I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 802 The Next Growth Plan

Returning to the shelter on the 76th floor, the strong chill swept over me again.

There was no fluctuation in the expression on Ais's face. It had become a habit for her to have her whole body covered with magic power. Even if she was not on the 76th floor, her whole body would always be covered with magic power.

This shelter built of ice bricks has no thermal insulation. It is absolutely impossible to live here without any strength.

But don't worry, Bell and Ais are not weaklings without strength, but strong ones who can adapt to changes in the environment.

Ais came to her ice bed and sat down, looking at Bell expectantly.

"Teacher, what kind of training are we going to do next?"

Regarding training, Bell has naturally already thought about it.

"Next, we will continue to follow our previous training methods, and we will not block your skills for the time being. You have just entered Lv. 7. Even after adjustments, I am afraid that you will not be able to immediately form the previous combat power. You still need to adapt to you as soon as possible. situation."

"Take two or three days to select all the dragons on this floor. After completing this step and fully mastering the power at this stage, we need subsequent floors.

The 76th floor is still a bit troublesome for the current Aisi. However, as long as she adapts to the power at this stage, even if the power of "Revenge Princess" is sealed, Aisi will not be able to deal with the dragons on this level. So difficult.

But this will have to wait until Ais adapts to this stage of power.

It is definitely not possible to adjust the power outside the dungeon. It is most appropriate to adjust the power in the dungeon.

Therefore, the next two or three days will be the stage for Ai to adapt to his strength.

"You should be able to calm down now, right?"


Aisi nodded, indicating that she was very calm now.

Although what she knew made it difficult for her to calm down, Aisi knew that what she needed at this time was to calm down.

There should be no hot-headedness in battle. Only by being calm can you face the battle better.

Life is life, but when it's her turn to fight, Aisi still won't bring the irritability in life into the battle.

"In this case, Ais, I will start to teach you what to do if the weapon is lost during the battle.

After Bell confirmed that there was nothing wrong with Ais, he told her what he would teach Ais in the future.

Aisi has mastered the previous magic control very well, and the next step is to use magic and magic in more detail.

Most of the magic awakened by the "favor system" does not need to do this.

For most magic, you only need to adjust the fluctuation and output of magic power, and cooperate with chanting spells to release powerful and destructive magic.

However, a small number of magic awakened from the "favor system" can do this.

For example, Ais's awakened "Wind Spirit Rush".

This is the legacy left to her by her mother's identity as a fairy, which allows Ais to use simple liberation words as incantations to use magic.

In addition, "Wind Spirit Rush" is an additional type of magic that can enhance one's own speed, defense, and attack. It is a simple but manipulative magic.

This is what makes Ais different from most adventurers who have awakened to magic.

Ais' magic can be very controllable, but other adventurers do not have this characteristic.

Therefore, Ais only needs the magic of "Wind Spirit Rush", which is enough for her to be ranked as an adventurer in Orario.

It was also based on this that Bell wanted to teach Ais about the deeper use of magic.

“Just rest tonight.


Aisi didn't have any doubts about sleeping here today, as she had heard Bell say before, "Exercise has become a daily routine, then daily routine is the best exercise."

Aisi already had enough understanding of this sentence.

Within the Loki family.


Riveria's shouts sounded outside Aiz's room door.

After waiting for a while, because there was no response in the room, Riveria, who was standing at the door, frowned and called Ais' name this time.


In order to prevent Aiz from falling asleep in the room, Riveria's voice became louder this time.

But there was still no response from the door.

What's going on? Riveria had a bad feeling in her heart.

He did not continue to call Aisi's name, but directly turned the door handle and went in.

The unlocked door was easily opened by Riveria from the outside.

As expected, there was no sign of Aisi in the room.

Riveria frowned and immediately came to Ace's bed and touched the temperature on the bed.

His sensitive fingers felt that there was still a trace of warmth remaining on the bed, but it was already starting to get colder.

This is evidence that the person has been gone for some time.

Riveria took a deep breath and immediately went to the cupboard and opened it.

Sure enough, all the clothes in the cupboard were taken away.

At this moment, Veriya was very sure that Ais was taken away by Bell.

This gave her a headache.

"I was taken away again."

But Riveria, judging from the previous situation of Ace's return, if Ace continues to be taught by Bell, it is very likely that Ace will become Bell II.

In fact, Riveria also knew that Bell's teaching methods were still very strong, especially since Bell himself was a lone wolf.

As I said before, a week is really just a week's rest time for Aisi, not even one extra day.

But what can 670 do about this?

Riveria calculated the time carefully, as if the rest time of a planet had come.

But this gave Riveria a headache.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

There must be someone on Loki's side, but Loki will definitely not call Ais back. Although she didn't know if it was an illusion, Riveria could clearly feel that Loki had a laissez-faire attitude toward Bell's help with Ais' training.

As a lone wolf, the most suitable person to teach is naturally the lone wolf Aisi.

At least Riveria admitted that she couldn't do it.

And in terms of results, Bell's teaching to Aisi was undoubtedly successful.

Everyone has been taken away. "Can we still call people here now?"

Now Riveria could only pray like this.

"Bell, do you want to be so punctual?"

In three months, Aisi's ability value has grown so much, almost reaching the peak that Aisi can achieve by herself. This is not something ordinary people can do.

She didn't have Bell's contact information.

She now needs to convey the news that Ais has been taken away to Loki and Finn, so as to prevent Ais' disappearance from becoming a major event within the Familia.

"Hey...Bell, I hope you don't teach Ais to become a useless person."

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