With everyone's stunned eyes, Chen Chu lowered his head and picked up the two wild ducks that fell on the ground.

 Good guy, he really deserves the name of a working hawk. He sent rabbits before, and now he has sent ducks.

 Thank you so much!

If the horned eagle could talk at this time, it would definitely scream at Chen Chu with **** anger!

 Thank you sister!

 Give me back my wife!


"Impossible, they are flying fine..." Rogers took back what he had just said and shut up silently.

Those wild ducks are indeed flying well, that's true, but they can't bear the harpy eagles preying on them.

And this horned eagle is really miserable, worse than a nigger. He is really a pure white slave.

 No, worse than slaves!

After all, the farmer is still responsible for the food and accommodation of the slave. However, the food of this horned eagle was taken away by the unscrupulous Chen Chu.

 Chen Chu shook the wild duck in his hand and said, "We have the duck. I'll treat you to bamboo shoots and old duck soup tonight. I'll make sure it's so delicious that you'll even swallow it on your tongue."

Tonight, Chen Chu is going to show off his skills and show these poor people in the food desert what real food is.

Can those **** things be called delicacies?

 It’s called myoglobin in a nice way, but it’s called blood water in a bad way! Can it be delicious?

  Anyway, Chen Chu has never been there since he and Sister Youlu went there to eat once.

The horned eagle above the head was screaming. Seeing that its prey was snatched away for the second time, it was really angry, but it didn't dare to go down.

Last time, he and his wife wanted to take revenge, but they were beaten back by something banging and banging, and his wife was even missing.

Now the burden of raising the baby is all on it, and it doesn't dare to get close to these strange guys anymore.

The angry eagle chirped a few times and then flew away quickly.

Chen Chu raised his head and glanced at the hurried horned eagles above his head, revealing a deep thought. The two horned eagles seemed to be a pair.

  If he abducted one of them, wouldn’t the remaining one have to be alone for the rest of his life?

 No, he was the most merciful and couldn't bear this situation. He was very sad when he thought about this situation. He decided to raise another one.

 You can’t just tear people apart, right?

Adams noticed Chen Chu's eyes and his expression changed: "Chen, what are you looking at?"

 Chen Chu came to his senses: "Oh, it's nothing, I just feel that the remaining horned eagle is a bit pitiful."


  ‘Come on, come on, you really know that this guy is evil! Good guy, now I’m still thinking about another one! ’

 ‘Is this going to catch them all in one fell swoop? ox! ’

 ‘What excuse are you going to make now? It can’t be said that this horned eagle has lost its ability to survive in the wild, right? That would be too ridiculous. ’

 ‘Why can’t it work (laughing)’

   ! ! Don't you mean that? ’

'bingo! Congratulations, you got it! ’

 ‘Hiss, if you want to talk about the first birth, it has to be you! ’

 ‘Hahaha, each other. ’

  ? ? ? what are you guys saying? ’

 ‘Children, don’t ask so much, go home quickly for dinner. ’


 Back at the shelter, Old Martinson guarded the camp alone, but he also had to take good care of the campfire.

 The fire was not extinguished, but it was not spread out either.

 It is summer now, the weather is extremely hot, and mountain fires are most likely to break out. Pay attention to fire prevention.

 “Old Martinson, look what I brought back.” Chen Chu greeted from a distance.

 Old Martinson's eyes lit up and he took a few steps forward in his wheelchair: "What?"

Chen Chu and Adams worked together to remove some large bamboos from their shoulders: "Hey, there are a lot of bamboo shoots and wild ducks. I'm going to make bamboo shoots and duck soup tonight."

Old Martinson and Chen Chu have been eating together for so long. They have long been accustomed to Dahua's food, and they must have eaten bamboo shoots.

 Bamboo shoots are a kind of mountain treasure! This special bamboo shoot is sure to be delicious too!

 Old Martinson smiled and took out his dentures and put them on: "Chen Chu, hurry up and do it, I can't help it anymore."

Adams’ face turned dark: “Please don’t communicate in Chinese, okay?”

 The two of them just nodded perfunctorily.

The audience in the live broadcast room was speechless. Are they really here to survive in the wilderness?

