The next day, Orochimaru came to the Ninja Academy early in the morning.

This time, Danzo arranged for him to teach politics to the students of the Ninja School.

It is called a political class, but it is actually a moral class, which is something that any qualified ninja can do.

It is not necessary for Orochimaru to be here. He is just here to be a substitute teacher temporarily. As for where the original teacher went, Orochimaru did not know. It is estimated that he was arranged by Danzo.

Danzo is still capable of arranging a substitute teacher for Orochimaru for a period of time. The other Konoha high-level officials can't say anything about this behavior. It's okay if the means are low-level. It's not shameful to run for Hokage.

With the letter of appointment, Orochimaru first came to the Ninja School office and said hello to some Ninja School teachers.

There are a few of these teachers that Orochimaru is familiar with, such as Akimichi Choza, Nara Shikaku, Yamanaka Inoichi, the earliest Ino-Shika-Chou trio, and Aburame Shimizu of the Aburame family, who are all part-time or full-time in the Ninja School.

However, these relatively familiar faces are still very young at this time, and they are only 21 or 22 years old now.

"Senior Orochimaru, this is your course schedule!"

Taking a course schedule from the head of the grade, Shikaku Nara, I have to say that this little guy has a good brain, and he has become the head of the grade at a young age.

If he can be the head of the grade today, he can be the vice principal tomorrow! As for the principal, it is naturally the successive Hokage. Shikaku has not had this luck yet. His son will have this blessing only after he dies in battle.

"Okay! Thank you very much!"

Orochimaru took the course schedule with a smile. He was not afraid of this ninja with an IQ of more than 180.

"Senior, you are polite. It is us who have to trouble you for a while."

Shikaku also responded with a smile. He could roughly guess why Orochimaru suddenly became a teacher at the ninja school.

But it was not his turn to intervene in the affairs of the Konoha high-level officials. After all, he was not the patriarch of the Nara clan yet, and he was not qualified to intervene in such power struggles.

It is not a bad thing for Orochimaru to come to the Ninja School to teach. The title of the Three Ninjas is still useful. It can set an example and a goal for those little bastards.

As long as Orochimaru does not cause trouble in school, he does not want to care about other things. At this stage, Shikaku is like his future son, and he hates trouble the most.

At this time, the bell for class has been ringing for a while, and Orochimaru no longer stays. He takes the class schedule and goes to the designated class.

The class, which was originally a little noisy, stopped abruptly when Orochimaru entered the door.

The students in the class looked at the new substitute teacher with some curiosity, and Orochimaru was also scanning the new blood of Konoha.

I can't believe that Danzo actually asked him, a scientist, to teach political lessons to these little brats.

Orochimaru believes in science. Don't you think it's a bit of a bullshit when you tell him about the will of fire?

Besides, he was asked to talk about the Will of Fire with a group of people as a scientist. If Danzo's brain wasn't rusty, then Orochimaru looked like a staunch supporter of the Will of Fire.

It would probably be more appropriate to change to Jiraiya. Perhaps the Ninja Academy also knew that Orochimaru was not good at teaching in this area, so they arranged for him to have older students.

The children in front of him were all seven or eight years old, and their values ​​were almost formed. Even if Orochimaru spoke poorly, it wouldn't matter.

Looking at the curious and eager eyes in front of him, Orochimaru also saw several familiar faces.

Mitarashi Red Bean, Gangzi Tetsu, Kamiyasuzuki Yun, Umino Iruka, and Gekkou Hayate, etc.

Some people have recognized his identity and are looking at him eagerly and excitedly, while more are full of curiosity and expectation.

"Hello, students, I am your substitute teacher for the Ideological and Moral Education Class, Orochimaru!"

As soon as the voice fell, the students below whispered to each other and the discussion began.

"'s really Orochimaru!"

"He's one of the famous three ninjas. I'm so happy!"

"Is he Orochimaru? His eyes look a little scary!"

"What nonsense, I think he's very impressive..."

There were many different opinions at once, some were incredible, some were afraid, some were admired, and some were in love.

No matter what the idea was, the emotion expressed could be summarized in one adjective, that is, awe!

"Okay, everyone quiet down."

Orochimaru clapped his hands, and the classroom became quiet in an instant, almost audible.

Orochimaru was very satisfied with their performance and continued to say:

"Today we will talk about the self-cultivation of ninjas!"

No wonder Orochimaru could only talk about this. If Obito was down there, he would definitely talk to him about the harm of early love. But this guyGraduated, let him escape.

In the next ten years of the ninja world, Obito, who is in love, will be the one who stirs up trouble. Let alone the friendship that Rin has for him rather than love. What does she know about love at such a young age?

From beginning to end, he was wishful thinking. Orochimaru looked down on him for his dog-licking behavior that could not accept reality.

Tsunade did not harm others after losing her lover and brother, but he stirred up the entire ninja world for a woman with an uncertain relationship.

Killing his master and mother, controlling the Nine-Tails to attack Konoha, controlling the Mizukage Yagura to carry out bloody politics, controlling Akatsuki to capture the Jinchūriki, and launching the Fourth Ninja World War...

In the end, not only did he fail to resurrect the person he loved, but he also stepped into it. Orochimaru said that anyone can wash his hands clean, but he can't!

Let's look at Orochimaru again. He was the big boss in the early stage, and he called me a lazy snake. Later, who didn't respect him as Mr. Orochimaru!

No one asked about me for ten years, but I became rich overnight!

I don't want to talk to these graduating kids about the harm of early love, so I'll start with self-cultivation.

This topic is very broad, and you can talk about anything, even bragging, it doesn't matter, it's all about the cultivation of ninjas.

"Teacher, we are all staunch supporters of the will of fire, and there is no problem with cultivation!"

A child raised his hand, and it seemed to be a child of the Hyuga family, no wonder he was so arrogant.

There are naturally children from major families in the class. These children not only receive education in the ninja school, but also continue to receive guidance from the family when they return to the family.

Compared with civilian ninjas, these children with backgrounds are more confident and more outgoing, commonly known as a bit of a thorn.

Seeing this white-eyed guy, he actually has a head of long yellow hair covering his eyes, and it seems that there is a small earring on his ear.

Orochimaru suddenly lost his composure, yes! That's the smell, my head is itchy, and my side bangs are about to grow out!

It's a pity that there is not enough hair!

"I've seen a lot of young people like you. After learning ninjutsu for a few years, you think you can make a name for yourself. In fact, it's a very painful thing to leave the village. There are still many things you can't do after learning ninjutsu."

After a pause, Orochimaru continued to look at the spirited young man:

"You don't want to take the mission, you don't want to work, and you don't want to show up as a traveling merchant. How do you live? No matter how powerful your ninjutsu is, you still have to eat!"

The young man was speechless after hearing this, and the others also looked thoughtful.

"I hope everyone can give me a graduation plan before the get out of class ends. Hurry up! Because I'm going to be hungry soon!"

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