The next day, at noon.

Orochimaru came to a training ground in Konoha Village.

Looking around, there were several figures fighting in the field, and there was a white-haired middle-aged man writing on the treetops not far away.

Jiraiya, who was sitting cross-legged on the tree trunk, was struggling with how to continue the "Intimate Paradise" series!

From time to time, he poked his head with a pen, and occasionally looked at the people in the training ground, with a constipated look on his face.

Just when Jiraiya was full of ink but had no idea where to start, a small white snake suddenly fell into his collar.

"Uh uh uh... What the hell!"

The slippery feeling made Jiraiya shudder in an instant, and he quickly stood up and shook his clothes. In his panic, he accidentally stepped on the air and fell from the treetop.

"Hehe... Jiraiya, why do you do such a big gift right when we meet?"

A tall figure slowly walked in front of him. Jiraiya, who had just fallen on his back, saw the two feet in front of him. When he looked up and saw your face clearly, he couldn't sit still!

"Orochimaru, why are you here again! Is this kind of teasing fun?"

Jiraiya grabbed Orochimaru's collar angrily and spit a foul language on Orochimaru's cheek.

"I just saw that you were struggling there for a long time without any progress, so I wanted to give you a surprise..."

"Is that a surprise? You want to scare me to death so that you can inherit my excellent apprentice, right?"

While the two were arguing with each other, Xiaobai had unknowingly returned to Orochimaru's shoulder.

After being sprayed in the face by Jiraiya, Jiraiya also calmed down and let go of Orochimaru with an unhappy look on his face.

"Tell me, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Orochimaru is a guy who never comes to visit me for no reason. He has not been seen for several years. It is probably not a good thing for him to come to him.

"Hey! Aren't you here to see this little guy?"

As he said this, Orochimaru looked at the training ground in front of him. Minato and Kakashi were practicing ninjutsu, and the two of them were practicing ninjutsu.

Not far away from them, there was another little guy doing physical training, it was Tap Water.

After two and a half years of training, Tap Water's body has become tough and strong. He no longer looks like he is short of energy and blood. Instead, his face is ruddy and his face is firm.

"You guys just threw him to me and left him alone. You don't know how much I have endured over the years."

Jiraiya complained to Orochimaru angrily. If he didn't think that this little guy was indeed a plastic talent and was sensible since he was young, he would probably have been sent to an orphanage not long after.

Jiraiya has carried out so many missions, and of course he has saved a lot of money. In addition, he has made a lot of money by publishing several best-selling ninja novels in recent years. Even without the child support that Orochimaru gave him, it is not a problem for him to raise a child.

Just look at Tsunade. She drinks and gambles all day long. How much of the family's wealth has been squandered by her. She can still raise Shizune. Jiraiya is in a much better situation.

He doesn't have the habit of spending money lavishly. The money he earned in recent years has not been used for big expenses except for drinking and partying.

These are minor problems. For Jiraiya, the impact on his reputation is more distressing.

A good man, but he has a bad reputation before he gets married. He has endured countless criticisms over the years.

Some say that he had an affair outside the village, some say that he gave birth to the child with a prostitute, and some say that he gave birth to the child with a married woman...

Anyway, they are all children born by him and others. No one believes the statement that he picked up the child as he said.

In their opinion, since they picked him up, why didn't they send him to an orphanage? They also gave him a name like Tap Water. The little guy's dull face was somewhat similar to Jiraiya's usual poker face, which made people have to speculate.

However, due to Jiraiya's reputation as one of the Three Ninjas, the aunts only dared to do so secretly behind his back, but they dared not gossip in front of him.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru said to Jiraiya:

"Don't take him to the women's bathhouse! He has not learned well since he was a child. How can he marry a wife with a bad reputation like you in the future?"

Orochimaru still clearly remembered that Jiraiya had been lustful since he was a child. The first time he went to peek at the women's bathhouse, it was this guy who dragged him there. At first, he didn't know what Jiraiya was looking at.

Something did happen later. Tsunade kicked him hard in the chest, and now Jiraiya still has a hideous scar on his chest!

It can be said that this guy has been a pervert since he was a child, and he still can't change his bad habits even in Naruto's time.

"Humph! I, Jiraiya, am a writer now. I have long stopped peeping into women's bathhouses. I did it for creative inspiration in the beginning..."If this righteous speech was said to someone else, Orochimaru might still believe it, but now... hehe!

"Hey, tap water, come here!"

Seeing Tap Water in the distance stop what he was doing and was about to sit down and rest for a while, Jiraiya waved and greeted him.

Hearing Jiraiya's call, Tap Water ran over happily. Maybe it was because he was too tired from the training just now. He staggered over with a height of just over one meter, which was quite funny.

"Adoptive father, you called me?"

Tap Water looked at Jiraiya with a childlike smile, and the words he said surprised Orochimaru.

He thought Jiraiya would let this little guy call him dad, after all, their names were so similar.

"Well! Let me introduce you, this is Orochimaru, my adoptive father's friend, you can call him Uncle Snake."

It seems that Jiraiya has long been accustomed to this name, and there is nothing unnatural about it.

"Hello, Uncle Snake!"

Tap Water said breathlessly, and bowed to Orochimaru!

"What a polite little guy!"

Orochimaru also smiled and rubbed his little head, and the little guy also behaved well.

After being out of Danzo's control, Tap Water's growth environment has improved a lot. He is quite smart and his expressions have become richer.

Although Orochimaru, who traveled through time, has never accepted any apprentices, the previous Rope Tree also left a deep impression on him, and he also saw the shadow of Rope Tree in the little guy.

Maybe every child is like this, full of hope and yearning for life and the future.

Isn't this a microcosm of Orochimaru and his childhood?

"This is our first meeting, I'll give you this seal scroll as a gift!"

As he said this, Orochimaru took out a seal scroll from his arms. This was researched based on the multiplication detonating talisman of the second generation of Hokage, and a special detonating talisman was sealed in the scroll.

As long as the seal is unlocked, the detonating talisman can be controlled by mental power, and the detonating talisman can be continuously copied after consuming a certain amount of chakra.

Its principle is the same as that of the second generation, but it is a one-time consumable.

After briefly introducing it to the two, Jiraiya was also surprised that Orochimaru could actually research this attack method, while Jiraiya was very excited.

"Since it was given to you by your uncle Snake, you should accept it!"

"Really? Godfather!"

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