After the report ended, a court-like environment appeared on the screen.

Sha Jin had shackles on his hands and feet, and he just looked up.

The woman above was wearing bold clothes, and her chest was naked!

She had pink hair and gray-blue eyes.

She wore a black hat with a blue lining, a black, blue and white dress, a necklace with a ring-shaped jade, a jade bracelet and a jade waist ornament.

The clothes were obviously not matched, but they looked very decent on her.

Looking at Kakavasya with a smile as if looking at a pet, for a long time, the woman went from silence at the beginning to a funny voice now:

"What beautiful eyes! Tell me, do they glow at night?"

"If I could, I would definitely sell them."

Facing the other party, Kakavasa's voice was still calm and relaxed, and even had a hint of comfort.

At this time,

Kakavasa's voice had become very mature, with the timbre of gold dust later.

"You don't know how many people hope you close your eyes forever. As a slave, you shouldn't rebel against your master, but you killed that man."

When the woman spoke, the name above also revealed her identity,


Jade, one of the Stone Heart Scholars, belongs to the Interstellar Peace Company.

"Without a lawyer to defend you, maybe you should try to get a declaration of innocence for yourself?"

"This is not difficult, but it is meaningless."The gold dust replied

"Haha, you are very confident in your eloquence. Did you think so when you deceived the Boshi Society?"After hearing what Shajin said, Feicui laughed out loud.

"You get what you want. You want perfect building materials. I just gave you a possibility, a small gamble."

"If they are lucky, the company can dig out anything from the yellow sands of Egyhazo, even the remains of the Shah (Taiz Yuros). Unfortunately, you are out of luck."

"I don't deny this, but I'm curious why, after such a large-scale scam, no one benefited from it, including the criminal himself?" Jade asked with interest.

"Madam, I have got what I wanted: to be brought to you to start the next big gamble"

"Then let's talk about this second gamble. What are you going to bet on this time?"Emerald was aroused a little bit of interest and spoke out.

To her,

Kakavasa in front of her was just like a bug, which could be dealt with at will.

Living one more second or dying one minute earlier made no difference at all.

If the other party could bring her a little bit of fun, it would be good.

"Bet my life. I bet you won't send me to the execution ground!" Kakavasia said with certainty!

"Well, what do you want to get?"

Feicui was not surprised at all by the other party's bet, but continued to ask

"I want your Lana (chief) to come see me. I have something to say."Kakawasha didn't know much about the outside world, and he didn't know the existence and structure of the Interstellar Peace Company.

In his opinion, the most powerful boss was Lana, or the chief!

And Emerald didn't care about the other party's name, or if Diamond heard Lana's nickname, the other party's expression would definitely be very interesting.

This, the fun has already started. With a smile, Emerald continued to ask:

"It can’t be that simple, right?"

"It's that simple, thirty copper coins, the price of half my life, no more, no less."

Kakavasa said casually, as if this was a foregone conclusion!

As long as he got the thirty copper coins, he would definitely be able to do it!

"As long as I have this money, I can climb to a higher position than you and have more wealth than you. I think you dare not give it to me, so call him over."


"Unfortunately, the diamond will not see you, and no one can see him."

"So at this moment, I am Diamond's agent, making decisions for him."

"As for the copper coins...You are wrong. I will give you thirty copper coins, and much more. Wealth, status, full strength...The company will give you everything you want and don't want!"

Jade looked at Kakavasa in front of him and talked to himself.

His tone was unpredictable, which made Kakavasa frown slightly, as if he was a little uncertain about the other party's intentions.

Jade also had some ideas and decided to recruit Shajin to work under him.

"Kakahuaxia...It's a good name, but it's destined to be buried in the ground. But you deserve to live and create more wealth for us."

"Go ahead, pick out some clothes you like, pick out an identity you like, and then use them, kid."

"May your trick never be exposed."

The scene went dark, and

Shajin's footsteps gradually moved away.

From behind, Shajin's voice murmured:

"Life is like a long investment. Choose the right person, do the right thing, reach the right result, and show your value to the world."

"It is impossible for a person to make only the right decisions in his life, but luck is always on my side and I have never lost...."

"Is it because the Mother Goddess is blessing me? If so, she must be watching me right now. I will definitely succeed...."

"But...Then what?"

"If I make it through this, what's next?"

