I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 788 Confession Bureau

"I'm sure that their existence symbolizes corruption and filth, but I really didn't want to create them, and I don't know how they appeared in this place."

In short, "It has nothing to do with me!"

The four goddesses also understood what Bell wanted to express. In fact, they also had some guesses in their hearts. There is a high probability that those things have nothing to do with Bell.

It is not a recognition in a general sense, but simply a consideration based on strength and aesthetics.

Each of those dark guys is at the god level, and their strength is much stronger than that of goddesses like them. "Then how could these guys be created by Bell?"

According to the principle that the creator is stronger than the creature, no matter how capable Bell is, he must at least be at a god-level level to be able to create such a god-level thing.

Therefore, those dark things most likely have nothing to do with Bell.

"So, are those dark things arranged by the "world" around you?"

Hestia raised a possibility.

"Well...most likely not."

Bell dismissed this possibility outright.

"There is a high probability that cross-world operations will not be successful. The world barrier is still there. Therefore, there is a high probability that those things were created in this world.

Was Rahmu created in the wrong world?

Well, based on what is currently known, this is the most tenable guess.

Although it is still unknown whether there is Tiamat in this world, and it is also unknown whether Tiamat has the ability of the Sea of ​​Chaos, but darkness and corruption are still an important part of those things, so even if it is not Tiamat, there is Possibly creating Rahmu.

And according to what Hestia and the others said, those Rahmu surrounded him when he fell into a deep sleep. Obviously, from this point, it can be seen that there must be a relationship between those Rahmu and him.

Even Bell himself is sure of this.

But he didn't remember what he had done.

And now he doesn't have enough strength to make such an operation.

Strength is the key to answering this question, but it is the issue of strength that makes Bell confused about the connection between Rahmu and him.

I saw Bell analyzing with a strange look on his face.

"Actually, in various senses, those things seem, maybe should be made by me. But I don't have that kind of strength now々々.

Well, that's the key.

It was because the four goddesses knew this that they believed that Bell did not create those things secretly.

As for why those things exist, I'm afraid there is no way to know for the time being.

Because in the hearts of the four goddesses, even if those dark things were not made by Bell, they were definitely connected to Bell. Otherwise, how could those things appear to protect Bell when Bell was trapped inside his soul?

Hestia shook her head and did not dwell on the things that she could not figure out for the time being. Instead, she turned to another thing that needed to be known.

"The black mist represents darkness, depravity and despair, so the white mist should represent positive power, right?"

"Well, darkness represents despair, and white represents hope."

Bell explained.

This answer is not particularly surprising, but does the power of "hope" really exist?

He had already guessed Hestia's question, so he continued to confess.

"I personally really want to know where my "hope" comes from, but the person inside my soul told me that this is probably an accidental phenomenon. "

"Perhaps it is because of "hope" that my mother made so many arrangements for me. "

"And he also told me that many people are looking for "hope", but no one can find "hope". I think this "hope" should be that he is as good at escaping as I am, otherwise he would not be found and no one can find him. "

Suddenly a flash of realization flashed through Bell's mind.

"Could it be that the first thing I think of hiding when I encounter danger is the impact of that hope on me?"

"Or is it that the hidden ability of my initial development is also the influence of hope on me?"

In the past, Bell really didn't take his own development ability to heart. Instead, he felt that "hiding" this development ability was too close to his own liking.

He habitually hides himself in the crowd, and habitually prevents his name from appearing in front of the public.

Bell never thought of himself as a man of great ability.

It's like he never thinks that the so-called "the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility" and other nonsense, "the greater the ability, the greater the right" is the truth.

Once they want to jump onto a stage full of spotlights, the more capable people are, the more they want to get.

Freya nodded, that's what she thought, and she had other evidence.

But Hephaestus's face became even more complicated when she thought about it.

"So, Hestia is really lucky!"

Freya suddenly said something incomprehensible.

This conclusion struck Hephaestus like lightning.

Compared to standing in the spotlight, he prefers to stay quietly by himself.

So, it's a pity that Bell doesn't think of himself as someone who stands in the spotlight.


PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

However, Hephaestus received Freya's hint, already understood in his heart, and kept thinking in his mind.

"It is indeed possible. Hope is just a general term, and another word can also make sense. Just like despair (No's), there are many other terms.

Freya also feels this deeply about this, and at the same time she is also sad in her heart, why doesn’t she have such shitty luck?

Hephaestus's eyes lit up at this moment. If this was really the case, then many things about Bell would have explanations.

"You mean......"

None of the four goddesses paid attention to Bell's pause. They themselves were also thinking about what Bell said just now.

"If our guess is correct, then it is not surprising that Bell would show that skill when he has "hope".


"Hope... Hephaestus, do you think it's that one?"

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