I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 848 A Victory, A Transcendence

Ais raised her head and saw the teacher's right hand light up, and then heard the bell ringing throughout the space.


With the sound of a bell, Bell's momentum became even higher.

At this moment, Allen's body has not fully recovered. His right shoulder was completely cut off, and the entire left side of his body was blown to pieces by Aisi's small hurricane. Even if he can regenerate, the recovery speed will not be very fast. .

However, compared to Allen's body recovery speed, Bell's energy storage time is obviously faster.

In just three minutes, Allen's body fully recovered.

But at the same time, Bell is also fully prepared for the challenge.

At the moment Allen took action, Bell had already drawn his knife.

Time froze for a short time, and the sword light flickered throughout the space.


Space was distorted at this moment.

Pieces were shattered like glass. This scene was indeed a bit shocking.

As the center point of space fragmentation, Bell has withdrawn the knife into the four-dimensional space.

The bodies of Allen and Arya were shattered at the moment Bell put away the knife, just like the space being cut open, their bodies were also shattered together with the fragmentation of the space 297.

This time, their bodies did not regenerate at this moment, and even turned into ashes little by little.

Bell threw out two chains from his hand, completely capturing the two souls that were about to dissipate.


After the soul leaves the body, it will completely dissipate soon.

The soul is a type of energy. After this energy loses its carrier, it will soon become part of the world.

If you want to see it again, you have to wait until the world absorbs the power of the soul, and then let it grow again in other places.

This is what is called reincarnation.

However, as long as the soul is captured before it is about to dissipate and a suitable carrier is arranged for the soul, the soul will continue to remain.

That's what Bell is doing now.

Then there is a careful examination of the state of the soul.

"Well, it seems that the separation strategy is not very effective.

The strategy of dividing body and soul and completely abandoning the body is indeed very good news for salvation.

During the entire rescue process, Bell's biggest concern was that the souls of Aisi's parents had been corroded and contaminated.

If this is really the case, then things will be in big trouble.

If the pollution and erosion of the soul are not dealt with cleanly, putting the soul into the carrier will only further catalyze the erosion of the underground city.

Then Bell felt about his situation.

He held his hand gently.

"The feeling of breaking through is getting stronger and stronger. I even felt like I could be promoted at any time just now."

"It seems that the closer we get to a breakthrough, the stronger this feeling becomes."


Now Bell could finally relax.

The three-month goal has been successfully achieved. The next step is to enter Level 9, and the time to grow and stabilize after crossing to Level 9.

There are only two months left, which is quite tight in terms of time.

But compared to the previous three months, the next two months are not very thrilling.


After taking a breath, Aisi stood up from the ground with her knees on her knees, but she still couldn't wipe away the tiredness on her face.

After all, fighting high-level adventurers takes a lot of energy.

There are so many issues to observe and consider.

What Ais needs now is rest.

"Well, good job this time, Ace."

Bell did not hesitate to give Aisi his compliments. As his first and only student, Aisi's performance was really good.

"Facing an opponent who is obviously stronger than you, choose to attack with all your strength and gain the upper hand. The moment you cut off your father's right arm, you already won (bbag)."

"After that, you sacrificed your life. You gave your father his first death at the cost of losing an arm, which means that you have completed transcendence.

The first time was a win.

The second time is beyond.

Bell spared no effort in praising Aisi. The words "victory" and "transcendence" are a kind of praise for Ais' growth.

"Then comes your reward moment."

"I will naturally do what I promised you. Go find Loki tomorrow and she will bring you here."

"For today, just go home and have a good rest."

"Teacher, I'm not very tired either."

When she heard that it would be postponed until tomorrow, Ais no longer felt tired instantly.

But the response was a slap on the forehead from Bell.

"You're already tired."

"Besides, do you think this is a job that can be completed quickly?"

Ais covered her forehead and slumped like an abandoned puppy.

But she also knew that the teacher was right. Transferring the souls of her father and mother to new bodies did not sound like an easy thing to do. Even if she doesn't feel tired now, I'm afraid she will have to wait until tomorrow to complete it.

It’s just that Ais knew this in her heart [but she didn’t want to agree with it emotionally.


This look left Bell speechless. It took a certain amount of time for the soul to connect to the body, and the child was a little too anxious.

"Ais, I know you are anxious, but you'd better not be anxious first."

"That's not something that can be easily accomplished. It will take a day or two at the earliest. Even just a simple inspection will take a day or two."

"You don't have to think about it today, understand?"

"I see………………"

Seeing that the teacher couldn't let go at all, Aisi could only agree aggrievedly.

Otherwise, what else can we do? The teacher said that this process takes time, and this time cannot be conjured out of thin air, right?

Bell then snapped his fingers, and a tunnel leading to the Familia opened in front of Ais.

"Go back and come see me tomorrow."

Aisi took a deep breath, suppressed the expectation in her heart, and decided to go home first.

"Then I'll leave first, Master."

As soon as she finished speaking, Ais walked into the space tunnel in front of her.

After sending the students home, Bell also relaxed a little, then cut off the projection here, and his body relaxed a little.

"Thankfully they cut off their souls and bodies, otherwise it might not be so easy this time."

Bell shook his head as he spoke. He also felt a little tired at this moment.

Fighting with high concentration is quite tiring.

"I also need to go home and adjust."

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

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