Liuying introduced the situation here to Xingbao in a very detailed and comprehensive way.

She was a very dedicated tour guide.

Under her guidance,

Xingbao forgot about the stowaways during the golden hour.

"This is it!"

Under the guidance of Liuying, people soon arrived in front of a restaurant.

"Hey, have you ever heard that in dreams, hunger is the most precious spice?"

"Most of Pinocchio's specialties are available here, such as clock pizza, oak rolls, and alfalfa salad....There is also the classic Suleda!"

"You can pick whatever you want, I'll pay!"

"My consumption level is still a bit high..."Xingbao said to Liuying

"answer...That should be fine. I still have some savings......."

After Liuying's voice fell, he turned around and began to rummage in his small pocket.

Then he counted it and took out some money. There were a total of 20,000!

"Twenty thousand!"Gui Naifen was a little shocked when she saw the amount!

It seems that

Liuying is also a wealthy woman?

Looking at the restaurant, she immediately started to choose the food here.

"Even though it's just a game and I can't eat it, I still bought it....I'll go there when I have the chance, I won't be like a bumpkin anymore..."

Gui Naifen was about to start buying like crazy, but she thought that the other person's life didn't seem to be that easy. Is it bad to spend too much?

She took out 20,000 yuan, which seemed like a small rich woman, but it could also be that she just wanted to repay herself, so she took it out?

With this idea in mind,

Gui Naifen finally only bought a watch pizza.

Why not buy something else?

Because pizza is the most affordable!

"Have you ordered? I'll pay."

After Xingbao made her choice, Liuying spoke up and smiled at her while paying,"I like the oak roll cake in this store the most. I have to eat one every day."

"Uh, is the money okay?" Xingbao asked

"Um, so I can only eat one a day...."

Before Xingbao could speak, Liuying took the initiative to take her to the next stop!

"Sure enough, they are not that rich!"

Gui Naifen showed a wise look when she saw this!

"Luckily she didn’t spend too much, otherwise her little wallet would have been drained dry!"

""Oh my gosh!"

Gui Naifen suddenly shouted. When she was controlling Xingbao to follow the movements of Liuying, she accidentally crossed the street and was hit by a suspended car.

This scared Gui Naifen so much that she almost jumped up!

What made her most confused was that she also got an achievement [Always Walking on the Roadside】!

"If you often walk on the road, how can you avoid car accidents? ? ?"

Gui Naifen complained, and then she heard Liuying still working hard as a tour guide, introducing

"This is the luxury store just mentioned. Going down is Grax Avenue, which is also the main road during golden hours."

"Let me show you something fun!"

Liuying said, and took Xingbao to a square.

"Look, this statue is Pinocchio's famous cartoon character, Clock Boy!"

"The longest-running and most famous cartoon from Pinocchio tells the adventure story of the protagonist Clock Boy and his friends living in Dream Town.....It has been serialized for more than 10,000 episodes so far!"

"Is this image really risk-free?"Xingbao looked at the statue with some surprise and asked

"Soft, risk? Why? The Clock Boy is a household name in Pinocchio, so there shouldn't be any problem...."Liu Ying asked curiously.

"But did you know that the prototype of the Clock Boy is said to be the famous watchmaker?"

"Is this person famous?"When Xingbao heard the name of the watchmaker, his eyes flashed and he looked at her and asked

"You don't know? He is a legendary tycoon in the history of Pinocchio, the founder of the dream world, and the one who turned dreams into reality!"

Liu Ying looked a little surprised. After all, there should be few people who come to Pinocchio who don't know the watchmaker.

After all, if you do a little research before coming here, you can't avoid the name of the watchmaker.

"There are many different opinions about the origin of the watchmaker: some say he is a merchant from outer space, some say he is a prisoner from the prison planet, and some say the watchmaker is just a symbol and there is no such person at all."

"No one knows where he came from, but everyone wants to replicate his success and become the next watchmaker!"

"His deeds spread to the Milky Way, attracting people with dreams to flock to the event. Banquet after banquet created the star of today's event. In Pinocchio, this name is known to everyone."

"Although the Clock Boy in the animation is just a reckless braggart...However, I still believe that the watchmaker is an unknown person! After all, the idea of reclaiming dreams sounds very pioneering."

"..Ah! I suddenly realized that if the watchmaker is really an unknown guest, then he must be your senior. Hey, do you want to take a photo with him as a souvenir? I can help you."

