I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 779 Two Worlds, One Old Lady And One Sponsor

"The world Artemis lives in is also a fairly complete world. Of course, there are a lot of troubles there, but the gods there are not as easy to talk to as the gods here, and most of them... ….”

Bell was at a loss for words at this point. What should I say? Does it mean that most of the gods over there are insane?

"Most of them are terrorists and crazy!"

Bell was a little scrupulous, but Artemis had no scruples at all and directly exposed the mental symptoms of the god over there.

"Most of the gods over there are crooked guys, and it is quite common for them to poison ordinary humans on the ground.

"Humans are struggling to survive there, and the world may even cut that time out as a Lostbelt because some pantheons were too violent in a certain era.

Artemis probably also knew what those crazy gods would do, so she gave a rough explanation.

"Of course, our world over there has given birth to "inhibitory power", which can somewhat control the sudden change of the situation. "

"But, sometimes I feel like my inhibitions often make some crazy moves."

Neuropaths account for the majority of the gods, so Artemis has become accustomed to the way those guys often get sick. Looking at the operation of "inhibition power" from the perspective of a diseased god, some people also think that "inhibition power" can be quite crazy at certain times.

"One represents the will of human beings called "Alaya Consciousness", and the other represents the will of the earth is called "Gaia".

"It is because of their maintenance that some crazy gods are prevented from going down to the world to cause trouble."

That is to say, because of the existence of restraint, it slightly limits the fate of some gods, and in some respects it can be regarded as completing the work of the police.

"It's just that in the process of this maintenance work, both "Gaia" and "Alaya Consciousness" hold different attitudes. "

"Gaia" believes that as long as the world is okay, the survival of human beings is not a problem. Therefore, they do not take into account the existence of humans at all in their behavior, and focus on the style of annihilating humans and gods together. "

"Alaya Consciousness is the other extreme on the opposite side of Gaia. "Alaya Consciousness" is the will of human beings, and sometimes "Alaya Consciousness" would rather sacrifice the world to require humans to survive from the cracks.

"Wow, so far away."

Just listening to Artemis's introduction, Hestia could feel the dire straits that humans in that world lived in.

"Either way it's the worst-case scenario for humanity."

"Yes. Whether it is the protection of "Alaya Consciousness" or the joint destruction of "Gaia", it is simply a disaster for humans caught in the gap. "

Hephaestus could understand the dire straits that humans in another world were in just by imagining it.

This is a fight between gods and mortals.

There is also a game between the inhibitory powers, and the ultimate loser of this game is definitely not the inhibitory power of any party, maybe humans and gods.

Bell temporarily interrupted the discussion about the world of Xingyue.

“Let’s put aside the structural issues of that world for now.”

“The world over there can make big moves for strength, authority, and even love, and it’s impossible to explain clearly what’s going on there in a short period of time.

The water in the Moon World is actually quite deep, and the problems of the gods here are complicated and serious. Even among humans, there are some who are particularly jumpy, and there is even a risk of invasion by alien gods.

There's really a lot of shit going on.

Compared with what happened on Xingyue's side, those things involving the dark faction were not that big of a problem.

Of course, this is just a small superficial difference.

If the "world" is involved and the number of times the world has been restarted is taken into account, I am afraid that the two worlds are evenly matched.

All (chdi) belong to the same level of trouble.

"Just talk about the connection between the two worlds, and even the fact that the two worlds focused on me together.

Bell took out the "Kuzi Kanesada" from the void.

"This sword is also the weapon used by the will of the "world" on the earth. "

"The knife was in my hand from the beginning. Obviously this is what the person meant."

Freya immediately became clear.

"No wonder you learned that special magic word in the first place."

Bell nodded slightly.

"This is rune, the all-encompassing power used by Odin, the great god of the moon-shaped world. Theoretically, rune can do everything within the scope of imagination. What is complicated is the weaving between different runes and runes. .”

Sixteen runes suddenly appeared.

Looking at these runes that had helped him in every possible way, Bell felt grateful.

"In the past, I still didn't understand why the omnipotent power of Rune fell into my hands, but now I already know."

"The reason why runes appear in my hands is not only to give me a certain insurance method when I grow up, but also to hope that I can use runes to familiarize myself with all the powers that I can think of."

"And those powers that I have mastered will become knowledge that I will never forget, absorbed by that sphere, and become nutrients for the growth of that sphere [helping that sphere to quickly improve.

"Although I haven't figured out what that sphere is yet, the purpose of my mother and the young lady is probably that sphere.

Basically, the purpose of those two "worlds" was clarified by Bell.

This is not to say how smart Bell is, but that some things appear unreasonable simply because no one knows the interests behind them. Once interests exist, some things become easier to understand.

Until the moment the sphere was born from his hands, Si'er knew that all the calculations might be clear.

As for the calculation between mother and the eldest lady, Bell didn't think it was anything. In order to get something, you always have to pay some price. You can't have everything good happen to you.

With this self-awareness, Bell doesn't have so many complicated emotions.

That mother was his biological mother, and the eldest lady was a sponsor for his early growth, but there was no such thing as negative emotions.

But Bell was particularly curious at this moment about what the sphere he had created was, which attracted the attention of two worlds to him at the same time.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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