【The defense is broken!!!】

【Wow, Sha Jin is really working hard for his KPI!】

【I was not surprised that there were three cornerstones, I had already guessed it, but he actually crushed the aventurine! ?】

【Dare to destroy the Amber King's divine gift, and rely on the Amber King to not care about things】

【The stone in front was made by the envoy for them, not by the Star God.

In the picture, after the mood eased a little,

Shajin continued to move forward, but the next moment he suddenly heard a voice coming from behind him.

It was that person again!

He claimed to be his future self, but in fact he was the same person.

"You really piqued my interest....I admit that there are still some things about you that I don't fully understand"

"You are very sincere this time."Shajin looked at the other party and smiled.

"Sincerity is one of my few precious qualities, so there is no need to emphasize it."

Shajin smiled, and this was Shajin's own idea.

"See that maze? I'll know you before you walk out of there."

"Our movie studio journey is not over yet, your revolving lantern is also going on...And I don't mind taking this process very long."

After the other party finished speaking, he disappeared on the spot.

And Shajin looked into the distance and heard the voice.

"Wow! It's so high here! Higher than the tallest rock in the desert!"

"There are so many flowers! Sister, this purple one is for you!"

Listening to the voice of the other party in front, Shajin kept wandering in the maze.

"Are you lost?..."

The reason why a maze is called a maze is that it will make people lose themselves.

Halfway through, they find that it is a dead end. Sha Jin opened his mouth in some confusion, but suddenly found that under his feet,

"This is..."

A pair of shackles appeared....

"Did you remember anything?"The unpleasant voice appeared again.

"It has nothing to do with you." Sand Gold replied

"Need a hint? This is a pair of shackles, put on you, the first job that man gave you, the first pot of gold you earned, I remember it clearly"

"You just wrap this chain around your fist, which is the only weapon you can find, and then, in that maze, you..."

"Shut up!"

Listening to the other party's words, Sha Jin recalled his own days, especially the scene of his fist falling in the maze, and he was immediately furious.

"oh...You don't want to face that past? You don't want to admit that your life is only worth sixty tabaans (red copper coins)?"

"In my opinion, neither of them is the correct answer. You refuse to face him only because it proves your weakness."

When Shajin heard this, he couldn't help but refute:"How can a weak person take such a risk!"

"Yes, you like to take risks, but you are unwilling to let go of some unnecessary things. Even in this beautiful dream, you only dare to try death on yourself."

"Those entourage members could have been your jokers and played a greater role."

"There are so many stains on the family, and they can be easily solved by making some small sacrifices and replacing them with opals."

Future Gold Sand listened to the other party's rebuttal and didn't care at all, and continued to expose the other party's thoughts.

"Unfortunately, you are not as good as him. If you had done it, you would not have fallen to this point....."

"Why not do this? It shouldn't be out of any professional ethics, right?"

"The tricks you mentioned are very likely to work, but it's not that I don't know how to use them, I just don't want to use them, understand?" Shajin looked at the other person with disdain.

"fair.....Ha, as if your opponent is being fair to you. The situation is clearly not in your favor, so why are you still so relaxed? What did the Masked Fool's words enlighten you to?"

"She gave me an answer that could overturn everything."Shajin smiled confidently.

"Subvert everything? You mean, make everything on the card table disappear?"

Just when he claimed to be the future Gold Dust's words, suddenly the voice of young Kakavasa appeared.

In an instant, Gold Dust woke up, looked in the direction of the voice, and began to speed up his pace and chased after it.

"If you bring these leaves back...Will new flowers bloom?"

Shajin quickened his pace after hearing the sound in front of him.

This time, what blocked his way was not a cornerstone, but a round ornament, a talisman made of pure gold!

"It's really hard to describe the expression on your face right now. This amulet your mother left you is made of pure gold. Why haven't you considered selling it?'"

"Obviously, you and your sister could live a normal life for a while. Looking back, that was the better choice."

The future Gold Dust appeared again and asked him

"Mom only left us two pieces of jewelry, a necklace and an amulet. There won't be a third one."

Shajin stopped and looked at the other person with a slightly cold look.

If the other person really knew his memories and understood his feelings, he wouldn't ask such a question!