Liu Ying took Xing Bao's phone, took a photo, and then took her to the next destination.

"Hey, this century's Harmony Festival is about to begin, so remember to come early to reserve a seat."

"The next stop is to go to Suleda's theme leisure area, Aideen Park. There are many people here, so follow me closely."

After arriving here, Liuying showed the professionalism of a tour guide.

She could tell Xingbao the origin and deeds of everything, including the origin of the park, the logo of Pinocchio culture, the location of Suleda's corporate headquarters, and even the origin of Suleda. Liuying could explain it word for word.

"Did you know that in the original formula of Suleda, there was an ingredient called Dreaming which was completely extinct, so the flavor can only be tasted in Pinocchio's dream?"

"Only with philosophy can you fully understand the true core of Syrupism."

At this point,

Liuying suddenly became cautious, and the place he was looking at was somewhere behind Xingbao.

"What's wrong? What are you looking at?"

Xingbao turned her head and looked behind her, but found nothing.

Liuying's face instantly returned to normal and she smiled at her.

"Nothing, let me show you around again."

Xingbao had a strange look on his face, and when he turned around, he found that there was nothing behind him.

"In Pinocchio's dream, many objects and facilities were affected by memories and had their own will. They were taught by their family and became a dream troupe serving guests."

"However, these little creatures can also be affected by dangerous emotions or memories and turn into a troupe of destructive dreams. If you accidentally run into one, be sure to ask for help from nearby security personnel."

While walking through the crowd,

Liuying told Xingbao everything about this place while leading her to a crowded place.

However, when they reached a place in the crowd, they suddenly paused.

"There is an amusement facility manager there. I will get you some tokens so that you can play these games at will."I exchanged Xingbao's dreamland passport for ten tokens, which is also a benefit for the first time in the dreamland.

"Did you have fun? This dream place, Pinocchio-Golden Hour, is still great, right?"

"You seem a little sad?" Xingbao looked at her and asked

"It's not that I'm sad, it's just that this dream is too loving and too tolerant."

"It is vast and deep, like an ocean, where even an unknown person can sleep."

"I really appreciate your choice to help me, and because of this, I can introduce this paradise to you. It is willing to accept me, even though I am not familiar with it, I also love it, so I want to go with you....Share with others."

Xingbao listened to Liuying's words, and it sounded...Something's obviously wrong.

"Could it be...Are you really a stowaway?"

"I...Have legal status...Now..."

As he spoke, Liuying glanced into the distance again, and then continued,

"Can you come closer?"

When Xingbao moved closer, Liuying found that it was still a little short.

"Come closer, I want to ask you a question."

Just like that, the distance between the two of them was infinitely shortened, almost to the point of being close to each other.

"Ah??? This is it???"

"Isn't it great!"

Gui Naifen couldn't help but praise the two people approaching, and then showed a strange expression. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"What questions do you have to ask?"

"Along the way, Liuying's state seemed to be always wrong, as if there was a Wuwubo behind her...."

"...Excuse me, are you here alone at Pinoconi?"

At this moment, Liuying in the game had already asked her first question.

"I am, at least now." Xingbao replied

"So, I understand......."

As Liuying spoke, her eyes began to turn serious.

"You may or may not have realized that I have been taking you on a long detour to various places. This is because..."

"Because someone is following you!"

Hearing Liuying's words, Xingbao subconsciously wanted to turn his head to see, someone is following him!?

"Don't look back! I'm sure it's targeting you. It hasn't lost any since we said goodbye to Mr. Gallagher."

"I thought this person was your friend, but my instinct told me that he was not."

"He is about 1.8 meters tall, within two centimeters, with a strong physique and obviously trained."

"The stride is long, but the sound of the footsteps is inaudible and very light, leaving no footprints."[]

"It seems that he is good at fighting, the stealthy kind."

"His palms are broad, but his fingers are long and flexible. I guess he is used to using a knife, a short knife, a dagger or something like that...."

"Do you know him? Burgundy coat, green eyes, dark blue hair..."

"he came!"

"Hey, isn’t this my loyal big customer, Xing?"

""It's been a long time since we last met, dear!"

Just then, a man's voice came from behind. The surprised voice was full of surprise and affectation, and this voice also made Xingbao look stunned!

This voice...

I turned around and saw that it was indeed the right person!

Sambo! ?

"I didn't expect to meet you here - oh, I'm so lucky!"

