Walter spoke up and directly told the reason why Pinocchio didn't send any messages.

"The safety of the guests may not be guaranteed..."

"Isn't the monster she encountered the best proof? Do you want me to remind you again, it is a memory domain meme."

Black Swan also reminded again,

"How could a meme that alludes to death and murder appear in a dream that the family claims is completely safe?..."

"In Pinocchio, everyone can lie - maybe even the family itself?"

"Miss Black Swan, we have fully understood the current situation. Let's go back to your original proposal,"

Ji Zi looked at the Black Swan in front of her, her face slightly more serious.

"May I ask why Liuguang Yiting chose to cooperate with Xingqiong Train?"

Black Swan did not answer directly, but corrected Ji Zi's words!

"Well, allow me to correct that....This is my personal request, not on behalf of Yiting."

After seeing the other party hear this, she said what she wanted.

"The answer is simple, Ms. Jizi, I just want to make a... exchange of memories"

"In addition to my duties, I also have some personal aesthetic pursuits."

"I am a memorizer and a collector. I also want to witness those precious memories that are crystal clear and brilliant."

"This idea is easy to understand, isn't it?"

At this point, she looked at the train crew. Except for Dan Heng and Pam who never got off the train, all the people in front of her were present.

Also present was the navigator of the nameless guest


Walter, who seemed very mysterious all the time.

This opportunity was rare. Every memory present,

Black Swan actually wanted to get it!

"And you, the unknown passengers of the Starry Sky Train, the practitioners of the path of pioneering..."

"I believe in your potential and I believe you will shine uniquely on this stage."

"This is why I want to make friends with you. Where nightmares and sweet dreams meet...It is the perfect cradle of memory."

"I understand. But before we answer you, we still need to discuss something."Ji Zi said, and after hearing her words, Black Swan realized that it was time to leave. He took a few steps back and left the crowd.

One of them found the water bar in the lobby, ordered a glass of Suleda, and raised his glass to everyone, indicating that they should discuss it themselves.

After she left, the train crew looked at each other and thought.

"Jizi, what do you think?"Walter spoke first

"Don't trust her words, there are many deliberate elements of misleading."

Ji Zi frowned and denied what Black Swan said just now.

However, the other party was a stranger after all.

Although his attitude was very friendly and his reasons for approaching were reasonable,

Liuguang Yiting was not a small shrimp.

It was impossible to treat him as an ordinary person.

"But I would worry about the worst possibility, if the changes in dreams really exist, and they are not natural, but someone is pushing them behind the scenes."

"Then it is likely related to the invitation letter from the watchmaker."Walter speculated

"Let's not consider extreme situations for now. The person who pushed for the dream change must be against the family. There are only two possibilities....."

"Someone intends to introduce external forces to shake the family's control over Pinocchio, or the family is forced to secretly seek help from the outside world in order to protect itself."

"But judging from the coded message on the invitation and the family's reaction... the former is more likely."

"This means that the person who sent the anonymous message and the mastermind behind the dream change are in the same camp, or even the same person."Ji Zi also nodded and agreed with Walter's guess.

"...This doesn't mean anything. Just talking about the technique, the Fool and the Riddler can do it, and the company also succeeded in deciphering it, right?"

Xiao Sanyue asked curiously, with worry in her eyes!

""Xiao Sanyue, don't be nervous, this is just a possibility. But if this line of secret message is not just a prank, but someone intentionally invites Kaituo to join, we have no reason to sit idly by." Ji Zi comforted

"Then let me tell you what I found. Unfortunately, it's bad news."Walter suddenly said, bad news


These three words immediately drew everyone's attention back and looked at him.

"According to reliable sources, some people have seen a tall man wearing silver armor in Pinocchio."

"I asked the hound family for information and interviewed many guests who claimed to have seen the intruder......."

"...Then I received this."Xing, I sent it to you. Open it and have a look."

After Xingbao heard this, she took out her phone and opened it. The first thing she saw was a sticker on her phone.

It was the Silver Wolf!

Then, the other party's voice came from inside.

"Ahem, can you hear me? Starry Sky Train, long time no see. Is Pinocchio fun?"

"This is the little hacker girl!" Sanyueqi also recognized the voice!

"Seriously. I know you are investigating the Pinocchio anomaly, but we are very happy to see this."

"Because the deeper you investigate, the more chances you have to learn the truth about the beautiful dream."

Silver Wolf's voice was still coming from the phone, but every word he said showed that this incident was actually related to the Star Core Hunter....

"The family is hiding something, isn't it?"

