Not only the Hokage's office, but also the Hokages of the other four countries saw the items sold from the North.

These things don't seem to be earth-shattering and irreplaceable, but they do bring convenience to the ninjas.

"North? Watches, combat boots, three-edged bayonets...!"

The Hokage carefully read the reports submitted by the Anbu ninjas, as well as the items in front of him.

In addition to women's products such as stockings, high heels, perfumes and sunscreens, most of these are items used by ninjas to perform tasks.

"Except for the watches, which seem to be difficult to make, the others don't have much technical content!"

The Third Hokage checked several items one by one, all with unique labels $, which are the symbols of the products of the North.

"Well! These things do have a certain auxiliary effect on improving the combat effectiveness of ninjas, especially this one!"

While puffing out smoke, the Third Hokage picked up the watch on the desk and looked at it carefully.

There are timers in the ninja world, but they are not taken seriously. The rulers only know how to enjoy themselves.

The ninjas are even worse off. They spend all day either studying ninjutsu or practicing. How can they think of changing the world?

If we talk about research, it is probably only medical ninjutsu, which is the result of Tsunade's efforts when she was in the village.

As for the researchers who seriously study science, there is no other one except Orochimaru.

If you talk to him about science and technology, he will talk to you about the will of fire. The two are not on the same channel at all!

It can be seen how little the rulers pay attention to the development of science and technology. Even in Boruto, scientific equipment is considered to be a crooked way.

They don't think they will understand the idea of ​​using plug-ins to make up for lack of talent. Danzo, the old thief, understands it very well. Didn't you see the Sharingan on his arm?

"Huruzen, I heard that a new force has appeared in the north?"

While Sarutobi Hiruzen was playing with the exquisitely crafted mechanical watch, a familiar voice came from the door.

Danzo seemed to have returned home and walked in without knocking on the door. It seems that he likes the feeling here very much.

"Did you receive the message, too?"

Sarutobi Hiruzen put down his watch and took another puff of his pipe, with no emotion on his face.

Ignoring the Anbu ninja in front of the desk, Danzo went straight to the pile of items and took the list of items to check.

After a while, Danzo slapped the list on the table and said with disdain:

"It's just some fancy stuff, and you dare to say that it can improve the strength of ninjas!"

In Danzo's view, the iron must be hard to forge, and it is simply wishful thinking to raise the upper limit of ninjas with some insignificant equipment.

The fact is indeed as he said, these things have limited effect.

Orochimaru took these things out to sell just to make money, and he was not afraid that ninjas from various countries would produce them themselves.

After all, he still has equipment such as chakra armor that can actually improve the strength of ninjas.

"These equipments are still useful for Genin and Chunin, especially this timer. I think we need to equip a batch of them!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen has been on the battlefield for many years and his eyes are very sharp.

"It's quite interesting!"

The quick-eyed and quick-handed Danzo took the watch on the table. The dark metal texture will not reflect light even at night, which is very suitable for carrying out tasks.

"The workmanship is acceptable. I think we need to purchase a batch of Konoha... No, we can develop it independently!"

As he said this, Danzo put the watch into his arms. The Third Hokage was already accustomed to his actions and didn't think it was abrupt at all.

However, the Anbu ninja standing aside was a little fidgety, looking like he wanted to say something but stopped.

His eyes wandered back and forth between Danzo and the Hokage. The Third Hokage seemed to have noticed that he had something to say and gave him an affirmative look.

"Hokage, this watch cost more than 300,000 taels..."

The voice of the Anbu ninja was getting lower and lower, and he didn't dare to look at Danzo.


When he heard that this little thing was bought for more than 300,000 taels, Sarutobi Hiruzen was choked by the smoke that just entered his mouth.

Danzo's old face also became gloomy at this time. Neither of them had expected this price.

The prices of high-tech products are relatively expensive when they are launched. Ordinary people can't afford it at all, not to mention that this watch is a Rolex watch from the north.

This watch is the most expensive one purchased by the Anbu ninja, and it was obtained by using the power of the Anbu ninja, otherwise it would not be their turn.

There are many rich people in the Fire Country. The capitalists control the economic lifeline, and Orochimaru controls the core technology. If the two are combined, money will come."What's wrong with more than 300,000 taels? Can't I afford it? Go and buy more. All the ninjas in our root will be equipped with one piece each!"

Hearing Danzo's unfriendly tone, the Anbu ninja trembled with fear and lowered his head quickly.

Sarutobi Hiruzen also raised his eyebrows. What do you mean you only need one piece each in the root? This is a public expense. If you want equipment, the Anbu ninjas should be equipped first. Are you trying to get the wool here?

More than 300,000 taels is enough for an A-level mission. The price is really not low.

Waving his hand and letting the Anbu ninjas retreat, Sarutobi Hiruzen returned to his original calm appearance.

"It seems necessary to understand this new force. It's rare that they have such technology!"

There are indeed many strange technology trees in the ninja world, such as Shennong's 0-tail, Baizu's dragon vein puppet, Orochimaru's mechanical Naruto, etc.

Every event is worth noting, but Sarutobi Hiruzen still values ​​the money-making ability of the North.

A watch is so expensive, and the truckloads of goods, just think about how much profit there is, no one can turn a blind eye.

"I will let the Root follow up, maybe it's some small country in the north!"

Danzo pulled out a chair and sat down with a nonchalant look on his face, not taking it to heart at all.

"You came to me just for this matter, right?"

Although Sarutobi Hiruzen had no expression on his face, there was a hint of haze in his eyes since Danzo appeared.

You know, every time Danzo came to him, there was nothing good, and quarrels were commonplace. Now I feel annoyed when I see Danzo.

"It's still the same old problem. Uchiha is getting more and more restless now. I think it's necessary to implement that plan!"

Danzo didn't care about Sarutobi Hiruzen's impatience, whether you like it or not.

You can make things difficult for me, but it doesn't stop me from turning the table!

"Do we really have to go this far?"

Hearing that it was about Uchiha, Sarutobi Hiruzen also sat up straight. Although the question was a question, his face revealed a sense of helplessness and complexity.

"Hmph! A bunch of ungrateful wolves, Uchiha are born to be rebellious...!"

Similar to the Hokage's office, there are also the four, five, and four major countries. Whether it is the Mizukage, Tsuchikage, Windkage or Raikage, they don't take this matter too seriously.

They are also concerned about the newly emerged force in the North, and they don't think much of their military equipment. Instead, they are jealous of their ability to attract money.

When they find out about this force, if it is really a small country, they don't mind doing something to supplement their family income.

In the ninja world, it has always been the law of the jungle since ancient times, and it has always been an unchanging truth that those who lag behind will be beaten!

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