"After one grand gamble, is there another even grander gamble waiting for me?"

"Is it after success after success, returning with countless chips, or after a failure?..."

"Then he left and never came back..."

【Kafka: You're actually praising the eyes of the gold dust. But it's true. It's said that every Evikin has a beautiful face and beautiful eyes, which makes people like them.】

【Bronya: But things that many people like should be protected better, not slaughtered!】

【Gallagher: It is precisely because of specialness that they become candidates for slavery. More people need playthings rather than friends, especially when the strength of both parties is unequal.】

【Black Tower: According to the information, in addition to their faces and eyes, the Evikins also have high IQs and are very good at gaining sympathy, which attracts jealousy and hatred. Some people began to slander them endlessly..】

【Xi'er: So that's why people say that he is a born liar, a thief, a socialite, and a treacherous person? This is prejudice!】

【Rumors can make a person appear to be a fool. The Evikins seem to be on a remote planet, right? I'm afraid I can't even refute it?】

【But who can guarantee that they are not such people? After all, they are all dead..】

【Who are the men in black, the company?】

【Botio: The Evikins and the Kartikas were enemies until one day a messenger dressed in black descended from the sky. This group of people belonged to the company and was led by Osvaldo Schneider, the head of the marketing department....】

【Portio: The arrival of the company ended the cycle of barbarism. Under the amber light, the United Emirates of Tsagania was officially established. The civilized blind spot of the civilized universe finally took the first step towards the starry sky at this time.】

【Bottiou: But there is a price. Kartika and Evikin are that price. Under the deliberate manipulation of some speculators and the indulgence of the company, through a reasonable and legal democratic parliamentary vote, they exiled the butchers and swindlers outside of civilization.】

【Botio: Continue. After the exile, the parliament apologized and specifically stated in a resolution that the Evikin people will always have the right to self-determination.】

【Bronya: So from this day on, if these two tribes get into a dispute, they can justifiably remain indifferent.】

【Bronya: As a result, the cruel and bloodthirsty Kartikas had no choice but to turn their attention to the Evikins.】

【Botio: Yes, my goodness. After the second extinction of the Ewekin, the company intervened and took over the last remaining Ewekin....】

【Topa: How do you know so much? These are secrets in the company, right?】

【Portio: Humph, the Sea Ranger knows nothing, but he knows a lot!】

【So proud!】

【Kakavasa had previously deceived the members of the academy, saying that there was a dead body of the insect king in the desert? ? ? So impressive?】

【The point is that those who learned it still believed it.】

【Portio: I finally know why Sha Jin was invited to the tavern, hahahaha, he actually deceived the society so badly, hahaha!】

【Is Sha Jin always betting on his own life?】

【Gold dust doesn't even dare to raise the price of its own life? It's only worth 30 pieces...】

【Got it! Next time I have an interview, I will ask the HR boss to come! I will only talk to him!】

【Heita: The company is the biggest gambler in the universe. Apart from the Star God, who can gamble more and win more than Old Fleming and Dongfang Qixing?】

【Natasha: Would helping the gold dust be considered a loan for the jade? Maybe the gold dust will have to pay back more in the future?】


【It's so sad to watch. Shajin has been trying hard to show his value, because without value, he will be dead.】

【Is gold dust tiring?】

【Administrator Gold Dust:......Does this game have no sense of boundaries? It's all exposed to me?】

【Topa: Haha, that's very interesting. I think it's good this way. I don't have to say it out loud, and it's not so embarrassing.】

【Administrator Shajin: But I am also afraid of social death】

"Haha, don't you have any idea?..."

""Vile gambler?"

What was that voice?!

Shajin suddenly opened his eyes, his vision fell back on Pinocchio, and he looked around for the person who was laughing at him!

"what happened..."

But he found that the person who was talking to him looked exactly like him.

He subconsciously covered his head with his hands and rubbed it.

"Am I dreaming, or am I completely crazy?"

"What the hell?!"

Gui Naifen looked at the game screen in bewilderment.

How could there be two gold dusts?

Could it be that gold dusts could split into two?

"Maybe it's an illusion?" Su Shang asked.

"It's possible. Didn't the previous Fireworks create an illusion, pull Huang Quan in, and let the Star Core Hunter attack him?..."Gui Naifen thought about it and realized that it was possible.

