At the same time, in the southwest of Taki Country, which borders the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire.

A Konoha team is heading towards the border of the Land of Earth. The border of the Land of Earth is very long. Their mission is the same as Jiraiya's, which is to spy on intelligence.

Those who can come to gather intelligence at this time are elite teams. Although their overall strength is not as good as Jiraiya's team, they have the ability that Jiraiya's team can match - the White Eye.

Yes, this is the elite team composed of ninjas from the Hyuga family, led by the clan leader's younger brother, Hyuga Hizashi.

As the clan leader's younger brother, the 27-year-old Hizashi is also an excellent jonin, and their clan's White Eye is the most suitable for intelligence exploration.

As one of the three major pupil techniques, the White Eye originated from the pupil technique of the Otsutsuki clan.

The complete White Eye has a 360° perspective, with the ability to see the other party's meridians, acupuncture points, and the flow of human chakra and see through things, the telescopic eye that can see far away, and the insight eye with strong observation.

Using chakra to multiply the power of the eyes, the eyes can see things within a kilometer, and its insight exceeds the Sharingan.

Like Jiraiya, there are also three jonins behind Hyuga Hiashi. The eight pairs of Byakugan can see all the movements within a kilometer in all directions, which is enough to show that their team is strong.

"Captain, we have already gone deep into the Land of Taki, and we haven't encountered the ninjas from the Hidden Rock Village. Do you think it is possible that they will not rush in from this side?"

Behind Hiashi, a member of the Hyuga clan who had just been promoted to a jonin asked.

This was also the first time he participated in a war of this level. He was a little nervous at the beginning, but he felt a lot more at ease because everything went smoothly along the way.

At the same time, he was also a little confused. Could it be that the intelligence was wrong? This time, their mission was not only to explore intelligence, but also to block the Hidden Rock Village scouts like them.

"Don't take it lightly. The information was collected by the Anbu and is very reliable. Everyone, cheer up!"


When Hizashi was born, World War II just ended. Although he was not able to participate in it personally, he was a veteran jonin who had experienced nearly a hundred battles and knew that anything could happen on the battlefield.

It was precisely because of his mature and stable character that he was arranged to be on the front line of intelligence gathering. An ordinary team would have at most one Hyuga ninja.

But as soon as the war broke out, as the front-line troops, their lineup was very necessary, and more scouts were not too many.

And then, as if to verify Hizashi's statement, several black shadows appeared in their eyes at the end of the field of vision.

"If there is a situation, be prepared for battle!"

As soon as the voice fell, the appearance of the people coming was clearly revealed. It was also a ninja team. You can tell from their clothes that they are not ordinary ninjas.

The most important thing is that the forehead guards worn by these people are engraved with the logo of Iwagakure Village.

The people who came also discovered Hizashi and his team, but they did not dodge and also came forward, very confident.

"It's really a narrow road for enemies, Konoha's scum!"

The leader of the team put his hands on his waist and looked at Hizashi and others with a proud face, obviously not taking them seriously.

"Humph! What a big tone, you are unlucky to meet us!"

Hizashi was not to be outdone. Both sides had the same goal and were in different camps. When enemies met, they were particularly jealous. When scouts from both sides met on the battlefield, they either ran away or fought to the death. There was nothing to talk about. The bravest one won when they met on a narrow road.

The next moment, several people moved at the same time, four against three, four from Konoha and three from Iwagakure, but they were all elite jonin, and the other side was not afraid.

King against king, general against general, sharp knife against sharp knife, Konoha ninja and Sand Village ninja staged a sniper show in the middle gate of Taki Country.

On the other side, after escaping from the battlefield, Lao Zi did not return to the Hidden Rock Village to report, and rushed towards the direction of the Land of Waterfalls. In his eyes, no order or overall situation was more important than his own life.

Just kidding, Mu Wang is a living example. He did not plan to come again before Onoki came to the battlefield to get rid of Orochimaru.

He escaped death twice in a row. Once he broke four tails. This time, Mu Wang, the unjust son, saved him. He did not believe that he would have such luck next time.

"It's terrible. Mu Wang was beaten to death without any resistance. It's better to stay away from him!"

Mu Wang is the strongest in melee among the tailed beasts. Han has been practicing physical skills since he was a child, and he is also not a match for Orochimaru. Thinking of this, Lao Zi's pace quickened, and Orochimaru, whom he regarded as a nightmare, had no intention of paying attention to it at this time.

"Brother Snake, when do we have to eat?"

Beside a river, the huge body of Wanshe was soaking in the river water, only sticking out the huge head like a truck to look at the scene in front of him.

“Sprinkle with seasoningThe ingredients are almost ready!"

Orochimaru kept turning over hundreds of catties of grass carp on the grill, and the fire below was also burning.

The Grass Kingdom borders the Land of Earth and the Land of Fire, and is adjacent to the Land of Rain in the west. The geographical environment here is a bit like a tropical rainforest.

It will be heavy when it rains, but it will be very hot when the sun comes out.

Fortunately, it has not rained in the past few days, and in the high temperature of nearly 40 degrees, even the hundreds of catties of grilled fish that were rarely seen in the previous life were quickly cooked.

Such a huge grass carp is naturally brought by Wanshe from the Longdi Cave. It's here, the oxygen is rich, and the plants and animals are much larger than those outside.

It was agreed that the Ten Thousand Snakes would be fed to their heart's content, and Orochimaru didn't lie to him. If there was only one, it wouldn't be enough for it, so there were more than 20 grills like this.

Not only grass carp, but also lobsters of the same size, king crabs, and river clams bigger than millstones.

However, Orochimaru was too lazy to do this kind of rough work himself, so there was an energy clone beside each grill, cooking attentively.

Why would you work so hard if you have a clone? It's not like When he was training in the Ryuchi Cave, he did everything himself.

What is Orochimaru doing now? He is healing in the shade of a rock.

Yes, healing. Although there are no broken bones or tendons, his body has also suffered some internal injuries due to energy overload.

How many warriors have suffered from hidden injuries of varying sizes due to fighting. If they don't pay attention to them when they are young, they will have problems when they get older.

Orochimaru, who has not been reincarnated, must take good care of his body. Look at the first generation of Hokage, who died inexplicably at a young age.

In Madara's three magatama He was defeated by Hashirama when he opened the Eternal Eye, and he was defeated by Hashirama when Madara used the Nine-Tails to trap Susanoo.

No matter how strong Madara is, Hashirama can suppress him, but even if he is full of Hashirama cells, he can't stand overdrawing his life.

So Orochimaru should be a self-disciplined person, and young people should learn to keep healthy. Isn't there a saying that goes: Men should pay attention to protecting themselves when they are outside.

Orochimaru deeply agrees that wise men don't fall in love, and adults wash their feet and massage; the rest of life is very expensive and can't afford to waste it. Only health massage is the best comfort for oneself.

"Huh...! I'll ask Jiraiya for advice when I have a chance. This damn weather, I can't stand it, so I'll take a bath first!"

Man Snake knows how to enjoy himself. He has been soaking in the river for a while.

"Brother Snake, are you taking a bath too?"

Seeing Orochimaru also come to the river, Man Snake also grinned and asked.

"Yeah! This is very healthy!"

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