The other person is not the real me after all!

"You keep saying that, but you actually regret not selling them, right?"Future Gold Dust teased.

"Don't make small talk."

"Ha, I get it. You must remember what your sister said at the time: You are a child blessed by the Mother Goddess, you can lead the clan to happiness, so always remember to protect yourself, and never resent pain and poverty...."

"You're a good kid, you'll never forget it."

"So you will never forget how miserable her last moments were, and how piercing the heart was with the shrill laughter behind you...."

"You just ran away without looking back and did what she said."

"Tsk tsk, I will regret it for the rest of my life."

Listening to the other party's ridicule and sarcasm,

Sha Jin's body was filled with regret.���They all began to tremble, but they still suppressed their anger with their reason and said to each other

"That's enough! Don't you have anything else to talk about?"

"This is the second time you interrupted me. You are really easy to understand."Future Gold Dust said with a smile

"I finally understand your thoughts, huh, it's really crazy"

"Finally, I will overturn this beautiful dream and create the most magnificent death. This is indeed your proposition, consistent and unchanging"

"From the star core, to the robin's silence, to the two murders, to the negotiation with Sunday, to the masked fool's suggestion,"

"Only these two unchanging words can arouse your interest, and now, you actually hold it in your hands"

"But whose death was it?"

"We will know when the dice fall."Gold Dust replied

"OK, then leave me a seat in the audience. I want to see how capable you are. However,...I'm still curious"

"If I start all over again...Do you still want to be a child blessed by the Mother Goddess?"

After asking the question, the future gold dust disappeared, leaving the gold dust standing there alone, feeling a little unhappy.

【This guy is so annoying! It makes me want to hit him!】

【No matter how I look at it, I feel that my sister is so pitiful!】

【Show me and cry, gold dust...】

【So Sha Jin is ready to sacrifice himself in the dream?】

【Gold Dust is one of the ten Stone Hearts, so if he dies in a dream, then the company can come to your door!】

【So Shajin has always been preparing for his own death! ?】

【Maybe it could be liberation?】

"Sir, is that you?"

"I heard the sound of leather shoes."

In the picture, the experience of the gold dust is still going on.

The young Kakavasa heard the gold dust running and looked over curiously.

When he saw that it was indeed the gold dust, he smiled.

"Ah, it's really you!"

"I don't know why, sir, you always give me a special feeling..."

"It makes me curious and eager to try"

"It's a pity that I didn't get to know you better...."

"We should say goodbye. Did you have fun?"

After hearing Kakavasia's words,

Shajin's smile gradually faded, and finally turned into a faint smile. She looked at him and asked

"you...Are you going back?"

"Well, I should go home. Kakavasia nodded.

"The sky is getting gloomy and it's going to rain. I can't let everyone worry."

"Your home...Where is it?" Sand Gold looked at Kakavasia and asked hesitantly.

"What a strange question. Home is where your father, mother, and sister are."

"In this dream."

Kakavasa said, looking at everything around him.

"This amusement park, this beautiful dream, is really peaceful, and everyone loves it."

"But sir, why don't you like it?"

"Because they are not here."Gold Dust replied

"So where are they?"Just then, the future gold dust appeared.

"I don't know."Shajin said hesitantly.

"You know it. But the answer is meaningless.���Speak with a smile. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Admit it, you're tired."

"We are all tired, so we plan to stay here, me and him"

"Your past and future"

"How long will you stay here?" Shajin asked

"Forever. We will stay in this dream with you forever"

"This is the greatest respect we can offer to those who are determined to die."

Future Gold Sand spoke to Gold Sand in a tone he had never used before.

There was no ridicule or sarcasm, only tenderness, as if at this moment, all he had for Gold Sand was the respect he said.

"It's an extremely absurd way to do things, but it's not uncommon for you."

"Because my life is the first chip you throw out, and it always is."

"You don't care who the real murderer is, nor are you interested in the so-called inheritance."

"You just want to be a fair and just company employee, but you suffer in your family's territory, are put in hot shackles, and pushed to the center of the stage......."

"Then, he became the third victim of this event."[]

Hearing the other party's evaluation, calling him a victim,

Shajin refuted the other party's statement and answered affirmatively

"I can do it, and it will be perfect!"

