40 years of Konoha

The three ninjas are 30 years old, and Kakashi, 7 years old, is promoted to Chunin and successfully becomes Minato's apprentice.

On this day, Orochimaru came back from working overtime at the research institute.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Tsunade drunk at the dining table, and Shizune, with a helpless look on her face, was cleaning up the empty bottles on the dining table.

Orochimaru was no longer surprised by this situation. As Shizune grew up, Tsunade had more and more free time.

Naturally, she became idle and returned to the days of drinking and living in a daze.

Orochimaru had no good way to deal with this situation. Everyone had their own things to do, and Jiraiya had to teach his apprentices and go out to collect folk songs every few days.

He was at the research institute all day and night and had no time to take care of her. It was estimated that only when she became Hokage would she have no time to think about it!

"Uncle Snake, you're back!"

Shizune looked at Orochimaru helplessly. She could accompany Tsunade after school, but she couldn't stop Tsunade from drinking one glass after another.

"Well, let me do it!"

He then went forward and picked up the unconscious Tsunade. His skillful movements showed that this was not the first time he had done this.

Although Shizune was almost 8 years old, her strength was still too weak, and the weight of an adult was still too much for her.

"The rest is up to you."

Putting Tsunade on the bed, Shizune was left with the job of wiping her face with slippers. This kind of thing was more suitable for a girl to do.

Looking at the sleeping Tsunade, Orochimaru was also helpless. Heart disease needs heart medicine, and the knot still needs to be solved by herself.

"Well, please trouble Uncle Orochimaru. I will watch over her at night."

Shizune fetched a basin of water and came to the bed. She said something to Orochimaru and started to busy herself.

When Shizune was just taken over, she was looked after by Tsunade because she was still young, and she lived in the same room with her since she was a child.

Now it was the other way around, it was Shizune's turn to look after Tsunade. Every time she drank too much and felt nauseous or drank water at night, Shizune was always busy, which made her worry a lot.

Looking at this room decorated by Shizune with a girlish atmosphere, there were photos of Tsunade, Orochimaru and Shizune hanging on the wall, of course, there were also photos of the three ninjas and Minato.

These were taken during the autumn outing. Orochimaru also had a copy, but he didn't hang it up.

Slowly closing the door, Orochimaru came to his bedroom.

"It's time to further improve my strength!"

Orochimaru took out a bottle of light green potion from his arms and shook it in front of his eyes.

This was exactly the cell fusion potion of Uzumaki Mito that he secretly prepared.

Based on the correct formula, it is not difficult to research this potion. The difficult part is to mix the potion to a perfect degree and completely solve the side effects of the potion.

It is also very important to test the most suitable dosage for different weights, different body strengths and different cell activities.

How to maximize the effect of the potion and get a perfect body is what Orochimaru pursues.

Without hesitation, Orochimaru injected the research results of more than a year into his body.

There was no violent reaction after the potion entered the body. This potion was not as overbearing as Hashirama's cell potion, but gradually changed and assimilated the body cells in a gentle way.

In this way, it will take some time to completely transform, but what Orochimaru lacks the least is time.

It is also because of this relatively gentle method that he dared to carry out this kind of experimental transformation at home, and even the potion was secretly prepared in his own laboratory.

After the potion was injected, a sense of powerlessness came from Orochimaru's body.

During the period when the potion transformed his own cells, he could not use his abilities, and even his chakra could not be mobilized.

This also proves that he will become unprecedentedly weak, no different from a civilian, and if a Genin attacked him, he would probably not be able to cope with it.

"It seems that I have to keep a low profile recently, so as not to get into trouble by accident!"

Orochimaru is not worried. In Konoha, as long as Danzo does not cause trouble, he basically does not have to worry about anything.

Fame sometimes brings trouble to people, and sometimes it is also a talisman.

Feeling an unprecedented sense of weakness, he can't help but think of his civilian life in his previous life.

That world without superpowers and chakra is gone forever.

"I didn't expect to come to this world for nearly 6 years, time flies!"

Thinking about when I first came here, Shizune was still breastfeeding, and now she is more than seven years old. 6 years still can't change anything!

Tsunade who is half dead, Jiraiya who is devoted to training the child of prophecy, and himself, a scientific researcher who is still on the road of research.

The inertia of the plot is really tooIt is so difficult to change a person's fate. I am just struggling in the long river of fate.

In all kinds of thoughts, Orochimaru slowly fell asleep, and Xiaobai beside him also leaned on his cheek and closed his eyes.

Things in the world flow slowly, and it is just a dream.

The next morning, Shizune came to the kitchen as usual, but did not find the lunch box that Orochimaru prepared for her as usual.

"Didn't Orochimaru cook today?"

After searching around, she did not find her lunch, and there was no sign of cooking in the kitchen early in the morning.

Came to the restaurant and looked at the clean table again. Shizune finally confirmed that the usual lunch would be ruined today.

Orochimaru is usually busy, but no matter how busy he is, he will not fail to make lunch for her. At most, he will make dinner later. But today is a little unusual.

"Did Orochimaru oversleep?"

With some doubts, Shizune came to the door of Orochimaru's room and knocked.

"Uncle Snake, are you still home?"

After knocking on the door several times without any response, Shizune simply turned the doorknob and left the door open.

She pushed it in gently and saw Orochimaru lying on the bed through the crack in the door.

"So he overslept. Forget it, let's not disturb him to rest."

Just when she thought Orochimaru was just sleeping in and was about to close the door, she suddenly thought of something:

"No, why is Uncle Snake so red today? Is he having a fever?"

Thinking of this, Shizune didn't care so much and pushed the door open and ran in.

Orochimaru's pale skin is very recognizable, and his red face is a rare appearance on him.

"Oh, why is it so hot!!"

Shizune immediately withdrew her hand after touching Orochimaru's forehead.

Realizing that Orochimaru was really sick, Shizune hurried to the next room to look for Tsunade.

It is the nature of children to look for their parents when something happens, and at this time, only Tsunade, the medical ninja, is the backbone.

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