  The show in the previous seasons was doing well, it was a hard life! He will do anything to survive.

This season we invited Mr. President and two other gentlemen as new contestants. As a result, the style of the show changed suddenly, from a wilderness survival show to a suburban outing show.

 That’s outrageous!

 The problem is that this is not the arrangement of the program team, but because there is a magical super man among the contestants.

 Chen Chu didn’t know that he was nicknamed a super man by foreigners. He was quickly bleeding the fallen wild duck to avoid affecting the quality of the meat.

 At this time, the people from the program team came ashore again, and this time the person who came turned out to be Director Steve!

 The signal in the live broadcast room was blocked again, leaving only one sentence for the audience: "The program has been temporarily arranged, and the signal will be suspended for five minutes."

The audience immediately started to curse, but this was the show crew’s market, so they didn’t pay attention to the audience at all.

 They will come to the show in the end anyway.

 After all, they are only angry with the program team, not the contestants, right?

 A president and a consortium will participate in the program. How interesting and gimmicks will it be? How could you still worry about the audience not watching?

 That's why you are so unscrupulous.

 “Hey, Steve, what’s the matter?” Old Martinson drove the wheelchair to Director Steve.

Logically speaking, contestants participating in desert island survival should not bring any high-tech equipment, let alone Old Martinson’s wheelchair.

 No one knows how many special functions and technologies there are.

 But there is no way, who let this be the master of the consortium? You can't refuse any of his requests at all!

He was afraid that if he refused, he would die too miserably.

 Don’t talk about conscience with capital, they have no conscience at all, because the birth of capital comes from exploitation and greed.

Can you expect a greedy demon to have a conscience?

 Steve quickly said hello to several people: "Mr. President, Mr. Martinson, Mr. Chen, good afternoon."

 “Hello, Steve, what’s the matter?” Chen Chu asked while handling the wild duck.

“Yes, Mr. Chen, I need to ask your opinion on something here.”

 As for the other four wild star players? Steve basically ignored them. They were just a few starlets he promoted and had no qualifications to join this conversation.

Rogers and others also wisely did not dare to speak out, but they did not let them leave, and they did not dare to leave. After all, what if they were talking about the program team?


 This makes them feel a little restless.

 Fortunately, Chen Chu noticed something unusual about them and called them: "Rogers, come here and help with the bamboo shoots."

“Okay, Captain!” Several people subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief and quickly came to Chen Chu’s side to help. Steve waited until Chen Chu seemed to have nothing to say, and then he said: "Mr. Chen, it's like this. There is a special kind of bamboo on this island that seems to be an undiscovered new plant. Now there are many scientific research teams I want to go to the island to do scientific research.”

“They applied to the state government before, but they were rejected by the state government...” As he spoke, Steve glanced at Adams secretly.

 Hinting that this is the credit of this Mr. President.

“Wait a minute, what do you think these bamboos are?”

 Steve repeated: "It's a new, undiscovered plant."

Chen Chu immediately looked at the bamboos he had chopped down to make furniture, and thought of the bamboo shoots he dug out for tonight's snacks. He felt a little strange...

“Ahem, is this okay? I cut down the bamboo on the island, and it’s still an undiscovered new plant.” Chen Chu asked.

Director Steve did not express any opinions. He knew that he had no right to speak here.

Adams said: "It's okay. This plant doesn't have a protection level at the moment. Even if you cut it down, it'll be fine."

Even if the protection level of this plant is determined later, can Chen Chu be convicted? cannot!

 Because Chen Chu cut down the bamboo first and determined the protection level later.

 Chen Chu suddenly remembered what Steve said before: "Is this an island of a free country?"


 Hey guys, Chen Chu always thought this was an unowned island on the high seas, but it turned out to be the territory of a free country.

 This is a bit of a trap.

"How about I buy this island." Old Martinson suddenly suggested, looking at Chen Chu.

 This kind of islands located in the sea are basically of little value and can be bought and sold.

  After all, this kind of island has no resources and no geographical strategic value. It is basically an isolated island in the Pacific.

There are many such isolated islands. Basically, they declare sovereignty after occupation and then let it go.

 If someone wants to buy it, the government of the free country will definitely be willing to sell it.

