I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 825 Punishment

After admonishing Ace, Bell returned home.

"I'm back."

Just after Bell spoke out, a figure quickly jumped towards him.

This discovery made Bell immediately subconsciously insert his hand into the figure's armpit, and then spoke out of habit.

"Artemis, how did you...Loki?"

Subconsciously, he looked at the person he was clamping, and what he saw was not Artemis as usual, but Loki.

Bell watched Loki remain silent for a moment, then subconsciously turned his head in another direction, and then caught Artemis and several other goddesses who had not started running.

This made him shift his gaze back to Loki.

"Loki, why are you following Artemis's tricks?"

"It's not you yet!"

"Huh? Is this my fault?"

Bell couldn't understand how Loki could blame himself for his mistakes, and - what did he do wrong?

"Hands, put me down first."

Loki pointed to the hands under her armpits unhappily. She was just like a child now.

Bell paused slightly and slowly placed Loki on the ground.

Faced with Loki's sudden attack, Bell asked a little confused.

"Loki, when did you start studying with Artemis?"

"I'm so stupid!"

Loki simply rolled his eyes back, slowly came to Bell with an unhappy face, and hit Bell's chest hard with his head.

"Tell yourself what's going on?"

"I've only been back for less than a week, and you've made such a big noise at home, and I'm still there without even knowing it. What on earth do you think?"


"What a ghost!"

Bell suddenly realized why Loki had reacted so aggressively this time.

But it seemed that his reaction was too ordinary, Lu Ji scolded him fiercely again.

Bell said a little embarrassed.

"Actually, when I knew that you were being targeted by many gods, I decided not to tell you for the time being."

"You actually have a lot of troubles over there, and you are still using me as a shield. If I told you at that time, you would definitely not be able to help but rush back quickly...

"Isn't that natural?"

Bell sighed. He knew Loki would react like this, so he didn't want to rush to tell Loki.

"Because you have now appeared in front of the gods, your reaction will be captured immediately by the gods, so you must not show such strong emotions.

"Then do you think your decision is excessive?"

Loki was silent for a moment and asked with a very unhappy mood.

She was really a little angry this time. If Bell didn't give her a perfect answer, she would definitely rush back to her hometown in anger.

"Yes, I think what I did went too far."

Loki almost laughed out of anger. This bastard didn't know what he was doing was too much.

If you knew it was too much, wouldn't you inform her?

Don’t you know she is the “God of Deception”? Isn’t it difficult to deal with those gods who are still in the guessing stage?

"But I feel that if you expose your close relationship with me now, you may not be able to live in peace in the future.

Loki wanted to say, "Do I care about that kind of thing?", but unfortunately she suddenly remembered the family she had established.

As a god, she can fool him, but her relatives are not capable of fooling him.

Once her relationship with Bell is exposed, her relatives will definitely be annoyed to death by those gods.

Thinking of this, Loki was like a deflated balloon, no longer as if he was about to explode.

"Ahhh! I'm so angry!"

Loki, who couldn't blame Bell, was so angry and grumbling that he couldn't find a way to vent his discomfort.

If it doesn't make sense in normal terms, then use the reason of special status.

"Bell, buy low."

Bell thought Loki was going to give him a headbutt, so he lowered his head without much thought.

But what met him was not a headbutt, but a kiss.

It's just that this kiss is not so gentle, it has a bloody taste.

Loki grabbed his collar and pulled him in front of him.

"Listen, I need to know all important things about you as soon as possible from now on."

"It has nothing to do with those complicated reasons. It's just because you are mine and I have the right to know about you as soon as possible.


"Did you hear that?"

Loki showed her attitude directly.

Although hiding is actually the best for Loki, Loki doesn't want this best option at all. What she wanted was to know everything immediately, especially things related to Bell.

Bell could naturally feel Loki's attitude and determination, and the pain on his lip was still reminding him. This was the punishment for not telling Loki this time.

"I heard."

The punishment he got was already clear, and Bell knew it was his fault.

He didn't want to taste the taste of blood in his mouth a second time.

Next time, Bell was sure Loki wouldn't bite him so lightly.

"Ah, very good."

Bell, who had been punished, naturally had no intention of hiding it anymore. Hiding some things all the time would cause side effects.


Only this time, Bell was really wronged.

"Actually, the time I originally expected has become shorter."

"Now I have no choice but to advance the originally expected time."

"The main thing when I come back this time is to upgrade."

After feeling relaxed, Loki understood why Bell came back at this time.

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me your review and price.

"This time it's really not my problem, but it's reminding me to try to get everything done before it's done."

"You and Ais have only been away for a week, why did you come back so soon this time?"

This time it was not just Loki who stood up, but all the goddesses in the entire family stood up.

Well, the cut on the lip is a warning.

Loki immediately tasted some other flavors, raised his eyebrows slightly, and immediately turned back, staring at Bell with sharp eyes.

After the punishment, Loki felt obviously much better.

Bell subconsciously licked the wound on his lip. The slight pain reminded him that he needed to be more careful when speaking.

"Upgrade? It's only been a week, are you so anxious?"

Everyone's eyes were fixed on Bell, hoping that Bell would give them a perfect explanation.

Those scarlet eyes carried a warning of "Don't lie to me this time."

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