I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 793 The Search Intensity Of The Gods

For Artemis, this city is as unfamiliar as arriving there for the first time.

The scenery of this city is quite attractive to Artemis, but she also likes some snacks made by the food stalls on the street.

"Miss, would you like to buy one to taste it?"

When Artemis stopped in front of a certain food stall, the owner of the food stall also took the initiative to promote his own products.

The nose twitched slightly, the fried food was still full of attractive aroma, and that was what was in front of me.

The outer layer of dough is fried until golden and crispy, exuding an alluring aroma and steaming heat at all times.

Artemis was fascinated by all this.

But she didn't have the city's coins with her, so at this time she could only look at Bell's.


"How many do you want to eat?"


Artemis was extremely greedy and said a number. Bell, who was about to pay, paused and whispered in her ear.

"You have the physical fitness of an ordinary person now. If you eat too many fried potato pancakes, you won't be able to eat other snacks later.

This sentence made Artemis freeze up, and then she became a little depressed.

"It's really troublesome...that one would be better."

Considering that her current physical fitness was at the level of an ordinary person, Artemis couldn't guarantee whether her stomach would be damaged by eating too much later.

Today was an important date, and she didn't want her physical condition to delay the event on such an important day.

"Boss, give me two hash browns."


The boss quickly wrapped two potato pancakes.

It's still hot when it comes out of the pan, but it's so hot that you need to eat it as soon as possible, otherwise it won't taste good after it cools down.

Bell handed over two coins symbolizing one hundred falis.

"Boss, there's no need to look for you."

"Um, but..."

The price of a potato pancake is 80 Faris, which is not very expensive. It can only be said to be the price of an ordinary beer.

The change was only 40 falis.

Although the change is not a lot of money, for a food stall, every money is very important.

This is related to the credibility of the snack bar.

The boss looked embarrassed. He was running a small business and didn't want to hear bad words.

In response, Bell smiled and shook his head, then took Artemis's hand beside him.

"Today is a rare date for me and my girlfriend, and I also hope to have a chance to show off.

"I don't have many other things, but I still have a little money."

"I don't want my girlfriend to think I'm a fussy person.

He is the young master of a rich family. The boss glanced at the girl next to the rich young master. Well, looking at the clothes that looked very wealthy, she seemed to be a rich man.

I had just planned to find out the money and ran out of ideas. The boss put away the two gold coins with a grateful smile on his face.

"Thank you then, and I wish you a wonderful date."

Bell just smiled and turned around to leave with Artemis.

After the boss saw the person leaving, he put the two Faris away with a happy smile.

He is a small business, so the money earned from each business needs to be taken seriously.

Although 40 French dollars is not a lot of money, sometimes business needs to be accumulated like this.

For customers like this kind of wealthy young men who come out to pick up girls, "The boss really hopes that there will be more of this kind of wealthy young men."

"If there are more generous young masters like this, I can realize my dream.

The boss fantasized about such a good thing for a while, but quickly broke away from the fantasy.

People need to be realistic, but sometimes it is good to look forward to the future.

Artemis' eyes glanced back.

"Darling, why did you leave such a deep impression on that boss?"

Bell naturally had his own reasons and pointed his finger upward.

"Guess how many people in Orario are looking for clues about me right now?"

"There should be a lot."

Artemis really didn't pay much attention to the specific number of people, but she knew very well that if there was such a commotion as before, the gods in this world must have been upset a long time ago.

"Yes, a lot."

Bell smiled and nodded, then said a number.

"312 people.

"Since we came out together, 312 people have stared at the two of us more than twice. It seems that they are too unfamiliar with our impressions, so they acted subconsciously. In addition, the Lord God's instructions, "Stare at those faces. The guy who can’t see clearly."

"Those people are subconsciously confirming our identity."

The number made Artemis exclaim softly.

"'"so much!?"

She really didn't expect that so many people would be watching her and Bell when they walked out, which made her look around carefully.

"Now, is there anyone still watching us?"

The question made Bell laugh.

"So, Artemis, do you think there are more adventurers in this city? Not ordinary people?"

"Of course ordinary people."

No matter what, the majority of people in this city are ordinary people.

Adventurers have indeed come to Orario from all over the world. This is a paradise for adventurers, where they can get everything they want. But even so, if the basic construction and equipment in a city, as well as the families of adventurers, are included, it is still a city with a majority of ordinary people.

Artemis was stunned for a moment, then laughed too.

"So, they treat us as ordinary people?"

"That's right. Although adventurers who can't see their faces need special attention, ordinary people who can see their faces clearly don't need special attention (Li Qian's)."

"You still let them see our faces clearly?"

Artemis was a little surprised.

"Of course it's not our true face. If they catch some flaws, those guys will definitely pounce on them like hyenas. Therefore, I still arranged a barrier to make them perceive the mistake, but it gave them An ordinary face."

Naturally, Bell would not expose his true face directly. That kind of behavior would be too dangerous, so he still gave him a fake face.

Bell has almost reached the end of his secret journey. How could he let a group of ordinary adventurers catch him?

"The gods have predicted that I might not appear outside, and even if I did appear, it would be someone whose face could not be seen clearly. Therefore, as long as they can see the face clearly and do not expose themselves, then all their preparations are gone. use."

Bell is the kind of person who makes preparations before going out.

PS: Happy New Year everyone!

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