"We also have first-hand information. Now, I have decided to magnanimously share it with you."

"It's a pity that the wonderful vacation is coming to an end"

"Enter this code into your Dream Pool, which is the device used for dreaming, and go to the hidden map to take a look!"

"The location coordinates are all packed for you. Here, just copy them with one click."

"as well as....I'm sure you've heard about Sam."

"Look forward to it. That guy has a simple personality and likes fair wins and losses. He will definitely get along well with you."

"I hope you won’t be overwhelmed by his enthusiasm!"

"Oh, he asked me to tell you: in the unreachable dream, the play is about to begin!"

"Come on, all forces are moving. Wumingke, don't fall too far behind!"

The last blessing sounded, and the video stopped abruptly.

The voice of Silver Wolf also made everyone look at each other in bewilderment. After a while, Xingbao came back to his senses.

"These star core hunters....They actually have plans in Pinocchio, what a tangle!" March Seven said helplessly and with some hatred, she still remembered Kafka's previous bad taste!

"The situation is very clear. The Star of the Festival is far from being as simple as it seems. Around the watchmaker's legacy, a number of forces, including the family, have their own purposes and check and balance each other."

Walter's face has also become more serious.

In fact, in comparison, the Star Core Hunter is more worthy of their trust.

After all, they have had several contacts before.

Unlike the company and Liuguang Yiting, they are unfamiliar and have hidden strength. They are completely unfamiliar.

"Although it is still unknown what the inheritance is, the battle for it has affected innocent people....It's a matter of time."

At this point, Walter's eyes became serious, looking at March Seven and Xingbao in front of him, and gave a warning,

"Molten Knight Sam is said to be a remnant of Grammer's Iron Knights. He is a genetically modified warrior with different cognition than ordinary people. He is decisive and leaves no room for maneuver. He is as dangerous as Kafka and Blade."

"This is a threatening letter. The hidden map mentioned by Silver Wolf must be the blocked Dreamland Hotel."

"For follow-up considerations, we really need to visit the site"

"What if we are discovered?" Xingbao asked

"If the family asks, we will tell them that the train crew is tracking down the Star Core Hunter. I believe they will understand. We will take the next step based on their response."Walter said

"It seems that we have reached a consensus, so let's go back and inform Miss Black Swan."After the analysis was completed, Ji Zi also said to everyone

【The train crew continues to track down the star core hunter...Are we and the Hunters some kind of galactic enemy?】

【Portio: The most trustworthy partner of the train crew right now should be the Star Core Hunter, right?】

【Now Pinocchio has such a big problem? Master Oak, you haven't told me this information yet!】

【Administrator Gold Sand: Haha, it seems that I don't have to go to Pinoconi to complete the mission.】

【Jade: I've given you another mission to escape.】

【Diamond: Well, there is really no need to go. With this, we have a reason to take over Pinocchio. Dream Master, do you have anything to say?】

【Dreamer: No, you can all come over to discuss in detail.】


【Robin: Brother...】

【If it's a dream, then the black swan's memory is also related? Then does the black swan come for maintenance? ? ?】

【The Rememberer is responsible for collecting memories and making them into light cones, and then selling them to us? So the Black Swan wants the memories of Ji Zi and others? 】 (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【My head hurts watching this, it's like the Pinocchio Werewolf movie???】

【Jizi and Walter are also a bit confusing. Walter has analyzed so many things in such a short time at Pinocchio? If he stays for a few more days, will he even know the color of Sunday underwear?】

【Administrator Estelle: The Black Swan looks more like...The kind who likes to watch the fun without complaining about the big things】

【Dream Werewolf? The train crew has revealed that they are the good guys, and now both the good and the bad are coming to form an alliance.】

【I still believe in March 7’s identity as a prophet!】

【Who is the traitor???】

【Shajin represents the company, and his main goal is to take back Pinocchio, so he should be the wolf.】

【Sam sounds so dangerous!】

【Could Liuying be Sam? After all, Sam is rumored to be quiet, so who knows if the person inside the armor is a man or a woman?】

【Don't you care about Silver Wolf's information? Little Silver Wolf is so cute!!!】

【Silver Wolf, where are your 76 accounts? (Long time no see)】

【Seeing Silver Wolf feels so familiar. Finally I met someone familiar outside the train group.】

【Pinocchio is a mess, so let Xingbao drink it!】

【Sam is actually a remnant of Grammer's Iron Cavalry? ? ? Doesn't that mean he is already hundreds of years old in the Amber Age?!】

【If that's the case, then Liuying can't be Sam, after all, Sam's identity has been exposed.】[]

【That's true.】

【Firefly: emmmmm, that’s right】

【Silver Wolf:....】

"That's not right. If Liuying is not Sam, then what is her identity?"

