I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 850 Place The Souls Of The Couple First

This time the challenge was the most rewarding for the two of them.

One of them is the main character of this challenge, Aisi Wallenstein.

Although her challenge this time did not directly defeat the strongest mercenary Allen, she was able to kill Allen once with a serious injury. This already shows that Ais has enough skills to enter Lv. .8 qualifications.

As for the second one, it is naturally Bell Cronny who directly participated in this challenge.

Directly defeating two mercenaries and fairies standing at the top of Level 8, using them as resources allowed him to take the crucial last step.

Finally, Bell finally got the ticket to Level 9.

But even after getting this ticket, Bell did not update the data immediately when he returned home. Instead, he checked the two "610" souls and put them into the carrier that had been prepared long ago. in.

Both Alan and Arya opened their eyes immediately after being put into their souls.

The first thing they felt was the emptiness of their bodies, and then the position of their bodies.

It's like a petri dish.

They try to breathe, just like babies in amniotic fluid. Their breathing seems to be provided by the liquid in the petri dish, and they themselves do not have the function of breathing.

Then their eyes locked on the boy standing outside the petri dish.

"Well, the placement of the souls went very smoothly. As expected, the bodies cultivated by direct bloodline can fully carry your respective souls."

After observing the compatibility between Arya and Allen's souls and bodies, Bell nodded with satisfaction.

The body used in exchange is indeed the most suitable one cultivated through direct bloodline, and there is not even a trace of rejection in the soul.

"But the physical quality is still not satisfactory."

The current physical fitness of these two people is actually not high. If they are strong enough, they are only by the standards of normal people. They cannot be compared with their peak years.

But there is really no other way.

After all, these two bodies were born only about half a year ago.

The solution condensed from swallowing so many elf trees can forcibly bring the body's strength to the level of ordinary people. It is already very high.

If you want to continue to strengthen, unless you use time to mature, this is the standard value that your physical fitness can reach.

"As for whether it can continue to be enhanced through acquired training, follow-up observation is needed to get the answer."

After Bell made the last note, he chose to seal the notebook directly.

Because from the observations of these two people, it was obvious that he would not do it himself, and Si Er did not have so much free time to do these things.

It can be said that he will have to hurry up in the next two months to catch up.

Even if there is still a surplus of time in the end, the surplus time needs to be used to consolidate and stabilize itself, not for research in other fields.

After sealing the notebook, Bell stepped forward and knocked on the outer wall of the petri dish.

"You two should know what's going on now."

"Your two bodies have been completely eroded by the dungeon, and the inside of your body has formed magic stone like a monster. After the magic stone shattered, your bodies turned into ashes like monsters."

"Originally, even the souls of you two could not be preserved. But you are really lucky. You have been preserving your souls so that the dungeon has not touched your souls for the time being. This way your souls can be preserved. possibility.

Having said this, Bell couldn't help but yawn.

I have always been in a state of mental tension, coupled with today's highly concentrated battle, it is inevitable that I will be a little more slack during this relaxing time.

However, Bell quickly adjusted to his condition.

"Aisi will come over tomorrow. Just stay in this petri dish today."

With that said, Bell didn't care what these two people thought, and left the underground workshop with a yawn.

As for the couple who were left behind, they looked at each other in tacit understanding.

People are in a petri dish, and their voices can't come out. But fortunately, the couple has had a tacit understanding for a long time, and they can still understand simple lip language.

[That kid can’t lie. 】

Allen exposed Bell's lie immediately...

[If you decide to save us on the spur of the moment, you won’t have to prepare your body for us. 】

[Our bodies should have been cultivated for a long time. That child had decided to use these two bodies to save us a long time ago. 】

This is an obvious fact.

Allen simply thought about it from his own perspective and got the answer.

Of course, Arya doesn't know what her physical condition is, but she is actually very healthy now.

Arya shook her head slightly, denying Allen's statement.

[It is said that we got blood from Ais to cultivate our bodies. 】

[Simply making a body is not something that can be done easily. 】

And what that child is doing now is resurrection.

[Moreover, most of the created bodies have uncontrollable defects. The biggest problem is that they have a shorter life span than normal people. 】

Especially when you feel that a large amount of liquid in the petri dish is a super expensive product, it is enough to understand the amazing vitality emanating from these liquids.

If resurrection was really that easy, then the resurrection documentation wouldn't be a taboo.

[And these materials are all part of the body we use now. I am afraid that this is why the body we use now is just weak. 】

But Arya clearly feels that the 3.0 body she is currently using is not that kind of product.

[These liquids are very expensive materials. 】

Arya didn't dare to close her eyes and sleep. She was afraid that when she woke up, the scene would be different from what she knew.

【Can simple blood create such a body? 】

The manufactured body often lacks a part of the key, which results in the artificial body having almost no benefits other than high cost.

Who knows if I will find out that this was a dream when I wake up tomorrow.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

Although Allen could feel that his body was weaker than ever before, he also understood that it was not easy to create such a body.

But now Arya couldn't sleep at all.

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