

This slow reaction gave Bell a headache, and even made him feel that this man had been hit on the head by a rock in the previous battle.

"Have you forgotten that it's only been three months since I came out?"

"The phased training is over. The next step is to go back to the family to see the fruits of my research and your practice."

Aisi, who had been much slower to react, finally remembered that this was the case.

Seeing Aisi's dazed look, Bell couldn't help but want to knock on this girl's brain to see if there was water in it. Why did he feel that the more he fought, the slower his reactions in life became? ?

Could it be that he really added all his points to the battle? Bell was already worried about this.

Bell knew before that Aisi would be slow in some aspects, but if Aisi, who had been taken away by him for three months of training, became slow again in life, who knows if Riveria would settle the score with him?

But going back and verifying that this won't change.

""Let's go."

The battle that just ended can be refreshed here.

Just like today, my right arm is completely damaged.

Although Bell can help her heal her injured body, the worn clothes cannot be saved, so occasionally there will be a problem of insufficient clothes.

The training here is actually very fulfilling. For Ais, she has begun to get used to the life here, fighting at a set time every day, and occasionally training against Bell.

Considering that this is not a "safe zone", Bell set the corresponding results at the beginning of construction.

The only bad thing is that the wear and tear on clothing is too high in battle.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

Yes, the two of them lived in this ice and snow world for three months without going back to the family members at all.

It was under such circumstances that Bell and Ais lived in this area for nearly three months.

After the battle, Bell took Ais back to the place where she had been living recently, a temporary shelter built with ice bricks.

Sometimes when faced with this problem, even on exercise days, you need to go back to it to change it. For Ais, this is very slow.

When you walk into the shelter, the temperature inside is significantly higher than outside.

Sometimes it's the top, sometimes it's the bottom.

"Yes, teacher."

It can cover the atmosphere around the shelter, and use the weather factors on this floor to create greater wind and snow for stronger shielding.

As long as you get high, there will definitely be various problems with your clothes.

Here you don’t have to worry about heart failure, and your physical strength can be protected to a certain extent.

This trimming mainly involves changing clothes.

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