Could it be that the fireworks were here?

But after looking for a while, she didn't see any fireworks.

"Could this be the power of harmony?"

Suddenly, Gui Naifen was startled.

Sha Jin had been attacked by Zhou Ri before.

If this was the power of harmony, wouldn't it mean that he would really go crazy?

"Am I dreaming or am I completely crazy?..."[]

Shajin looked at the other self in front of him and couldn't help but complain about the doubts and weirdness.

"Perhaps both." The false gold dust replied

"Have you forgotten me? Who gave you the idea when you were tied to the electric chair by the warlord of Yiyimanika?"

Faced with the other party's words, Shajin shook his head helplessly.

""Okay, I may be crazy, but I'm not stupid. Get out of my head, newborn of harmony." Sand Gold gritted his teeth and said

"Oh, same? Don't be silly, it's not the first time we meet, there's no need to be so formal."

The other fake gold dust laughed, then looked at the other party and spoke in a psychedelic voice.

"I am you, and I know you better than you know yourself. I know what you want. You are dying, and you want to take a few unlucky guys with you. That's why you come here, isn't it?"

"Great opening performance, do you really think you can do it?"

Looking at Tongxie's self-righteousness, Shajin didn't worry at all.

Although the strange power in his mind was still continuing, making Shajin's head still painful and irritable, it also reminded him that something was wrong with his situation, so he spoke calmly.

"Why not?"

The false gold dust did not argue, but���Yixiao:"You may be able to fool everyone, but you can't fool yourself."

"I can prove it to you, I will walk with you for a while before you disappear completely"

"Let's talk on the way."

"What the hell are you?"

The other party's attitude made Shajin frown. For the first time, he felt that the other party's existence seemed to be more than just a harmony!

"Most people in this world have only one outcome in their life, and I am that outcome."

"Kakawaxia, I am your future!"

The other party disappeared, and Shajin sighed with relief this time, looking at the place where the other party disappeared and suddenly smiled.

"First it was an auditory hallucination, now it's a visual hallucination..."

"Awesome, should I be promoted to Tongxie Lingshi next?"

【Ah, yes, yes, order the envoy!】

【Is the power of harmony so terrifying?】

【He is quite humorous. Can he find joy in adversity?】

"Why is there not a single tourist here? What is that Wing Head doing?..."

After the other party left, Sha Jin chopped around and frowned.

Suddenly, he saw a child wandering around not far away.

"There's only one Pipisi....No, it's a child?"Shajin frowned in surprise.

Pipixi is a special race, barely considered a dwarf race.

They are petite and can't grow up all their lives. Their signature feature is a pompom seat mark on their heads.

But the child in front of him doesn't have that!

The problem arises.

Children are not allowed to enter the dreamland 3.9!

Then the appearance of this child is......

"Remember that underage people were not allowed to enter the golden hour?"

"Hey, why are you here alone?"

Shajin walked up to the other person and asked curiously, but as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a headache, just like the feeling when the self who claimed to be his future self appeared before.

"What's wrong, sir? You look like you're not feeling well?"

The child turned his head and looked at him with worry and curiosity on his face.

"You! Your...Eyes!?"

At this time, Shajin could no longer care about the pain in his head, because he noticed that the color and appearance of the other child's eyes were exactly the same as his own, that is, the eyes of the Ewekins!

The eyes of the Ewekins are special in the universe.

So far, he has never seen any race that is the same as the Ewekins!

This also means that the other party is an Ewekin!

"This is impossible, who are you?"Shajin couldn't help but ask


The child was not afraid when he heard the gold dust, and answered with a smile.

"They are beautiful, aren't they? My sister said they were a gift from Fingal's mother. Colored eyes can bring good luck."

"Huh? Sir?...You have a pair of beautiful eyes, too, so pretty!"

At this point, the child looked at the gold dust in surprise, and couldn't help but look at the gold dust's eyes!

【Isn’t this Kakahuasha when he was a child?】

【Natasha: That gold dust is the influence of Tongxie, and it has become a puppet of Tongxie....But what does this childhood Kakahuaxia mean?】

【Is this really Kakavasa when he was a child? Gold Dust doesn't seem to recognize him】

【If it is really Kakahuaxia, there is no reason why Shajin would not recognize it.】

【Could it be the same species as the gold dust? 】

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