I'm Danmachi Protagonist

Chapter 895 The Upper Limit Of Strength Has Been Tested


The air vibrated, and the entire space seemed to be shattered.

In fact, the entire created space was about to be shattered by the impact. Perhaps pure strength is not enough, but a punch containing the knowledge of power has absolute weight.

Now Bell has just completed his promotion. He has a very high degree of mastery of the underlying power, but his mastery of himself is not very high. He had been working hard to restrain the explosion of power before, so both his strength and his control of power were suppressed to an extremely low level. This resulted in Bell's previous explosive power not being very strong.

But at this moment, Bell completely let go.

Instead of suppressing one's own strength and principles, it is released very naturally.

With just one blow, Goliath, who was as tall as a tower of 200 meters, had already lost an arm.

The flesh and blood of the broken arm was exposed, but the flesh and blood showed no sign of rapid regeneration. Instead, it only temporarily stopped the bleeding from the broken arm.

Bell looked at his right fist in slight surprise.

"That's it. The atoms composed of atoms are completely broken up, thus completely ending the possibility of regeneration at the microscopic level.

"Did just a random punch cause this kind of damage?"

The power of the punch just now was constantly tested in Bell's cognition, and finally the inferred result was obtained.

"Is it like a blow from tectonic plates?"

Of course, a casual blow will not be a full force attack. If it is a full blow, then it will not be a casual blow.

"In terms of pure strength, it's about 30%."

"If it is a full blow, it should be able to break the planet. But it is unlikely to break the planet, "unless Mother doesn't care about the planet.

Now Bell is almost sure where his ceiling is.

The pure power has already reached the level of Broken Star, but Bell is also wondering why his promotion has reached such a level.

Can four figures reach the point of breaking stars?

No, not all four-digit numbers are as destructive as a broken star. Just like there are differences between people, there is also a huge gap between four-digit numbers and four-digit numbers.

Only those gods with destructive powers have the ability to break stars. Those gods whose powers are not biased toward destructive power do not have the ability to break stars.

Even Bell's situation falls within these two categories.

"Order", "Chaos", "Learning", "Cognition", "Secret" and "Adaptability", none of these six powers seems to be an intuitive destructive power.

However, Bell's situation still requires calculation of another power that has not been highlighted, the "simulated star creation chart."

Precisely because the "Simulated Star Creation Diagram" that Bell mastered is an extreme and contradictory force, and as the balance point, he naturally possesses this extraordinary power.

Although the "Simulated Star Creation Diagram" is not directly unfolded, even if it is not directly unfolded, as the owner, Bell can still show a corner of the power in the "Simulated Star Creation Diagram".

Therefore, after Bell accepted the "Simulated Star Creation Map" and successfully achieved self-promotion, Bell's basic abilities were shown to be "extreme".

Just like now, even without using any kind of power, Bell can exert a strength that far exceeds the ordinary four-digit figure.

"I see."

Through cognition, Bell has gradually understood the reasons for his own changes.

"The upper limit of power has been determined."

Also through cognition, Bell already knows enough about where the upper limit of his power is. There is no need to go through excessive attempts, just a simple attempt is enough to make a judgment.

"Ah, that doesn't mean you're of no use anymore."

Bell has no intention of letting go of the Goliath in front of him. He also observed a special way of destruction through the punch just now, which can even make Goliath lose the ability to regenerate.

"The wild blow I did not control the power just now seems to have brought out some other possibilities. Before I explore it clearly, I will not let your usefulness end here.

Simply put, "Until I figure it out, it's your responsibility to be the punchline."

What follows is a complete torture for Goliath, but for Bell it is an exploration of the unknown.

Of course, Bell gave Goliath a chance to resist, so he didn't intend to kill Goliath immediately. Until he figured out why his random blow could cause Goliath to lose its ability to regenerate.

And while Bell continued to explore his topic, the gods within the Shenhui were all showing a dull look.

"You should be able to see the power of this kid's attack. Old man, why don't you let the gods of war evaluate this kid's level?"

"Old man, your evaluation is too low."

That is indeed not a height that ordinary Martial Gods can reach.

It's just that there are only a few gods of war with that kind of power. Most gods don't have the ability to crush planets.

Seeing the strength shown by the young man in the scene before him.

"Pure strength can crush planets. Apart from the God of War, there are almost no gods who can compare with this kid."

That power has indeed exceeded the god himself.

Zeus couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

Zeus naturally knew that pure destructive power was nothing. But he never thought that this kid Bell only had pure destructive power.

Hera was the first to retort.

"Martial God? Most of the Martial Gods can't do it as easily as this kid."

Of course, the powers of gods are also all kinds of strange. Although many gods cannot achieve the height of shattering planets [but the power they possess can be exerted to an even more exaggerated height than shattering planets.

Although there are still some unconvinced gods, they can't help but feel terrified when they think of the power that the other party burst out in an instant.

The powers of the Martial God are generally offensive, so the Martial God also has the ability to break stars.

But even if he doesn't know the direction of his power, with this destructive power, this kid is enough to stand at the top of 0.6 among the gods.

PS: Please collect it...please give me flowers...please give me a review.

"Even if there are many Martial Gods who can break a star, you ask them, do they try to break a star with pure strength without using power?"

We still don’t know the power this guy has, and we still don’t know which direction this guy is biased towards.

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