I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 875 Furious Loki

One day has passed since the expedition team of the Loki Familia returned.

But the next morning, a meeting of gods was proposed by many gods, and this time the topic was Loki.

Apparently Loki's direct showdown pissed off most of Orario's gods.

If Loki hadn't exposed it yesterday, we could still have a good discussion. But Loki simply regarded them as fools. Wasn't it just a deliberate attempt to ridicule them by exposing them so bluntly?

So, no matter what, Loki must say something this time.

Of course, this meeting of gods was not hosted by any god, but by Hermes, a neutral god.

However, Hermes, who was entrusted with the important task, looked embarrassed.

The moment he knew he was being pushed up by those idiots, he really wanted to squirt at those idiots.

"Don't you idiots know that Loki is not easy to mess with?"

"You idiots probably think that this crazy woman like Loki is the founder of a charity! Being surrounded by you guys like this, this woman is probably going to go crazy again."

Hermes' expression at this moment was very unnatural. If possible, he really doesn't want to stand in this place, nor does he want to be the host of this divine meeting.

"Ahem, Loki, you should already know the theme of this divine meeting, right?"

Seeing the troubled look on Hermes' face, Rocky couldn't help but want to laugh.

"Isn't it those guys who discovered the relationship between me and that child?"

"I really can't think of why these fools would mess with me. Are they still trying to get information about that kid from me?"

"It's really... I don't even know why I chose this option."

Loki said these words with a smile, but as he smiled, the ferocious look on his face began to become serious. The madness that he once had as an evil god was clearly revealed at this moment.

For a moment, the entire Shenhui scene fell silent.

The gods, whose heads were still hot just now, suddenly woke up. But after they woke up, their backs felt a little cold.


The ferocious smile on Loki's face slowly subsided, his eyes swept over these cowards, and he stopped talking when he asked them to speak. She unceremoniously put her feet directly on the table in front of her, and unceremoniously criticized these idiots who were targeting her and causing trouble for her.

"My family has one Lv.8, three Lv.7 and several Lv.5."

"Are you worthy of playing with me?"

Loki said this very rudely, almost as if I am the master of Orario.

"You guys wait until I feel better and play family games with you."

"But if you make me unhappy, do you believe that I will let you all die?"

These words were said so domineeringly that none of the gods in the gathering dared to speak out in rebuttal at this time.

At this moment they understood that Loki, who was full of arrogance when he was in heaven, did not disappear, but restrained himself. This restraint does not mean that Loki will change from the evil god to a good god. That kindness is just a manifestation of her abiding by the rules of the game.

Once this woman doesn't want to abide by the rules, no matter what kind of rules they are, they will be severely stepped on by this woman.

And according to this crazy woman's style of doing things. Once this woman becomes crazy, she will never let go of anyone who makes her feel better.


Hermes couldn't help but admire Loki's domineering speech.

Hermes also knew about Loki's encounters during this period. Loki's sudden outburst today was probably because he was bothered by these idiots.

[Tsk tsk~ When it comes to domineering power, it depends on Loki. "

"No, the idiots who were about to scream just now suddenly became sane."

Hermes felt that sometimes we really had to give these idiots some color, otherwise these guys wouldn't understand what it meant to push the envelope even further.

For what happened to these guys, Hermes could only use the word "deserve it" to express it.

"You're really looking for death."

He coldly glanced at these cowards looking for trouble, and with a soft hum, he slowly calmed down his arrogance.


Apollo, who was quietly eating melon in the back row, suddenly heard Loki calling his name. He was so frightened that the hand holding his chin softened, and his chin hit the table.

"Hey, Loki, I didn't bother you this time!"

Apollo, who cried out in pain, quickly added.

He was a pure melon-eater today, but he did not join the team that besieged Loki........ Otherwise, he would not have been sitting in the back row quietly eating melon today, especially When Loki broke out just now, he was not too happy eating melon next to him.

But before the feeling of pleasure subsided, his name was called by Loki.

This scared him.

……………I can tell. Even with his own eyes, Loki knew that this kid didn't dare to have such thoughts.

"So Loki, what did you ask me to do?"

"...Apollo, you'd better get up here quickly. Especially before I'm not angry.'

Apollo quickly changed his weakness in his legs and feet, stood up very neatly, and then stood beside those idiots.

PS: This time I was really tired and fell asleep early...

"Bullshit! I didn't know you bullied the weak and feared the strong?"

As long as he didn't cause trouble for himself, Apollo's mood would be much more stable.

"Fortunately, my image is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, otherwise I would be in a miserable situation right now."

"Loki, you...don't you want to kill me?"

"Come here and tell me what's going on for these 4.3 speechless cowards, and let me hear if these guys have any brains.

Although this kid usually dances very happily, this kid is a standard bully and shy of the strong. The real purpose is to attack people like the dwarf who apparently have no strength. This kid would not dare to attack someone with stronger strength.

Loki glanced at these useless cowards, saying they were here to cause trouble for her, but at this moment they all shrank like turtles and couldn't say a word.

He held the table with both hands, and his expression changed unusually quickly. While swallowing his saliva, he probed carefully.

If he usually hears someone saying that he bullies the weak and fears the strong, Apollo would probably want to see who the other person is. If the opponent is a soft character, then he must show his dignity and show off to the opponent. But forget it Loki, this guy is a ruthless character.

But the expression on his face was not calm at all, it was as if he was about to cry.


That's good!

Although Apollo also knows that such an idea is very shameless, but compared to life, it is just shameless. What is the use of face? It is of no use! Life must be important!

Apollo's heels gave way and he almost hit his chin on the table again.

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