Of course, if you buy an island, you can even build a small country and apply for visas and so on, which is amazing.

Adams actually nodded to this: "Of course it is possible. Chen, are you planning to found a country?"

People around them were sweating about the topic of the three people. The topic was too high-end and outrageous. They even talked about the founding of the People's Republic of China...

 Are you sure this is a topic they can engage in? Are these people who are struggling in the vanity fair really qualified to listen to this topic?

 Is this a normal conversation among really big people?

Chen Chu was confused: "What are you talking about? When will I prepare to found a country?"

Old Martinson explained: "I just want to help Chen Chu solve his worries. He is worried that public opinion will be affected after cutting down these bamboos. It is very simple, buy the island."

“The ownership of everything on the island is yours, and of course the bamboo is yours too. What you want to do with it is just your problem.”

 The people around me felt a little numb after hearing this, this, this...

This is really a simple and crude way to solve the problem!

Because I was worried about being attacked by public opinion after cutting down undiscovered plants, I bought the island directly...

This solution is too outrageous, and it makes people feel a bit outrageous and exaggerated, as if they were just trying to solve the problem of food and clothing, but in the end, you even bought the entire restaurant just for one meal.

  It is outrageous.

 But they didn’t dare to say anything, they just listened quietly.

 Chen Churen was also numb and didn't know what to say at this time.

 Old Martinson said: "Chen, do you have any objection?"

 Chen Chu raised his hand: "Isn't it a bit exaggerated?"

 Old Martinson smiled: "You know, this little money is nothing to me."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Chu, Adams and Steve couldn't help but nodded. They knew the identity of old Martinson, and of course they knew that this little money was not even a drop of money to him.

"Then you can buy it for me. I should have the money." Chen Chu thought carefully about the balance of his worth and determined that he should be able to buy it.

 Old Martinson smiled, how could he ask Chen Chu to pay? Otherwise, why would he buy this island?

 The so-called public opinion issue? hehe.


“By the way, Mr. Director, what are you going to say this time?”

“Well, these scientific research teams have applied to us, but I know whether we should allow them to land on your island, so I’m here to ask your opinion on whether to allow them to land on the island.” Steve changed his mind very quickly.

 It is very wise to take one island at a time.

"By the way, one of them is still your friend. He called him Zhang Chenliang."

ah? Zhang Chen measured? Director Fox?

 Chen Chu's originally indifferent expression changed, he raised his head and asked, "He wants to go to the island? Why are he here?"

 There are no strange animals such as water monkeys on the island.


 Chen Chu realized that even though Director Hu spent all day identifying water monkeys on the Internet, he was an expert in botany.

 So he went to the island to study these...well, the bamboos he chopped down.

"Ahem, let's see what the show team arranges. I don't have any objections." Chen Chu quietly took the bamboo he was about to use to poke the fire aside.

Adams also said calmly: "I don't have any objections either."

 “Yes, me too.” Old Martinson said the same.

 Steve immediately understood that Mr. President and Mr. Martinson Sr. meant the same thing as Chen Chu.

 Chen Chu’s meaning was a bit mysterious. He said that it depends on the arrangement of the program team, and he also said that he had no objection.

Doesn't this mean that he has no objection to letting other people come to the island? See the program schedule? How to arrange it? That must be following the opinions of Chen Chu and the others!

 The other two people could not disagree with Chen Chu at all, so they agreed.


 Steve nodded: "Okay, Mr. Chen, I'll make arrangements right away."

"Well, by the way, you can bring some gauze or something later. The horned eagle is injured and needs it." Chen Chu explained.

 Steve nodded immediately without hesitation. As for the program team being unable to provide help to the contestants?

 This principle was originally set by him personally, but now he simply ignores it.

 His eyesight is still there.

If he himself were a stubborn and principled person, then he would not be able to become the only director in Hollywood.

To have this status, there must be capital support behind it. If you are a very principled person, how can you accept help from others?


The signal in the live broadcast room was restored, and viewers from all over the world poured into the live broadcast room on various social platforms, complaining constantly.

Although there were constant complaints, no one left the live broadcast room. How could anyone refuse such an interesting thing?

  It must be a curse on the lips, but the body is very honest! (End of chapter)

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