I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 869 Final Preparations For The Ceremony

After completing the "Removal of the Sect" ritual, Bell clearly felt that his strength and magic were suppressed in his body. It's like there are countless chains on the outside of the body that completely block this hidden power.

"The "favor system" is indeed a bit overbearing. "

Bell found out the current condition of his body and couldn't help complaining.

"That was done deliberately to give restrictions to the children of the lower world. If it weren't for the restrictions of the "favor system", "Can the children of the lower world treat our gods who have sealed the power as gods?~"

Bell was also convinced by Freya's words.

If there really were no restrictions on adventurers in the "favor system", I'm afraid some adventurers would have completely let themselves go.

The reason why God-killing cannot be done is entirely because of this restriction that adventurers cannot do so. Once you finish killing the gods and get on the blacklist of the gods, you can imagine what the future will be like.

"The gods seem to be well prepared. If it weren't for their deep understanding of the situation in the lower realm, I'm afraid they wouldn't have made such an arrangement."

Bell couldn't help but admire how far-sighted the gods were who could see through people's hearts. If those gods had not seen through the existence of many dark hearts among the people in the lower world, I am afraid that the lower world would have staged countless scenes of killing gods in Infernal Affairs.

"So, the purpose of "Jie Zong" from the very beginning was not to allow adventurers to retire, but to make those adventurers who committed crimes completely become useless, right?"

If so much processing has been done within the "favor system," then Bell can suspect that the purpose of "Jie Zong" from the beginning was not to completely keep adventurers away from disputes.

"indeed so."

Freya doesn't deny this either. The original purpose of "Jie Zong" was to punish those adventurers who made big mistakes and didn't know how to repent.

"However, you should be the only one who uses the punishment of "Resolution" to completely cut off the "favor system", Bell. "

This made Bell feel a little embarrassed.

But this is not something to be happy about. This function of punishing adventurers can be regarded as a ritual that is completely free from the restrictions of the "favor system". If they knew this, the gods who developed this function would probably be speechless.

But now that the matter has come to this, Bell is very grateful to the god who suggested the "solution". However, if according to his guess, if his guess is correct.

"Perhaps this function was originally developed just for me. It would be too forced to use the function of "Resolving the Sect" as a punishment, and there probably weren't many adventurers who were punished in this way in the past. "

"Developing a function specifically for those few people? There must be a limit to coincidence."

Bell couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

Several goddesses present also reacted.

Indeed, it is obviously not worthwhile to develop such a powerful "resolving sect" function for a few adventurers. There are very few opportunities to use this kind of function, especially the function of "removing the sect" requires the main god to perform a ritual. Isn't this even more nonsense?

It’s hard to imagine that the Lord God needs to use this function to punish adventurers.

Therefore, there is a high probability that this function is not a function developed to punish those adventurers, but a function developed specifically to help Bell lift the restrictions of the "favor system".

Bell couldn't help but sigh.

"Everything is according to Mother's plan."

"So, my initial guess about Mother's actions was absolutely correct. Mother was indeed looking forward to me taking a longer path.

That is to say, the current conclusion is reached only when the initial guess is correct.

Everything has gathered him here. Everything was arranged to get him on this path.

At this point, the influence of the "favor system" is completely eliminated. The chain that seals the power around the outside of the body is a kind of "punishment" and is also to temporarily limit the power that has been honed to this point. Waiting for the moment of promotion, the seal will be broken again, and all efforts will not be in vain.

"The next step is the promotion ceremony."

"Wait, Bell."

Just as Bell was about to go outside, Hestia stopped him.

Bell turned his head to look at Hestia in confusion, and Hestia revealed the reason for stopping.

"Bell, this promotion ceremony will be held at home. It is even said that it will be held in the living room."


"We don't need your protection this time. We want to be there to see the whole process of your promotion."

This reason makes Bell feel helpless.

"Hestia, the promotion ceremony may not just be held today."

Bell has no way of timing his promotion. After all, it was his first time to experience this ceremony, but the only thing Bell was sure of was that the promotion process might not end in one day.

"It doesn't matter, we have already prepared for this."

Hestia puffed out her chest slightly proudly. Her actions today were not unprepared. She had discussed it with other people in the family before today.

"That's right."

Loki's mouth twitched as he glanced at Hestia, who was deliberately showing off her figure. [She felt that this guy's unconscious behavior was often more provocative to her. But this time she just agreed to Hestia's proposal.

"For today's promotion, the little dwarf ran over several of us, just so that your ceremony can be carried out at home instead of outside.

Hephaestus slowly walked to Hestia's side and placed a hand directly on Hestia's head.

"This guy said, "The last time Bell detected the inner side of the soul, he was outside. I always felt that Bell was a little lonely. So [the ten promotion ceremonies must be carried out at home].

"Although this guy always makes strange decisions, this time I stand with Hestia. The last time you explored the inner part of the soul was because you were worried about our safety, but what about this time? You still want to consider it Our safety?"

That's what I think. But Bell said these words at this moment, because Hestia and the others were obviously ready this time.

But Bell still had some worries about the process of the ceremony. After all, Lakhmu was created last time [I wonder if these ten rituals will produce something like this?

But facing these five goddesses, Bell still couldn't say no.

"...I understand, I will prepare for the ceremony now.

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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