Orochimaru was swimming in the ocean of knowledge, and at this moment, he was like a sponge, constantly absorbing the knowledge in the book.

This focused look was not only a habit he developed in his previous life, but Orochimaru was also a very serious person because he had performed well since childhood.

No one can succeed easily, and geniuses have to work hard to go a long way.

It was not until a gurgling sound came from his stomach that Orochimaru's mind was pulled back to reality.

Looking up, the sky had unknowingly darkened, and he could see the words on the book clearly with his night vision ability, but he did not notice it at the first time.

Feeling the hunger coming from his body, Orochimaru put the books he had read back.

Arriving at Tsunade's kitchen, seeing that there were still a lot of ingredients, Orochimaru simply started to cook.

Although these ingredients were not so fresh, they could be seen to have been purchased today. I think they should be the side dishes that Tsunade bought today.

Orochimaru skillfully washes rice and cooks rice, washes vegetables, cuts vegetables, and stir-fries.

Orochimaru was born in a rural area in his previous life. Children from poor families have to take care of the family early, so cooking is naturally no problem for him.

He cooks for weddings and funerals in the village himself, and has several chef friends around him. He can be considered a half-expert in food.

When he finished cooking two dishes and was about to cook the last egg soup.

There was a "creaky" sound of the door opening, and Tsunade, who was rubbing her sleepy eyes, opened the kitchen door.

"Orochimaru, I thought there was a thief in the house!"

Looking at his sleepy appearance, he was still a little disheveled, and a large area of ​​white was exposed on his chest.

Orochimaru withdrew his gaze with difficulty and came to her with two dishes:

"Go, take it to the living room, I'll cook some soup."

Tsunade took the dishes mechanically, came to the table, put down the dishes and took out two bottles of wine.

When Orochimaru came out with the soup bowl, Tsunade had already started drinking.

He served her a bowl of egg soup and took her bottle.

"Eat first, it's not good to fill your stomach, and I see you didn't eat lunch?"

Tsunade was stunned for a moment, glanced at Orochimaru's unhappy expression, and then looked at the two dishes, one soup and a plate of peanuts on the table.

Orochimaru made a dish of stir-fried pork slices with green peppers and a dish of shredded potatoes and pork. Except for the pork bought today, the others were ingredients that could be stored for a few days.

"It looks good. Don't you dislike cooking?"

As she said that, Tsunade also picked up the chopsticks and started eating. After just two bites, her eyes lit up.

The next moment, she picked up the dishes faster.

Maybe she was really hungry, or maybe the dishes made by Orochimaru were really delicious, and soon her cheeks bulged.

"Eat slowly, no one is snatching it from you."

Orochimaru rolled his eyes at her. Why did she feel like a starving ghost? She was eating peanuts and drinking wine just a moment ago, but now she was eating and drinking without caring about her image.

"Ah! I didn't expect your cooking to be so delicious. Why didn't I notice it before?"

Tsunade drank a bowl of egg soup, and praised Orochimaru rarely.

"Tsk... I'm very capable, you will know it in the future."

This time it was Tsunade's turn to roll her eyes. Orochimaru didn't care whether she heard that he meant to drive, and served her another bowl of egg soup.

"Orochimaru, you are not right. If you are too attentive, you are either a traitor or a thief!"

After eating and drinking, Tsunade spoke first. At this time, another glass of wine was poured in front of her, and Orochimaru also filled it for himself.

After taking a sip, the wine tasted a bit like the sake of the island country. It was not delicious, but it was better than nothing.

"I want you to practice physical skills with me for a while. I have recently developed a new ability and need to find someone to practice with."

Orochimaru said slowly, looking at each other, but Tsunade's doubts were obviously not eliminated.

"Is it that simple?"

Looking at Tsunade's half-belief and half-doubt, Orochimaru smiled slightly:

"Of course it's not that simple. I want to conduct research on biological cells recently. Your medical ninjutsu is also very useful for my research. You are better than me in this aspect. I want to ask you for advice."

This is sincere. The premise of using medical ninjutsu is to be familiar with human organs.

You must have a good understanding of each meridian and each organ, and you must understand the cellular level and even the genetic level.

In this regard, Tsunade can give him a lot of guidance to help him avoid detours.

"That's what I said. But why are you like a different person? You wouldn't be like this even if you asked me for something before."

She was talking about the scene at the cemetery and her performance today, taking care of her and cooking for her., Tsunade suddenly frowned.

"Is Orochimaru attracted to me? Impossible, impossible, he used to ignore me; he must be comforting me after he passed away, yes, that should be it!"

Tsunade didn't dare to think about it anymore, and instinctively didn't think in that direction.

Orochimaru took advantage of the situation before his ex's body was cold, and kissed her that day, although it was very fast and it was raining, but she was sure it was not an illusion.

"I will raise your wife?"

Orochimaru, who was sipping wine, had no idea that Tsunade was attacking herself. If she knew that Orochimaru had a brand new soul in his body, these guesses would be reasonable.

But that's impossible, absolutely impossible!

"I see you have a lot of books in your study, can I read them often in the future?"

Orochimaru looked at Tsunade, who was looking down and dazed, for fear that she would think of unhappy past events again.

"Well? If you want to watch it, then watch it. It's just gathering dust anyway."

Tsunade waved her hand generously. For her, knowledge that was not memorized in her mind was not knowledge, but words.

"By the way, you can ask me to practice with you, but you have to pay for the food!"

It must be said that the food made by Orochimaru tastes really good. Look, it conquered Tsunade's stomach.

Seeing Tsunade's slightly raised mouth corners, this was the first time Orochimaru saw Tsunade's smile since he came to this world.

"Okay, but let's make it clear. You can drink, but you can't drink too much. You don't know how much effort I spent to get you to the room today. You must have gained weight..."

"Go to hell, you are fat. You have become weak recently. I weigh less than 100 pounds..."

The two of them drank and bickered, and the atmosphere was quite harmonious.

Today, Orochimaru was not as frugal with words as before, and he would look at you with a cold face at any time.

Tsunade also likes the cheerful Orochimaru now. She knows that Orochimaru is probably acting this way to make her happy, but she is indeed much happier.

The light shines through the window, and the occasional bickering between the two fills the courtyard that has been silent for many years.

Life is about using the one or two points of sweetness to dilute the eight or nine points of bitterness.

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