I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 865 Promises With The Goddesses

I should have known better.

The behavior of rejecting all outsiders is not only a sign of strength, but also a sign of cowardice. Because this is rejecting active communication between oneself and outsiders.

Inferiority complex is the feeling of inferiority that arises from feeling one's own weakness.

This feeling is the most obvious reason why Bell has always rejected outsiders.

It's like he was clearly qualified to say "like" from the beginning, but it took him until the very end to say these words.

As Bell himself said. With that kind of identity, that kind of status, saying that you like the goddess is completely a joke. The words at that time were meaningless, only those who are truly qualified are meaningful now.

"Boys are stubborn in this regard."

After understanding the reason, Hestia felt like she was going to be pissed off by Bell.

This child clearly knew what he was thinking, but he still kept silent. He just had to wait until all the conditions were met before speaking out.

Bell couldn't say anything and could only accept Hestia's call of "idiot". He knows he is a fool. He himself is not a smart person, so he behaves like a fool in many things.

His agility is more reflected in facing monsters and some things, but when it comes to emotional issues and personal problems, his stupid side is fully reflected.

Perhaps there were many choices along the way, but Bell knew that he had chosen the stupidest path. As a person with low self-esteem, longing for power and unrealistic desires, he walked his own path.

But as Hestia said, idiot, this is his title.

"Okay, Hestia, you're almost done."

Hephaestus couldn't help it when she saw Hestia's tendency to continue to rely on her.

"Bell's proposal is for all of us. You and Loki can just say a few words. Do you want us to talk about it now?"

Hestia, who was just about to drop by Bell, suddenly got stuck. She looked up and saw Hephaestus' scrutinizing gaze, which made her jump up from Bell's lap as if she was in emergency.

“Well…I haven’t even finished speaking yet.

Hestia mumbled and moved away.

Hephaestus rolled her eyes at Hestia, the idiot. Her eyes focused on Bell again, and her eyes gradually softened. She can probably understand Bell's thoughts, because she can be in the same position as Bell in some aspects.

"Bell, I can understand what you're thinking."

Hephaestus didn't have so many long speeches. She only said those words when she understood Bell's intention to reach a certain height.

"Boys and girls are in different situations. Girls can be reckless, but boys need to worry a lot. Hestia, this idiot, probably can't understand it. After all, this idiot has been just like Mi Chong from before."

These words made Hestia almost crawl into the cracks in the ground.

Lies don't hurt people, but the truth can cut a few holes in people's hearts.

"An ordinary child who has just come to Orario from the countryside feels a sense of strangeness in everything he faces. Even the goddess with whom he has contracted is also unfamiliar. You are not asking for anyone's help, you are just thinking Work hard to create whatever you want.”

"You don't believe in anyone, not even yourself. But you believe in the power you have, because only power will not deceive you and make you feel strange."

"So, when it comes to the goddess's love, you should be the one who feels strange, right?"

Bell was silent for a long time and then nodded slightly.

"That's right. How can I, an ordinary person, get the love of a goddess? I have always doubted whether I have the qualifications."

"I can't believe myself. After all, I'm just an ordinary person. I'm not arrogant enough to think that I have the charm to attract a goddess."

Lack of confidence and inferiority complex.

These are all psychological factors holding Bell back.

He was very polite to Hestia from the beginning. That wasn't humility, it wasn't that he didn't want to get it, it was that he wasn't qualified.

Bell has always kept in mind that the love between a goddess and a child from the lower world often ends in tragedy. This is very important [like a truth engraved in the heart with force, it has always made Bell very restrained when dealing with Hestia.

If it weren't for Hephaestus' initiative that time, Hestia would even be involved in the end. Bell will never do anything overstepping Hestia's mind before being fully prepared. This is the bottom line.

Several goddesses present couldn't help but look at each other, with a hint of helplessness in their eyes.

Now they finally understood why this child was so restrained before. It turned out to be the reason...

Hephaestus wasn't that surprised. She already understood Bell's thoughts and could naturally guess some.

"So, Artemis too?"

Bell subconsciously looked at Artemis.

"It was not my power that saved her. I just did a self-interested act at that time. I did not save her noblely, so naturally I cannot have such arrogant thoughts."

"When my favorite thoughts were equated with salvation, I knew that I needed to keep a certain distance from Artemis."

"Artemis can make impulsive choices, but I cannot agree with this impulse. This impulse often pays a price in the end. So I choose to wait. "Waiting for Artemis is not the time to be impulsive."

Knew it. Hephaestus sighed helplessly.

After clarifying this point, the reasons for Bell's restraint in the past are finally understood.

"You, although you are very emotional sometimes, your rationality often suppresses the emotional part.

"Especially in the face of the goddess's love."

In fact, Freya has the most say on this point.

"Yes, when you faced me, your resistance and alienation were really written on your face."

It can be said that she is the goddess who consumes the most energy. It was really because Bell at that time was too difficult to get close to, so she had to find another way to get to where she is now.

"Bell, your proposal to us cannot just be expressed at this time." 3.7 "We are goddesses, and our love will not be turned away. But if you want to formally marry us, you still need a more formal ceremony.

Freya's words put an end to this embarrassing topic.

She doesn't want to continue talking about the past. What she wants to see now is the future.

Bell didn't hesitate at all.

"It's a given!"

"I will marry you with the most grand ceremony!'

Freya readily accepted the agreement.

"Now that you have agreed, are the obstacles in front of you still obstacles?"

Bell took a deep breath, and his eyes became extremely determined.

"No more. I will definitely continue to move forward, and no one can stop my determination to move forward."

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

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