I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 833 Challenge To Parents

"Ais, don't be so mysterious next time.

Riveria looked at Ais who was buried deep in her arms. She couldn't even sense it this time. One can imagine how far Ais' skills have been used.

At this moment, Riveria had the same idea as Finn and Grace.

"It's finished, I've really become Bell II now."

Aisi responded very perfunctorily.

Change is impossible to change, and the changed action pattern will not change no matter what.

Therefore, whether you agree is a promise, whether you will do it or not is another matter.

Apparently Riveria had fully understood Ais's attitude at the moment. She sighed, already understanding in her heart that Ais would never be able to become what she was before.

"Has this qualitative change begun to occur in three months?"

The real change should come from the last time.

At that time, Aisi had changed from a sharp blade that was out of body to a sheathed blade.

Now Aisi's changes are even more obvious.

The blade was no longer sheathed, but had completely lost its edge. No matter from any angle, Aisi could not feel the threat, just like an ordinary person.

Of course, Riveria would not regard Ais as a child without any threat.

Therefore, the changes must have been made under your influence 773.

The elf's sense of smell is quite sensitive, and it was only at this moment that Riveria smelled the smell of sulfur on Ais's body.

It's not a bad smell, but a smell that doesn't exist in Ais itself.

"Ais, is that smell on your body caused by the environment in the dungeon?"

Three months ago, Aisi didn't smell like this.

"That's the smell of lava."

The smell of lava?

Only then did Riveria recall that it was indeed the special smell emitted by the magma.

"So Ace, where are you and Bell now?"

"Floor 87."

The eyelids of the three pillars present twitched.

Three months have passed, and now I can directly cross more than ten floors.

The span of time is not very big, but the span of floors is really huge.

You must know that this transition of more than ten floors is not the middle layer and the ordinary deep layer, but the transition from the 74th floor to the 87th floor.

To be honest, this speed is a bit too fast.

Especially after the three people knew that the later floors were not so easy to pass, they were even more certain that the subsequent floors (addj) were not simple floors that could be easily passed. I am afraid that the time and energy required by a team is completely beyond the limit. imagination.

Especially considering the issue of material consumption, I am afraid that each layer in the later stage will require a lot of energy to cross.

These two people crossed so many floors casually, making Finn want to learn from Ace.

But compared to problems, Finn still needs more critical questions.

"Ais, is it going to start next?"

Ais paused for a moment, not expecting Finn to ask this question.

After thinking about it, the teacher didn't say anything special about hiding it, so Ais didn't deny it and just nodded to admit it.

"That's it. I didn't expect you to grow up so fast."

Fenn looked at Ais with a little relief, who was still like a child, but Ais had grown up and was no longer a child, but ran ahead of them all.

Challenging Eren and Arya head-on is definitely not an easy task.

Those two couples are serious adventurers who stand forward and backward, and their cooperation is quite tacit. If you want to challenge them, it is almost equivalent to challenging two Level 8s at the same time. This difficulty is not ordinary high.

They definitely couldn't give Ais very good help, after all, the difference in strength could only be smoothed out.

"The locations of Ellen and Arya have also been confirmed?"

"Well, it's on the 90th floor.

"The end of the dungeon?"

There are two Level 8 opponents arranged in that position, which is simply a hellish arrangement for the challenger.

Finn, who has faced the hypocritical Level 8, can roughly analyze the level of strength of Level 8, which is a mountain that Level 6 adventurers cannot cross no matter what.

No, it's not even a mountain anymore.

That kind of gap is simply to the point where people will give in if they feel it.

It was because of this knowledge that Finn understood how futile it was to challenge the "Filthy Fairy" in the first place. It was just like asking for death.

Although the final result was that they won, that victory was just arranged, and it was not a victory through serious means.

Moreover, the strength of the "Filthy Fairy" must have been greatly reduced at that time, right?

At that time, maybe Finn didn't know where the strength of the "Filthy Fairy" was when they fought against them.

But now that he has entered the Level 7 realm, he already understands it very well.

The "Filthy Fairy" at that time was probably only at Level 7.

But as for Ais, it should be fine.

After all, Bell will definitely accompany Ais for his own purpose, so Ais still has a high probability of passing.

However, trying to pass with the appearance that Ais wants most may make things dangerous.

Finn can be regarded as someone who sees things clearly.

"Has the time been set?"


Aisi shook her head slightly. The specific challenge time still needs to be determined by the teacher's arrangements.

"I came back this time just to see what my abilities are."

"To be honest, even if mom and dad are good at letting go, they can't catch up if their own strength is too different from mom and dad."

Aisi is still very clear about her position.

She cannot overcome the high wall between her father and mother simply by relying on her strength, so she must face letting go.

But even if they let it go, I'm afraid her father and mother are very strong. For her, even a slight mistake will cause the whole game to be lost.

Finn nodded. Ace seemed to be ready, and Bell's side was next.

"All that's left is Bell."

"Speaking of which, Bell has crossed over to Level 8?"


Aisi nodded without concealment.

Finn, Grace and Riveria were not surprised. After all, they had guessed that Ais's parents might be the condition for Bell to enter Level 9.

Naturally, if you want to be qualified to enter Level 9, you need to have reached Level 8. Otherwise, how can you continue to move forward?

"How long ago?"

Aisi was silent and thought for a moment, and then gave a relatively accurate answer.

"Two and a half months ago."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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