In the live broadcast room,

Future Gold Sand heard Gold Sand's affirmative answer and sighed helplessly.

"Of course you can. Your good luck will definitely help you at the right time. A star core and an emissary...It’s that simple, right?"

"In this way, the company will be qualified to sit at the table"

"And you can also get out of the endless vortex and get the relief you've always dreamed of."

Looking like he had seen through the gold dust,

Future Gold Dust slowly told his own cognition, and Gold Dust was also silent.

This time, he did not continue to refute

"It's not the first time..."

"This is the way you are best at and most desired"

"This farce started with a death and will end with a death."

"'So, diamonds choose you?"

"He just wants Pinocchio, no matter what the means, no matter the cost...It has nothing to do with any specific person either." Shajin replied

"Hahaha, it's very hard, right?" A trace of pity appeared on Future Gold's face.

"You suddenly become very considerate, have you found your conscience?" Shajin asked?

"After all, I was born from your self, so I know that it is difficult to get back the chips I threw."

Future Gold Dust shook his head and looked around Pinocchio.

"I can't stop you from doing what you want to do, where you want to go...We can't change"

"It is impossible to reverse what has been done."

Shajin continued, and then walked towards the future Shajin step by step, standing in front of the other person, looking at this person who looked exactly like him,

"All we can do is seize every opportunity to win as many seconds as possible."

"Yes, it's a pity that people can't just make the right decisions all their lives....Although good luck is always on your side"

"You always win, you never lose...But why you? Why...It has to be you?"

"If a lucky man's miracle is built on the misfortune of all the people he loves, or even more people..."

"If every rain you bring never symbolizes the forgiveness and grace of the God of Dusk, but a meaningless death again and again..."

"So how many mistakes did you and I make to be born into this world?"

This time,

Future Shajin's words moved Shajin thoroughly.

He didn't know whether it was because the power of harmony faded with the passage of time, making it difficult for him to continue to bear it, or whether the other party's words touched Shajin's heart.

His body subconsciously trembled a little.

After a few seconds of silence,

Shajin spoke.

"Maybe...When I reach that destination, our confusion will be solved."

"Hum, okay."

Future Gold Sand nodded after hearing what the other party said, then smiled at him, his eyes narrowed slightly, and for the first time, such a kind smile appeared on his face.

"Go ahead, my friend, I'll be waiting for you in the future"

"In your final moments, say goodbye to this child (the past) and try your best to......."

"Die (money or not) without regrets."

After the words fell,

Future Gold Sand left here step by step, and in the distance, his figure completely disappeared.

【The defense is broken! Home is where the family is! But Shajin has no family at all, he is left alone!】

【It’s really sad to see Sha Jin’s expression of having no home!】

【Are we all tired? Wait, why does it feel like this is not Tongxie, but Shajin himself? ? ?】

【Of course, the power of harmony is just to create a second thought, in fact, he is also the gold dust itself.】

【Shajin has already planned to leave his"past" and"future" forever in this dream, that is, to die....】

【Wait, the name of this future gold dust has changed from"???" to"gold dust"!!!】

【The long-desired way to be free? ? ? So Shajin always wanted to die?】

【Say goodbye to the past, the future is waiting for him...It feels weird in here!】

【Saying goodbye to Kakavasia?】

【I feel so bad....】

"Now, we are the only ones left."

After waiting for the future gold to leave, Kakawaxia looked at the gold in front of him with an expectant smile.

"Can you take a picture for me?"

"Just as a souvenir"

"Well, come on."

Faced with the other party's proposal,

Sha Jin naturally would not refuse.

Under the other party's guidance, he walked to a photo location.

This was a photo spot in the amusement park.

There were vacancies on the faces of several cartoon characters.

Kakavasa walked to one of the spots, and under the focus of the camera, with a click, the other party's figure remained in the photo.

【The photo location of this cartoon...Are there exactly four vacancies?】

【This is my father, mother, sister, and Shajin himself....Chinese magnolia】

"Great! Now I can see what I look like."

Kakavasa in the picture opened his mouth again and released a critical strike.

"Next time you take a photo, remember to look at the camera, your expression will be more natural." Shajin reminded.

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