"Am I dreaming? Why are you here?"Xingbao asked in surprise

"Just kidding, man, this is Pinocchio, you are just dreaming!"

"Are you surprised to see me? It's all thanks to you. Yalilo's doors are wide open now!"

【Sambo: ??? Huh?】

【Hanabi: Ahem...】

【Sambo: So why is it my identity? Don’t tell me you do this often!】

【Sambo is here? Yes, in the previous song, Sambo also appeared and fought with the trash can.】

【Bronya: Is there something wrong with this firefly?】


【Jing Yuan: Things like the details just described...Haha, this firefly is really not simple.】

【Although Sambo did appear in the previous short film and fought with a trash can,...Why is the other party here?】

【Didn't I say that there are people from the Joy Tavern in Pinocchio? There's nothing wrong with Sambo being here, right?】

【Sambo usually addresses himself in a smaller way, and calls his family, friends, and sister. Details determine success or failure. I don’t think this is Sambo!】

"Uh, who is this?"

In the picture, Liuying was a little confused when she saw the other person.

"Oh, Miss March, you don't remember me now? I helped you so much in Beloberg!"

Sambo's words instantly confused Xingbao.

March Seven?

Is he talking about the firefly next to him?

This guy is so old and blurry that he can even mistake March Seven?

"What do you mean by that? Does March 7 look like this?" Xing Bao couldn't help but complain.

"My name is Liuying, and I am an artist from the Iris family."

"Oh! So that's how it is. I was just saying - it hasn't been that long, but Miss March has changed so much!"

Sangbo changed his words immediately without changing his expression and introduced himself to Liuying

"Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you! My name is Sambo, and I’m an old friend of Xing. Please take care of me!"

"Haha, our radio signals are becoming more and more in sync!"

"Mr. Sambo, what are you doing in Pinocchio?" asked Liuying.

"What to do? Haha, what the girl said is interesting. What else can you do in Pinocchio? Nothing more than wandering around and daydreaming....Vacation"

"Well, speaking of this, it's a rare opportunity for us to meet in Pinocchio, so why not let me take you around here?"

"I have been observing you for a long time. Miss Liuying knows Pinocchio, but when it comes to entertainment for adults, I am afraid that I am better than Sambo."

"Adults' entertainment?"Liu Ying was stunned.

"Looks like I was right? Come on, guys, let me, Old Sambo, take you to experience the adult world!"

【It seems that Sambo is indeed a bit fake. He usually calls the sisters Xingbao】

【He even made a mistake in identifying the firefly as the little March Moon. This is an obvious problem!】

【Jingyuan: Let’s talk about adults’ entertainment in detail!】

【Fu Xuan:...General!】

【Sambo: Hanabi, so you are this kind of person.】

【Hanabi: Haha, please don't talk nonsense.】

【Sambo: Nonsense! You do these things in front of my face and say these things. Have you ever considered me?】

"This is definitely not Sambo! There must be something wrong!"

Gui Naifen saw it all.

Of course, this is also because she had contact with it before, so she could find it.

"But no matter whether it is Sangbo or others, why did they contact Xingbao?"

Guinaifen's head hurts a little now.

From before to now, in such a short period of time, Pinoconi has had several groups of forces come to contact, and none of them looks like a good person!

So far, only Liuying has given people a good impression, but the other party is also hiding something!

"What do you mean by that?"

Sanyueqi saw what Xingbao blurted out in the live broadcast room and asked with one hand on his waist.

"I don't mean anything...."Xingbao replied

"Boring? You mean I am boring?"March Seven's eyes widened.

"Eh? That's not what I meant."

"Then what do you mean?"

"I am...Okay, let’s not talk about this anymore. Didn’t you see that Sambo mistook Liuying for you? You two obviously look nothing alike, and you’re not the same height either...."

Qiong saw that if he continued to talk like this, he would definitely be confused, so he hurriedly stopped the loss.

"You say I'm not as tall as him?"

"Haha." Ji Zi, who was standing by, laughed out loud when she saw this scene.

"Okay, Xiao Sanyue, stop playing tricks"

""Oh~" Xiao Sanyue smiled, then made a face at Xingbao.

Xingbao also sighed. He had complained too much about the other party on the fairy boat. Xiao Sanyue had found a chance to take revenge this time.

Jizi was looking at the screen. Liuying was indeed very tall, a head taller than Sanyueqi.

How could Sangbo admit his mistake?

"It's a fool."

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