I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 882 Trouble With Caution

"You agreed so readily?"

The two rituals thought that a few more rounds were needed.

"Isn't it clear that I promise you? I don't want to waste so much time on this issue."

"Of course, I personally agreed so decisively not to pity those worlds. I am not that interested in participating in the fate of other people and other worlds, but isn't this what you are worried about? So I agreed."

Although Bell felt a little sad as he spoke, he did not sympathize with the people in those worlds. Just like seeing a group of people hit by a car on the road, he would feel sad for the casualties of those people, but in the end it had nothing to do with him.

His sympathy is not that cheap.

Why do people who have nothing to do with him have so many superfluous emotions towards those people? If he really had such rich emotions, he wouldn't become ten bloodless electronic insurance hiders.

The two men were slightly startled, then laughed.

"So, is this how you repay the favor? But if you can really do it, I will consider you repaying my favor."

This is not an easy thing to do. Because there is not only one world that encounters this situation, but there are also other worlds that are facing almost the same situation.

Bell naturally knew that such a thing was very difficult, almost as difficult as creating a world.

However, if you don’t do some things, you won’t know the true probability, so you still need to work hard to see.

"But before that, I still need to draw you into my camp."

Bell's words made the two rituals look at each other slightly differently.

"Don't you like to form a family? I heard your mother say that you have always acted alone in that world. And you also took the initiative to cut off all ties for the sake of your goddess and other people. Why do you think about it? Did you drag me in?"

Isn't this a natural reason? Bell took a deep breath and slowly expressed his thoughts.

"Because it is not very difficult to become an adventurer, and the difficulty of facing the monsters in the dungeon is relatively moderate. But this is equivalent to integrating two worlds into my world, and also having to walk the road ahead. This difficulty is too great, I can’t do it alone〃々.”

"And it's not just you, my mother will also be invited here. You have enough experience at this stage, and you are more complete in omniscience and omnipotence than me. Things that I can't handle on my own still need to be Elders come and help.”

The word "elder" made Liang Li raise his eyebrows, and there was a slight hint of displeasure on his face.

"Don't use words like 'elder' to describe me, I'm not that old yet. "

"………………is my problem.'

Women of all ages take age issues very seriously. Bell also ignored this point [Song equated the other party with his mother.

"So about Artemis."

"...Can't you take it out yourself? You still have that thing hanging in your promotion ceremony."

I have never seen such a stubborn person in the two ceremonies. For the so-called persistence, he even hung such a thing on his own promotion ceremony. If Bell hadn't been promoted because of this, then he wouldn't have had such a flaw after Jin Kai.

But Bell didn't think that way.

"After all, this thing is directly related to Artemis. You should know that I am not a very safe person. I will choose to retreat whenever there is any danger. After all, I am a famous coward."

"I'll be more careful knowing that thing is only connected to Artemis."

"Moreover, the ability to separate it came only after I was promoted. Before my promotion, I didn't have the strength to do that.'

Yes, all this becomes so troublesome because the strength does not allow it.

Bell knows that the "shaped moon system" and Artemis are closely connected, so if Liu Ran attacks the "shaped moon system", it will affect Artemis. So he chose not to touch the "Xingyue System" for the time being.

As for the flaws that occurred after being promoted, in Bell's view, this is not a flaw, but a time to consolidate the current stage.

Especially since this slight flaw is not irreversible. As long as you consolidate the current stage a little, you can make subsequent breakthroughs and start moving to a higher position.

"You are really..."

Both parties found Bell's character very troublesome, especially when the other party was overly cautious. Even though she was omniscient and omnipotent, she couldn't predict Bell's behavior at all. She could only attribute it to his excessive caution.

She didn't add too many connections to the "Xingyue System". Even if Bell really destroyed the "Xingyue System", she wouldn't be in a situation that she didn't want to be seen.

But Bell didn't seem to think so. His thought circuit is relatively...conservative.

Sighing, the two raised their hands, and some things in Bell's body turned into light spots and she took them back.

"々, is this okay?"

The two men rolled their eyes at Bell angrily. The gentle image she wanted to maintain was completely unbearable.

"That's it."

The last flaws on his body have disappeared, and Bell can feel that he can enter the next stage at any time. However, it's not necessary.

Rather than rushing for quick success, Bell prefers to keep moving forward at his own pace.

This promotion is obviously too fast. Once he lets go this time, his breakthrough will be inevitable.

"Then what?"

"Then? Naturally, I am ready to go back."

The purpose of coming here has been achieved. Naturally, Bell is thinking about going back (to Zhao) at this time.

"The next thing to do should be "If you are a man, go down to the 100th floor challenge." "

"The guy in the dungeon is still waiting for me. There is a constant connection between me and him, and it's time to make a break with God.

The two rituals naturally understood what Bell meant. Bell and the black dragon are inextricably linked, and it is the right choice to end it at this time.

"According to your personality, you shouldn't just walk through all the floors in one day."


Complete the entire dungeon strategy in one day? It’s probably not that difficult.

In addition, Bell didn't exactly go to the dungeon, but used the first 99 floors of the dungeon to give himself a chance to hone his skills. When facing that guy in the end, Bell didn't want to be dissatisfied with his condition.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

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