I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 884 Waiting For The Dungeon To Be Ready

"Well...how should I put it, this child's character is really...a little cautious in a sense.'

Although Bell's inner activities are no longer in the projection, Hera who saw just now is very clear about the thoughts that will arise in the child's heart. All I can say is be very cautious.

This kind of personality is actually completely different from Metria.

As for being with another rabbit. Hera's eyes swept over and saw that the black rabbit's face still had no fluctuations, and the questions in her heart were answered instantly.

The feeling of being different from Maitria has found its source.

"Not cautious, but overly cautious."

After seeing Bell's heart, Zeus felt that this kid really took this word to its extreme.

After being promoted to a power beyond his own, he still maintained his previous caution, and even some of his own flaws were used by him to slow down his efforts to become stronger.

This sounds unbelievable, using your own flaws to slow down your ability to become stronger. No normal person would be able to do such an outrageous operation, but it was obvious that Bell was on the right track.

He speculated about his own power after promotion, and used some methods to suppress his power to commit adultery.

And judging from Bell's inner activities just now, this kid just wanted to control the power he got after being promoted.

"It's not the mentality of a nouveau riche, but he is walking steadily at his own pace at this time. This kid looks very stable at first sight, but he turns out to be even more stable than he looks."

"What should we do? This guy said he won't be able to complete the dungeon attack in one day. Do we still want to stay here and take a look?"

Zeus's meaning was very obvious. He felt that this feast would not officially end so soon. It was better for everyone to go back to their respective homes to prepare first.

"Zeus, I think that instead of your suggestion, you should ask the guild to notify all adventurers to leave the dungeon as soon as possible.

"If Bell goes to the dungeon with his current strength, it will be a annihilation. "World"...Metria will not let Bell down in the dungeon strategy, especially after knowing that Bell is going to the dungeon. after the purpose. "

Alfia returned to normal from her trance, and after her mind gradually calmed down, she accepted this outrageous setting, and then gave a kind reminder.

At this moment, the expressions of all the gods present suddenly changed.

This is no joke!

Alfia continued to add a few words, fearing that the world would not be in chaos.

"You have to know that according to Bell's current level, the level of monsters on the first floor should at least start at Lv. 5."

At this time, all the gods' faces turned green.

If the first level is Level 5, if their ordinary children accidentally enter the dungeon, they might be killed on the first level.

"Uranos, you heard it! No matter what, spread the news here first, so that children in the lower world are prohibited from entering the dungeon!"

This is no joke!

Many of the gods present could no longer bear it. They could not imagine how dazzling that scene was.

Maybe people go to the dungeon to hone their strength, but if their children get stuck in it, they will be serving food to the monsters that are being trained.

Ouranos, who had been watching in the prayer room, naturally understood the possibility of this happening, and made a decision after pondering for a moment.

"Permission. Hermes, you are responsible for the notification."

Hermes, who was named by the boss, pointed at himself helplessly. He had to do all the troublesome things like relationships by himself.

But seeing his colleagues around him looking at him eagerly, he really couldn't refuse.


With the permission of Ouranos, Hermes can temporarily unlock the seal of the gods and release the divine power, thus creating countless projections to inform the entire children of Orario's lower world.

"Attention all the children of Orario's lower world! Attention everyone!"

"The trial about Bell is about to begin. The levels of the suspected dungeon monsters will be greatly increased. I hope the children in the lower world will leave the dungeon as soon as possible and take refuge as soon as possible."

Hermes' voice suddenly spread throughout Orario.

People who had not recovered from the shock for a while were all awakened, especially those of their own family members who knew they had gone to the underground city for action. The speed of their feet suddenly increased to the limit.

"Quick! Hurry up and call the captain and the others back!"

"Go and call Sakura and the others back. They will definitely be unbearable if they continue to stay in the dungeon!"


At this moment, all the family members who had recently gone to the dungeon began to move as quickly as possible.

I really can't do it if I don't act quickly.

A storm began to blow above, and now just two drops of rain falling below were like a raging flood to them.

But now they can't wait any longer, otherwise if it really starts over there, they will all die.

But maybe it was because these people were too anxious that they didn't even know to look up at the picture projected above.

In the projection screen, Bell is holding his chin while drinking tea at home while watching the projection appearing in front of his eyes. Well, that is the projection of the divine power of the god Hermes.


Looking at the projected image, Bell shook his head helplessly and continued to sit and drink tea at home.

He has no intention of teasing other people. That's why he didn't go directly to the dungeon after coming back.

"Judging from the way they look, it should be fine after just waiting for a while."

With how busy Orario is right now, the entire dungeon should be notified of the relocation within a few hours.

"Then just wait."

There's no need to go to the dungeon now.

After drinking a few sips of tea, you got up and went to his workshop.

"There are really a lot of things."

Really speaking, there are not many magic props in Bell's workshop, but there are quite a lot of things hidden inside.

It's like the divine core that was stripped off after the death of the god, the elf tree seeds used for research, some petri dishes made using Rune, and so on.

There seems to be a lot of stuff, but it's also very complicated.

There are not many things that Bell needs to take away here, a few seeds are enough.

These seeds are food trees created based on his personal taste and combined with the seeds of the Elf Tree. They are mainly used to ripen the runes to make them grow fruits and food that can be used.

Then there are some attack-making plants, which Bell created based on the clone of the "Filthy Fairy". It is corrosive and preemptive to creatures, and is specially made to create some aggressive creatures.

"These things are enough."

PS: Please collect it...Please give me flowers...Please comment on the price.

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