I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 809 Five Months? Time Suddenly Became Tense

"So, do you still need to wait for internal improvements?"

Sphere hidden in higher dimensions appears.

Watching it continue to grow, the difference is that this time, after Bell has enough understanding of it, he can already feel that it is gradually beginning to have an internal structure.

Even the sphere itself was not unresponsive.

"It seems that my mastery of powers can indeed speed up your self-construction. How is the progress now?"

Just a slight rotation of the sphere alerted Bell to its condition.


This speed is a bit faster than Bell imagined.

It has only been a few months, but the construction progress has been so fast.

The sphere responded quickly.

"Because I am connected to the human history of this world, can I absorb despair and hope faster and speed up the construction?"

"I see. It actually uses despair and hope as materials, and even needs a lot of power as an auxiliary. Can't this thing of yours be made by anyone else?

Bell was surprised by the material used to make the sphere, but he also wondered whether it could be made by an individual as long as he met certain conditions.

Sphere did not provide any reply to this question237.

Bell nodded slightly, and he had a little understanding.

"Because I don't have self-awareness, I can only answer some of my current situation and let me know the progress and situation of the manufacturing. Can the rest just wait for my own exploration?"

From now on, the answers given by the sphere are all questions related to itself, so you can make such a guess.

As for whether this guess is accurate, I am afraid that we will only know after further digging.

"So, how long will it take to complete all the construction?"

Because it has a direct relationship with itself, the sphere directly gives an approximate time.

"Five months?"

This time is really much faster than imagined. It only takes five more months to complete something of this level?

Bell suddenly remembered that he had only given Aisi five months to grow up, which made him narrow his eyes.

"I see, it seems that this time unconsciously has become my time."

"That being said, I better need to complete all my homework within five months."

This made time tense all of a sudden.

He originally thought that the extra three months would be his spare time, but who knew that his time would become so tight.

Bell took a deep breath and continued asking questions.

"So, do I need to meet the standards as soon as possible?"

Sphere quickly gave the answer.


“Is it best to meet the standards as quickly as possible?”

After getting the answer, Bell couldn't help but smack his lips. This answer was really not surprising at all.

"I see that Xi can no longer live comfortably like that "filthy fairy"※. For my upgrade, I have to turn it into my qualifications as soon as possible.

Originally, he planned to take action slowly, but the answer from the sphere could only make Bell change his mind.

No matter what, these five months are considered his deadline. Before the deadline arrives, all preparations need to be made.

Bell, who was thinking, suddenly raised his head and looked in a certain direction.

"Is it getting faster?"

"It seems that your situation is very similar to mine, Ais.

With that said, Bell got up from his hospital bed and walked outside to pick up Aisi.

There are some barriers placed outside the shelter. It is almost unrealistic for Ais to find this place independently.

Aisi, who had just arrived at the entrance, was waiting right there.


The teacher's breath appeared, and Aisi immediately turned her head.


Bell carefully observed Aisi's situation and then praised her with appreciation.

"Yeah, (chae) is a little faster than I expected. Moreover, his breathing is still stable, and the magic power on his body shows no signs of collapse, unlike just now when he didn't control the magic power well."

Ais blushed slightly, feeling a little embarrassed when she thought that her magic power had not completely withstood the severe cold.

It's like an adult being praised, "You're so awesome, you didn't wet the bed." Is this a compliment? I'm afraid it's not an insult.

Bell was a little surprised to see Ais blushing rarely.

"Are you so embarrassed? I just gave you a positive compliment."

"I know. But teacher, I should be able to do it. It's just the basics, but..."

So that's it. Bell saw the unspeakable shame on Ais's face and instantly understood what she meant.

With a smile on his face, he explained his judgment.

"Don't doubt your abilities, Si.

"You are a very good adventurer. In many cases, you can quickly absorb some combat experience and adapt to harsh environments quickly."

"Although what I just said is the level that should be achieved naturally, that is not your level, but my level."

"I'm not looking down on you, it's just that my requirements for myself are a little higher."

In fact, some standards are inappropriate for others to hold, and Bell himself knows why.

The growth rate of oneself and others is different. Forcibly instilling one's requirements on others will often only lead to one result. The spirit and body of the person being instilled exceed the pressure threshold and explode directly.

Some conditions that suit him are not suitable for others, which is one of the reasons why Bell is difficult to teach.

Bell can teach aliens like Ace, because the more alien they are, the closer they are to Bell's standards, so they can be taught.

But the more ordinary it is, the less suitable it is to be taught by Bell. Because most of Bell's teaching abilities were copied from himself, the standards he set for his students were almost 30% off his own standards.

"After all, even you have only been training according to my standards for three months. Since I came to Orario, I have been training according to my own standards. After such a long time, it is inevitable that I have higher requirements for myself. Some."

But Ais tilted her head when she heard the teacher's explanation.

She clearly remembers that the teacher came to Orario not even a year ago. Aisi remembered that she had lived in Orario for sixteen years.

If the teacher has very high demands on herself, what are her demands on herself?

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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