In Orochimaru's opinion, Honglian's crystal escape is still very powerful after it is well developed, but her character is still a little weak.

With a narrow vision and insufficient pattern, her achievements are limited.

Perhaps all the women around Orochimaru are like this, like Hongdou and Honglian, who have no dreams.

Hongdou just wants to live a stable life, while Honglian wants to become Orochimaru's reincarnation container.

When I first saw the body of the three-tailed Isobu, I was shocked and my performance was really disappointing.

On the other hand, Kimimaro has a strong belief. No matter what kind of Jinchūriki you are, if it weren't for the problem of his body at the critical moment, there would be no Gaara.

Come to the big stage of the ninja world if you have a dream!

The law of the jungle, the survival of the fittest, has been the case since ancient times.

Orochimaru provides himself with such an avatar ability, and he doesn't mind cultivating her well. Why can't the good blood limit play the greatest role?

Crystal escape is similar to ice shield, but its hardness is one level higher than ice shield. This ability can be developed well. As for the restraint of sound waves, we can find a way to solve it.

"Without a perfect blood limit, the Kamui Sharingan can only be 50-50 with Kakashi. Even if the kunai is ordinary, it can pierce the Samsara Eye in Boruto's hand!"

Orochimaru smiled and helped Honglian up and patted her clothes.

"Okay, we should start again!"

There is no three-knock-nine-bow apprenticeship ceremony in the ninja world. It is very good to be able to do this.

After a simple packing, Orochimaru took Honglian into the air again.

"Do you know where the Tiannin Village in Tian Country is?"

On the way, Orochimaru asked Honglian. Although he knew the approximate location, he was not sure about the specific location.

Although he had taken on the mission of Tian Country before, he had never had the opportunity to go to their ninja village.

Honglian has been active in this place for so long, she should be more familiar with it than him. Sure enough, she pointed in a direction the next moment.

"There, 20 kilometers away from us is the largest ninja village."

Orochimaru slightly adjusted the direction, and Honglian continued to ask:

"Teacher, what is the purpose of our trip?"

It's no wonder that she is curious. Anyone would be confused if they were dragged around, let alone a child who is just starting out!

"Let's investigate first. We still have to go to many places. Be prepared!"

After hearing what Orochimaru said, Honglian asked again. In her opinion, she only needed to do what the teacher arranged for her.

Not long after, the two came to the Tiannin Village in Tian Country. Orochimaru did not plan to enter the village, but just looked around from the commanding heights outside the village.

This village is even more incomparable to the imperial capital of the Iron Country. Not only is it small in scale, but there are very few people who can sense the level of a senior ninja.

"The location is good, it's actually a plain area!"

No wonder Orochimaru used this place as his base camp in the original work. A place surrounded by mountains and rivers is indeed suitable for building a village.

"Let's go to the next place!"

"Ah? Aren't we going in?"

Before Honglian could react, Orochimaru lifted her up and flew away.

"We came too hastily this time, and our goal is not just this place. You will be busy after we have inspected all the ninja villages in the small countries!"

Although the seven countries are small, it is not a problem to conquer them, but it is easy to conquer the world but difficult to defend it. Without enough manpower to manage, Orochimaru will probably be exhausted.

What he has to do now is to prepare first, and at the same time, he needs to recruit some men.

Now I sigh that Konoha is full of talents. Not only a group of elite ninjas appear every few years or more than ten years, but even the top combat power continues to appear.

Not only are there the mainstays of Konoha such as Ino, Shikacho, but also the top combat power such as the three ninjas and White Fang.

Later, there are generations after generations, such as Minato, Kakashi, Might Guy, and the twelve little strong men in the future. Just thinking about it makes people envious.

Look at Orochimaru, he can only pull people from other places, and many of them were brought up by him, such as the Sound Trio.

It's really not easy to start a business! It's hard for Orochimaru to be both a father and a teacher, and he has to find time to do research, and he has to go to kindergarten to find good seedlings when he has time.

And he has to do these things secretly, always on guard against the Akatsuki organization and Konoha's white-haired tail-end to come to him. It is already a great ability for Orochimaru to establish the Sound Village.

"It's not enough to train the younger generation! There is only a high-end combat force like me in a short time, and we must recruit more people during the current war."

Orochimaru sorted out his memory, who should he find? The Akatsuki organization is just starting out, and it is still in charge of Pain. It has not taken the path of evil, so it shouldn't be a problem to intercept a few people.

Thinking of this, OrochimaruFamiliar faces flashed through Orochimaru's mind quickly, and then he analyzed their personalities and deeds one by one.

The first thing that came to mind was the immortal duo. People like Kakuzu only cared about money, and they were also veteran ninjas. They would be arrogant and difficult to control.

And the reputation of Hidan, a bloodthirsty madman, was not very good. If he had met him when he was a child, he could have been trained. His personality is probably already formed now.

Excluding the two, let's look at Deidara. He probably hasn't become a rebel yet, and I don't know if an artist and a scientist can talk to each other!

The Red Sand Scorpion had a grudge against Konoha, and it would be impossible to contact him before he defected!

"Why are they all unruly lunatics?"

Orochimaru was a little distressed. It was not easy to find a strong and more disciplined ninja!

"Kisame is good, he carries out the mission honestly, but he must plan it well!"

After thinking about it, Kisame is the most suitable person in the Akatsuki organization in the future. The reason for his defection is that he was betrayed by the captain. Compared with other people who killed their own clansmen, killed the village chief, stole things, and ran away from home, he is more reliable.

Orochimaru has no other meaning, and he is definitely not talking about Itachi, Sasori, Kakuzu, Deidara and others.

Itachi would betray Akatsuki without hesitation when facing Konoha, Kakuzu could also be poached with a high salary, and Sasori would take the initiative to seek death against Chiyo.

As for Kisame, he has a cold and ruthless personality, and he is meticulous in carrying out his mission, which is somewhat similar to Orochimaru.

He joined Akatsuki because he was fooled by Obito's Moon Eye Plan. He just stood in the wrong camp. In his eyes, there is only the mission, and he has no restless thoughts.

From the fact that he always starts his conversation with Itachi by calling "Mr. Itachi", it can be seen that the shark-faced guy is as polite as Orochimaru.

I don't ask you to call me sir or leader, just call me "Mr. Orochimaru" every time we meet!

The redemption started with Kisame. Orochimaru had planned to go ashore before he went to sea, and the Land of Water is a good place! How many people in dire straits are waiting for me to save them!

"It seems that the trip to the Land of Water must be put on the agenda! But before that, I have to solve a small problem first..."

Honglian found that Orochimaru was lost in thought. He talked to himself from time to time, but he didn't disturb him. Instead, he gathered chakra consciously. Anyway, she didn't have to worry about flying.

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