Guinaifen looked at the barrage of comments, confused.

The remnant of Grammer's Iron Cavalry, this identity seems a bit psychedelic. It

's a camp that has existed for countless years.

Liuying can't be an old monster tens of thousands of years old, right?

Besides Sam, who else can fight against Liuying?

Is it really Elio?

It's unlikely.

But if it's not the Star Core Hunter, it doesn't make sense.

After all, Liuying said before that among the various camps in Pinoconi, the only one that hasn't been mentioned is the Star Core Hunter.

Liuying replaced me.

This can't be wrong.

"Let's see what happens next. There should be an explanation!"

Thinking of this, he controlled Xingbao to continue looking for the Black Swan.

"Miss Black Swan, the train crew is willing to cooperate with you. In the memory domain, we need a suitable guide."Ji Zi took the initiative to speak to Black Swan.

This was the beginning, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Xing and Xiao Sanyue, go back to your respective rooms. Prepare to fall asleep. If everything goes well,...We will meet in the lobby of Dreamland Hotel"

"I will stay in reality to ensure everyone's safety. If necessary, I will also come forward to negotiate with the family. Is that okay, Miss Black Swan?"Walter looked at Black Swan and asked

"It seems that even though I saved your companions with my own hands, it is still difficult for you to trust me...."

"Of course, no problem. It just hurts my feelings a little."

When Black Swan heard the arrangement, she understood the attitude of the train crew.

She didn't refuse directly, but she kept her distance!

She said that her feelings were hurt, but her face didn't care at all.

After all, she had seen countless memories and had a good grasp of people's emotions.

If the train crew simply said that they were willing to cooperate and let down their guard,

Black Swan would feel something was wrong and would not dare to act casually!

"Please, Walter." Ji Zi nodded to Walter and then looked at Xing Bao.

"As for us... let's get ready to see the real face of the dream."

After that, everyone dispersed and began to enter the dream.

Xingbao stood alone in the hall and hesitated for a moment.

She was still too concerned about Liuying's matter and had no news at all.

"I don't know if Liuying has returned to reality...."

"There is no contact information for her either, so I'll ask Black Swan."

Thinking of this, Xingbao went upstairs and arrived at her room. Sure enough, she saw Black Swan standing beside her, and the other party was obviously waiting for her.

"You look nervous, Xing. Are you worried about that little girl?"When she appeared, Black Swan had already guessed what she was going to ask, and spoke directly.

"If you have something on your mind, you can talk to me. There is no one in the world who is more suitable to be a psychotherapist than the Rememberer."

"Can you confirm that Liuying is safe?" Xingbao asked

"Don't worry, it's a one-way door that only leads to the sober reality. Unless the girl has a strong will and refuses to wake up from the dream, how could it be possible?"

"She must be rubbing her eyes somewhere in the hotel right now."

After hearing what Black Swan said, for some reason, Xing Bao was not at all relieved.

Instead, her heart skipped a beat and she had a bad feeling!

Seeing the other party turn around and leave, Xing Bao walked to the side of the Dream Pool and then inconspicuously entered the code given by Silver Wolf.

"Welcome to Pinoconi, dear guest..."

He fell asleep directly. With the experience from the last time,

Xingbao fell asleep very easily this time!

When he opened his eyes, everything around him came into view, a familiar room, familiar everything, and the familiar black swan!

"No. Why is Black Swan here too? Isn't this the special coordinate given by Silver Wolf?"

Guifen was looking at the screen outside the game in confusion.

Shouldn't no one know the code given by Silver Wolf when entering?

Why did the other party...

"Did you give them the Silver Wolf as well?" Su Chang asked speculatively.,

"It's possible." Gui Naifen nodded, and then walked in front of the black swan.

"How are you, dear? Are you feeling well?"Black Swan asked first.

"Feeling good..."

"Then I feel relieved."

Black Swan breathed a sigh of relief and then explained:

"I know you are more sensitive to memories and are more easily affected by dreams than others, which is why I need to accompany you specially."

"I will use a little trick to make you feel less uncomfortable. Don't worry, your companions are also safe. Before I entered the dream, I asked each of them for a small piece of jewelry, which would allow me to sense their presence in the memory domain."

"They have woken up in their respective rooms. Now, you should be able to relax and follow me, right?"

"Time waits for no one, let's go to the lobby now."

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