I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 791 Going Out On A Date

"Darling, look at me today.

Wearing a blue dress and a simple white top on her upper body, she modified her overly prominent figure and showed some youthful and lively atmosphere. Coupled with her fresh and cute face, she made people laugh while walking on the road. I'm worried about whether it will turn people into humanoid self-propelled cannons.

"Oh~ It feels completely different from usual. 17

He was used to seeing Artemis looking sexy in a tube top dress at home, but now seeing Artemis' youthful look gave Bell a completely different feeling.

"I'm not very good at praising someone, but Artemis is beautiful today.

"Hmm~ I'm really not good at complimentary lines."

Artemis couldn't help but complain, but after all, they were already familiar with each other. How could she not know that Bell was not good at communication?

So when she just heard Bell say "one hundred zero" and "date" to her, she was really shocked.


"But since it was Darling who said it, no matter what kind of compliment it is, I will accept it.

He quickly came to Bell's side, hugged Bell's arm, and kissed him gently on the face.

"I think it's better to keep the good ones and skip the bad ones..."

Suddenly Bell thought of how many times he had told Artemis not to pounce, but Artemis never seemed to listen.

"You really just skipped it."

"Eh? Darling, what are you talking about?"

"Don't act stupid at times like this. Of course I'm telling you not to pounce on me every time."

"Ah, that."

Artemis reacted, but she didn't care that much. After all, you really shouldn't remember all of Darling's words. Well, just remember some of the things that are beneficial to you, and get rid of all the unfavorable ones.

"That's not a bad thing, Darling~"

"Darling always refuses to get close to me, just because of that coward, not because of my problem. Therefore, I judge that this is not a bad thing, whether it is for me, the goddess, or for Darling It’s all good things.”

Artemis said this with her chest raised and her head raised, without any guilt at all.

These words that were so shameless made Bell really helpless.

But in a sense, Bell couldn't refute the word "good thing".

Although Artemis's behavior every time she pounces on her is actually quite bad, the problem is that Artemis has a very good figure. She actually has a big buffer every time she pounces on her, so this thing is not good. Refute.

Seeing that Darling did not refute, the smile on Artemis's face became even wider, while she kept complaining about the coward in her heart.

"Take a good look! If you like it, you should take the initiative to do it. There is no one like you who just stays outside."

When she thought of the half-length image of a coward, Artemis became angry.

In fact, today is a really good opportunity.

You must know that it is very rare to be actively invited out by Darling for a date. It seems that Artemis should seize the opportunity on this date.

Artemis really wasn't worried about herself at all.

She has enough confidence in herself, and she has already received Darling's response from the side.

The biggest problem for her now is half of her body.


Artemis, who was inside, could naturally see the whole process, and also heard the other half's voice and Bell's voice.

Seeing the bright smile of her other half, she couldn't help but feel a sour taste deep in her heart.

Some things are really afraid of comparison.

Especially under the stimulation of Hestia and Bell's frequent close interactions, Artemis felt that the sourness in her heart was about to overflow.

Even half of his own body is like this.

Seeing herself chatting and laughing with Bell almost made her depressed.

It's just that the two people on the outside don't know what's going on inside.

At this moment, Bell and Artemis had walked out of the house and onto the streets of Orario.

Today's Orario Street is still as lively as ever. You can hear the shouts of many vendors soliciting customers, as well as the flow of many adventurers.

But this obviously isn't a problem for Bell.

He directly used the barrier to put some distance between himself and the people around Artemis, and also arranged some confusing barriers so that the people around him would not feel any 1089512... .

Since He came to this world, Artemis has not walked out of home a few times.

Except for a few times when she had to come out at the beginning of the divine meeting, Artemis stayed at home quietly at other times, rather than wanting to come out for some air.

You know, Artemis is more like a cold god than any other god in this world.

Yes, Artemis is a cold and cold god.

It's just that she won't show her cold side when facing Bell or the gods at home [but when facing other people outside, she never hides her cold side.

"There are so many people outside. Although each aura does not feel very strong, the number is very large, and there are several auras that are already on the same level as the heroes of ancient times."

Even the well-informed Artemis was a little surprised at this moment.

In fact, she knew about the situation in this world from the time she merged with the half-body, but relying on the "favor system" to create so many heroes, if the world she originally lived in knew, I'm afraid the gods would Everyone can't help but want to imitate.

"In the city of Orario, there are still quite a lot of people at Level 5. There are not many adventurers at higher levels. Adventurers above Level 5 are relatively rare.


"What you feel should be Level 5."

Bell patiently explained to Artemis.

"In addition, although the "favor system" is highly universal, once the entire world begins to spread the favor of gods, even the entire civilization will be completely changed.

"But this approach can only be suitable here."

Artemis felt the same.

"It's so convenient. Once all your attention is focused on this "favor system", your talents and talents will be greatly shortened by ordinary people.

"And after tasting some sweetness, it is easy to be controlled by the gods."

When she thought of the crazy operations those madmen would do after discovering the "favor system", Artemis was glad that such a thing did not exist in the original world, otherwise the world would have been ruined by those madmen.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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