I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 878 Changes In The God Meeting!

The best way to hide yourself is to join a family with almost no one.

As long as there is no one in the family members, then it is naturally the best way to hide their own information. There is no need to worry about your information being spread out by people in the same clan, thereby hiding your information.

So, that mysterious child obviously exists in an almost unmanned family.

But when it comes to which of Orario's dependents is an unmanned dependent, you will actually know it if you think about it carefully.

There were only two people in total.

One is called Artemis. Her family has been wiped out, and now there is no one in her family.

One is called Hestia. Unlike other gods, she was a god who came down from heaven only two years ago. Although she has now established a dependent clan, her children still have ten Talisman Makers.


The gods all showed signs of trance at the same time.

Hestia has established a family, but the description of Hestia's family seems to be that there is only one person, and Hestia's family is still marked as a "production family."

As Hestia's child, the Talisman Maker seemed to have never officially appeared in front of the gods, just like the mysterious child.

If the conditions of these two people are put together, they are not very consistent. They are basically the same person!


Almost all the gods jumped up from their positions at the same time.

Hestia frowned in displeasure at being watched by the gods.

"Loki, your reminder was too late."

"And didn't we agree that we would just release some news this time? Why did you involve me?"

Loki held his chin up without any sense of guilt, but looked at the jumping gods with a smile.

"It's not that I'm overly suggestive, but these guys aren't really stupid. 17


The gods who were already sure that it was Hestia were a little hesitant at this moment.

After all, Loki and Hestia were overacting here.

Although Hestia's situation is basically similar to that of the mysterious child, is this really true?

It's not impossible if Loki and Hestia team up to deceive people.

Now the gods, who had just gotten the answer, became uncertain again. There is no way to easily determine this matter [unless Hestia calls out her child.

But the question is, is the face of the mysterious child really his original face?

Even if Hestia's child really came out, they didn't know what Hestia's child looked like from the beginning, so how could they be sure?

Looking back and thinking about the matter, the gods feel that it was a bad debt.

Regardless of whether Hestia and Loki worked together to deceive them, they were not sure whether they were deceived or not.

But the more you think about it, the more certain you are that they were really deceived by Loki and Hestia?

This made the gods seem a little hesitant this time.

Naturally, both Hestia and Loki saw the reactions of the gods. Did they do this on purpose?

Of course it was intentional.

Don’t the gods want to know about Bell? Then just tell them directly.

I will tell you Bell's information directly after I understand it. So, do you dare to believe it?

The best situation for Hestia and Loki now is that no one knows Bell's information, and even Bell's face has never been seen. So who can confirm that her Bell is the "mysterious boy"?

No one will know. Hestia felt proud.


Suddenly, just when the atmosphere of the Shenhui began to become silent, a strong collision sound was heard throughout the world.

If you listen carefully, it sounds a bit like a bell.

Suddenly, a group of people appeared in the center of the Shenhui.


Zeus and (cjeh) Hera stood up from their seats at the same time.

Those people who appeared in the center were naturally the main force of the Zeus Familia and the Hera Familia, who had mostly been wiped out in the face of the black dragon. And he was still alive after defeating the black dragon, but in the end he died at the hands of "Quiet" Alfia and "Gluttony" Chardo who gave Orario hope.

This group of people who should have been dead for many years suddenly appeared in this place and in this divine meeting.

The gods are in chaos at this moment. But similarly, being a person who is suddenly resurrected is also confusing.

The "Empress" covered her head. Her consciousness was still very confused at this moment. One second I remembered that I was facing the black dragon's attack, but the next second I was suddenly sent here.

She knew this was the Tower of Babel. She also found her god among the gods, Thera.

But looking at the shock and confusion on Hera's face, the "Empress" also found order and logic from the chaos. She held her head in pain, and what was happening now shocked her enough.

"Hera, what time is it now? How did we survive?"

The "Empress" didn't know why she could survive even though her body was completely gone. Also, about the issues of this era. The gods that come into view are all familiar ones, but the gods themselves have infinite time, and it is difficult to judge the current era through the gods.

"At least, it will be seven years later."

Alfia gave the "Empress" an answer.

"Seven years later...so specific?"

The "Empress" didn't expect Alfia to give her such a specific time.

"Chardo and I died seven years after your death.

"...I see, no wonder it was seven years later. Alfia, is this a trick of you, Chardo, and Zeus?"

Regarding the resurrection of herself and others, the "Empress" still put the problem on the people who were alive in the confusion.

"Don't be ridiculous, what ability do the gods in the lower world have to prevent death? If that old man Zeus had such ability, he wouldn't wait until this time to act. Isn't it good for you to act after death?"

Listening to the conversation between former friends, [[Hero] also understood some of the current situation.

With a calm mind, he did not ask questions, but looked around with his eyes. The people in the Zeus Familia who participated in the black dragon's crusade came back to life, and the situation in the Hera Familia was similar.

But compared to the Zeus Familia, is there one person missing from the Hera Familia?

""Quietness", where is your sister?"

Alfia's voice was stagnant, and she looked around, but she couldn't find Metria. This made her have some bad premonitions in her heart.

The man who defeated the black dragon was resurrected. Even she, who was barely alive, was resurrected. Why didn't Maitria appear here?

PS: Please collect...Please give me flowers...Please give me a review.

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