Faced with this choice, which can be said to be a multiple-choice question, if it were the original Orochimaru, he might hesitate, but things are different now.

Having experienced the information age of the information explosion in his previous life, Orochimaru did not have much resistance to this kind of behavior of just a slight kiss.

He has seen many people who have been licking dogs for ten years and called their husbands in the bar overnight.

Moreover, this reward is the dynamic vision of Hawkeye. Orochimaru was also engaged in biological research in his previous life and had some understanding of various animals.

Hawkeye can detect the activities of prey from a distance of 10 kilometers. Flying at an altitude of thousands of meters is also moving at high speed. It is incredible that it can easily detect prey under the grass.

The density of Hawkeye's cone cells is six or seven times that of the human body, and the visual nerves are much more flexible than humans.

For humans, it is difficult to see insects 20 meters away, but it is very easy for eagles.

They can easily observe small insects a hundred meters away, and they can constantly adjust the focus of the eyeballs during high-speed movement, allowing them to observe more details.

From these alone, it can be seen that this reward is not simple, and it is comparable to the Sharingan and the Byakugan.

These thoughts flashed through Orochimaru's mind quickly, and then he said:

"If I don't care about you, who will care about you!"

Tsunade was shocked to hear these words coming from Orochimaru's cold mouth.

Is this still the Orochimaru she knows? Could you be possessed?

It can be said that Tsunade's guess at this time is very close to the fact, but Orochimaru ignored his shock and continued to ask:

"I don't know if you and I have heard a saying?"

Without waiting for her to respond, Orochimaru slowly approached Tsunade's ear and whispered:

"Good people don't live long, and evil will last for thousands of years!"

After saying that, Orochimaru didn't care about Tsunade's reaction, grabbed the pendant in her hand, and then pecked her cheek lightly with lightning speed.

After doing this, Orochimaru quickly activated the instant body technique and disappeared in an instant.

This series of actions can be said to be done in one go. Orochimaru used all his strength, completely ignoring the consumption of chakra, and reached the outside of the cemetery in an instant.

After five or six seconds, when he came to his senses, he realized what had happened, and then a feeling of shame and anger surged into his heart.

"Big! Snake! Maru!"

Hearing the explosion coming from the depths of the cemetery, Orochimaru shuddered unconsciously and moved his feet faster.

I don't know which unlucky guy's grave was destroyed. He can't rest in peace even after death. It is probably because he didn't pay attention to Feng Shui when he was buried. Tsunade's strange power is scary.

Kissing his girlfriend in front of the grave of her lover who just passed away, this exciting operation, Kato Dan, whose body is still warm, would probably open the coffin and fight Orochimaru.

The system prompt sounded the moment he escaped from the cemetery, and he hurried to check it out.

"Congratulations to the host for making a wise choice and obtaining the 'Eagle Eyes'. Do you want to fuse now?"

As soon as he returned home, Orochimaru couldn't wait to choose to fuse.

Unlike the painful fusion of the physique yesterday, this time only the eyes reacted to the fusion, and it was cool and refreshing, which seemed very comfortable.

Orochimaru quickly closed his eyes to avoid external stimulation.

After a few minutes, the system prompt sounded again:

"Congratulations to the host for the successful fusion and obtaining the ability of Hawkeye. (Note: Any of your ninjutsu is meaningless in front of my eyes! What research can you do without good eyes)"

The tone is quite big, isn't this Itachi's line? I didn't expect the system to be so high-end!

Orochimaru slowly opened his eyes, and a brand new picture came into view.

All the objects in the room were in full view, even the tiny dust on the ground could be seen, and the ornaments in the dark corners were also clearly seen.

Orochimaru walked out of the room and jumped onto the roof. He planned to test the ability of these eyes more comprehensively.

As he expected, the scenery a hundred meters away appeared clearly in front of him.

The eaves of the house were dripping with water after the rain. He looked carefully and saw that the water droplets that were falling freely became unusually slow. The splashing water was also clearly visible.

When he looked at the pedestrians on the street, he could see the pimples, moles and even pores on their faces.

The movements were like slow motion. Every move could be seen clearly and even predicted.

Doesn't this mean that he can see the enemy's attack clearly in the future, and can also predict and see the flaws.

Orochimaru kept adjusting the focus of his eyeballs, and the orange-yellow lens was alsoConstantly changing.

Just when his eyes felt dry, a spiritual force automatically reached his eyes, causing the scene in front of him to change again.

"Fuck, infrared thermal imaging!"

Orochimaru was shocked by the scene in front of him again. No wonder the eagle could find hidden prey thousands of meters in the sky. The legendary infrared thermal imaging function was indeed true.

Ultra-long distance, extremely strong dynamic visual capture ability, infrared thermal imaging visual function, even the Sharingan and the Byakugan are not changed!

"It seems that the choice just now was wise. Even if I was beaten up by Tsunade, I would accept it. It's worth taking such a big risk."

Thinking of this, Orochimaru's mouth corners couldn't help but rise slightly, and his tongue couldn't help but stick out to lick his lips.

"Huh? No, this disgusting habit must be changed. It's not good to scare the children."

Orochimaru quickly retracted his tongue and then spread out his palm, which contained the crystal pendant that he had just snatched from Tsunade.

Anyone who has kissed Tsunade, anyone who has kissed Tsunade is dead, plus this legendary cursed necklace.

Normal people probably wouldn't dare to commit suicide like this, but my aunt Snake, bah...what is my uncle Snake afraid of?

Who dares to refute that Orochimaru is the most difficult person to kill in the ninja world? His main point is that he has a lot of life.

But that was after he developed the immortal reincarnation, snake substitute, and heaven and earth curse seal.

Orochimaru still has a long way to go.

Thinking of this, Orochimaru returned to the yard in front of his house, and then slowly spit out a long sword from his mouth.

This sword is a bit like the Taoist long sword in Orochimaru's impression in his previous life. The handle with snake scales is more appropriate for Orochimaru.

There are three Kusanagi swords in this world. One is the Ame-no-Kume sword in front of us, and the other is the air sword used by the second pillar in the future. It is also the most beautiful, but it is not known who has it now.

The last one is the Tenken Sword, also known as the Sakakariya Tachi, and no one knows where it is now.

Looking at this saliva-stained Ame-no-Kume sword, Orochimaru's expression is also a bit disgusting.

"It seems that the predecessor really liked this sword, otherwise he would not hide it in his stomach, but this behavior is a bit disgusting."

Orochimaru plans to make a scabbard for this sword and hang it around his waist in the future, so as not to put everything in his mouth.

Forget about some scrolls, and put the long sword in his stomach, just like a ninth-rank official!

Without thinking any more, Orochimaru picked up the long sword and started practicing. He had to adapt to the newly acquired Hawkeye ability as soon as possible.

To avoid embarrassing situations in the future where the eyes can keep up with the body movements but not keep up.

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