I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 880 Go Meet Another World

Bell actually had some idea of ​​how high he would be after completing his promotion.

Before his promotion, his own strength put aside all power and magic, and his attributes alone were infinitely close to that of a demigod. If you continue further, promotion to the level of a god should be a natural result.

But this time it seems that the transition to promotion is too big.

Not reaching the level of God, but far exceeding the height of God.

But it is still one step away from transcending the realm of God. That step was not because he couldn't reach that height, but because of Bell's limitations on himself.

The "Shape Moon System" has become a flaw in Bell. Only by stripping off the "Shape Moon System" can we fill that flaw and reach a level above God.

However, before abandoning the "shaped moon system", the ownership of Artemis needs to be clarified to "463" first, otherwise the matter of Artemis will also be a problem for Bell.

Therefore, this meeting with the "world" is almost inevitable.

Bell actually had no objection to meeting that person.

"Can you two stop projecting me into the whole world? I'm actually not used to being stared at by so many people."

Yes, Bell has sensed that he is being watched by countless humans and subhumans.

To be honest, he is not a person who likes to show off, and he has no interest in the so-called "heroic" plot. This caused him to actually find it quite annoying to face this situation.

After waiting for a while, the feeling of watching from both sides didn't stop, and Bell covered his face helplessly.

"It's really troublesome."

With a gentle touch of his finger on his face, the young man's face began to become unreal, making it impossible to remember and recognize. It's like people can't recognize hidden things.

Sure enough, after hiding his face, the feeling of being watched changed from countless to two.

Bell knew who those two were without any reminder. You don't have to worry so much about the spying of those two people. After all, even if there is still a slight difference, Bell is indeed a little bit behind those two people.

Just because you can see it now doesn't mean you can see it in the future.

"Then, we can start now."

Bell is almost like a blank slate now.

Bell, who had given up everything, was not affected by the power outside himself, so at this moment he created his own power with his own hands.

The "order" condensed from "hope" and the "chaos" condensed from "desire".

The path along Bell's journey condenses into "secret", "cognition" and "learning".

And the characteristic that Bell possesses as a human being is "adaptability."

Humans themselves are unable to control power, but "hope" breaks this impossibility and makes it possible.

It is also "hope" that gives "adaptability" more possibilities. It is because of "hope" itself that things that are almost impossible become possible, which makes Bell instinctively create the power that suits him best, "Simulated Star Chart·Dualism of Good and Evil".

The concept of "the opposition between good and evil" was forged into a cosmology. Forge it into your own strength, heritage and weapons.

It can be said that everything seems to be in order.

But after observing his fate, Bell realized that none of this was arranged by anyone. "Hope" is an existence that is not arranged and is not in the array of fate. "Hope" will only walk at its own pace. It is good at hiding and avoiding. It only exists in dots and not in lines.

Therefore, everything is not arranged by anyone. But if you insist on talking about it, maybe it should be Bell's own idea that made such an arrangement.

But Bell thought it was just a temporary whim, and replied, "I hope it turned out to be true."

Therefore, from the beginning of rebirth, everything was actually no one's arrangement, but Bell's temporary idea was realized by "hope". It is a terrifying power to turn the impossible into the possible.

However, when he knew this and knew that his rebirth was most likely arranged by him, even Bell himself was a little bit dumbfounded.

But after accepting this setting, it is much better than accepting the fate arranged by others.

But if everything is like this, then the reason why "Hope" is found by those two people is probably to find an investor.

In a sense, this was really clearly arranged by Bell.

He even arranged for two investors to invest in himself, which reduced the difficulties in his growth...

So, after understanding this, Bell knew that he needed to remain silent. Some secrets are better not to be known.

That is to say, because everything now is a power created by Bell based on his own unconsciousness, it is more suitable for him.

"Buzz buzz!"

The space around Bell began to fragment, and the fragmented space was connected to a barren starry sky.

This is the door to another world.

Bell didn't hesitate at all and stepped into the throne.

The space behind him returned to a stable form, but Bell had already arrived in a dark universe.

Looking up, Bell can see a blue planet.

"Well...it is the first time to create a space tunnel through distortion. Sure enough, there is no certain deviation.

Bell's brows furrowed slightly.

If there hadn't been this slight deviation, he would have been standing in Guanbuzi City in the Far East of the earth at this moment, instead of standing on the moon.

However, considering that this is the first time he has used his own power to do this, it is inevitable that he will be a little unfamiliar. But the lesson this time still needs to be remembered: "Don't make this kind of medical mistake next time.

The space around Bell once again appeared connected to other spaces.

Take that step again.

This time it was perfect. When you walk out of the space passage at 2.9, you will see a sign with the surname "Liang Yi" in front of you, and then you will see this large and luxurious villa in front of you.

"Don't be too rude."

With this thought in mind, Bell gently adjusted her clothes.

The next second, the clothes that did not fit the wrong world began to change into clothes that fit this era.

After confirming that there was no problem, Bell pressed the doorbell.

After a while, rapid footsteps came from the room, and as the door opened, a man in a black suit could be seen standing inside.

He looked a little embarrassed and uneasy, but he still maintained his image, as if he was trying to make amends for his master.

"Sir, the lady is already waiting for you in the room."

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

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