I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 817 Give A Big Gift To The Filthy Fairy

Three hours later, Bell opened his eyes again while sleeping on the ice bed.

Bell sat up from the ice bed and turned to look at Ais, who was dressed and sitting on his bed, staring straight at him.

What's wrong with this kid? Bell looked weird.

In fact, Bell's consciousness has been awake since Ace came back just now, but he was still mentally exhausted and didn't pay too much attention. But who knew that Aisi's eyes were just staring at him and refused to let go. If he didn't know that Aisi had no other thoughts, maybe Bell would really be worried.

"Ais, is there something on my face?"

Bell couldn't help but start to doubt himself a little.

But Aisi shook her head slightly.

"Teacher, I'm thinking about the "Filthy Fairy" thing. "


Bell suddenly froze when he heard "Filthy Fairy", and then his expression became even weirder.

Are you thinking about "Filthy Fairies" and staring at me like this?

"Is the "Filthy Fairy" thing that important? I've been sitting on the bed for three hours and you're still thinking about it?"

"Three hours...Did the teacher not sleep the entire time?"

Aisi reacted immediately when she heard the exact time.

Bell waved his hand slightly.

"I fall asleep all the time. This is just my habit. Because I often live in the underground city, I am used to using runes to pay attention to the surrounding situation even in deep sleep to ensure safety."


Aisi's eyes are a little bright. This technique is good. You can also pay attention to the surrounding situation while sleeping.

However, Aisi's divergent thinking soon returned, and her face was still full of worry.

"Teacher, will there be no problem facing the "Filthy Fairy"?"

Bell was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the reason why Aisi was staring at him so directly before.

Although he was very happy in his heart that he was cared about by this student, he was also a little helpless while being happy.

"Ais, next time you have such an idea, just say it."

Aisi blinked her eyes, then nodded in agreement, and then stared straight at the teacher, obviously wanting to know the answer to the question just now.

Seeing that Ais wanted to know so much, Bell did not break her curiosity.

"In terms of pure basic attributes, I am definitely not as good as the "Filthy Fairy". "

"The pollution in the dungeon can internally reverse the fairy spirit, but the pollution in the dungeon will also strengthen the fairy spirit.

The principle is similar to that of blackening three times stronger.

Pollution is like completely opening up the mechanisms in a living being's body. Even physical fitness that was slightly insufficient in the past can be greatly improved.

This is of course not Bell's guess, because he himself is the one who controls "desire", and he has the ability to pollute others, and even temporarily increase the strength of others.

Of course, this improvement comes at a price.

And this kind of price is generally not something that just anyone can bear.

"But this kind of pure excellence in ability is the situation I hope for more."

"Why is this?"

"Of course it's to achieve greatness."

Bell's naturalness made Ais, who was filled with doubts, stunned for a moment.

Then Aisi remembered that she seemed to have experienced the teacher's arrangements for upgrading.

Then it dawned on me.

"So, the teacher hopes that the "Filthy Fairy" can be stronger so that it can serve as a great cause for the teacher's promotion. "

"But what if the "Filthy Fairy" is too strong? If it exceeds the teacher's expectations, then isn't the Dirty Fairy very dangerous?"

Bell nodded slightly, not avoiding the danger involved.

"It's really dangerous if you don't control it. But that's only if you don't control it."

"I'm well aware of the differences in quality between humans and monsters, so naturally I won't directly collide with a filthy fairy without any preparation.

No matter how stupid you are, you won't act so irrationally.

Bell admitted that his abilities in all aspects are very good. In addition, the ability value at each level is close to 2000, and his magic power and durability exceed this limit.

But even so, Bell didn't think his basic abilities could compete with monsters.

After all, monsters are stronger than ordinary adventurers in terms of basic abilities.

So after facing the monster, it is really risking your life to force yourself.

"That person's soul was partially stripped away, and he even lost his guardian. Even if he wanted someone to help him find food, it would be too difficult for him to restore Xia's missing soul under such circumstances. .”

When he thought of this, the corners of Bell's mouth raised slightly.

"It won't work if He is weak, so I am ready to return His soul to Him."

With a snap of Bell's fingers, the soul of the "Filthy Fairy Factory" was released.

The last time I used a ritual to connect this part of the soul to the "Filthy Fairy", there is still a mark. If I let go, this soul can follow the mark and return to the "Filthy Fairy".

It just so happens that you can give the "Filthy Fairy" some preparation time to accept the soul before coming to your door.


Aisi asked with question marks on her head with confusion.

"Teacher, the preparation you are talking about is to return the soul of the "Filthy Fairy" to it?"

Well, the kid didn't understand. Bell rubbed his forehead out of habit, feeling that he should speak more frankly.

"Ais, do you think that if your soul is torn apart and you have been cultivating it for a long time, it still hasn't healed? Then one day your torn soul suddenly comes back, wouldn't you be very happy? "


Therefore, Bell was not afraid that the "dirty fairy" would not eat it from the beginning.

If you want to deal with the "Filthy Fairy", it is inconvenient to attack from other places, but it is very convenient to attack from the torn part of the soul.

Ais knew that the teacher had always controlled this part of her torn soul.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

It is definitely right if the teacher targets this part of the soul.

"It turns out that this is what happened to the soul."


What if?

Since it's a trap, wouldn't it be fine if you don't step into it?

As long as the other party doesn't want to die, he will want to fight.

After being guided, Aisi paused for a moment, and then her face suddenly became clear.

What if the bicycle turns into a motorcycle?

"He doesn't need to find out, because I have no intention of hiding it from Him."

Ais felt that she could see it all, so it was not like "the filthy fairy couldn't even see this."

"But, He should know the reason why I put my soul back. So can He, who has an incomplete soul, deal with me?"

"But, what if the "Filthy Fairy" is smart enough to discover it?"

"Then you will 670 want to quickly take back this part of the torn soul?"

"He, from the beginning, had no choice but to step on the trap I threw. If He didn't seize the opportunity, he would die this time."

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