I’m From an Ordinary Family, for Real!

Chapter 718: No, my level is not enough?

 ‘Ahem, I like to read it too, please talk more. ’ The house manager appeared quietly and spoke.

 Hand-eye-catching barrage special effects appear on the screen.

 Full screen: “???”

 ‘Six six six! The house manager also likes to watch it, right? ’

'Hahaha! Outrageous! ’

 ‘Ahem, keep a low profile. ’ The house manager continued to speak.

  ‘House manager, full screen emperor, you just don’t care (laughing)’

House Manager: ‘(Waterfall Khan) I don’t have the authority to handle this live broadcast room. ’

What’s more, this is a live broadcast room for broadcasting programs from free countries. After all, it is a foreign program, so it is understandable that the scale is a little larger!

‘Housekeeper: If you mess with me, you’ll be considered a soft persimmon! ’

 ‘I understand, after all, we must treat foreign adults ‘well’! Understand, understand! I just didn’t expect that the platform would even watch people order their food! I thought it was just those...that would be there. ’

“It’s normal for foreign programs to be larger in scale, not to mention they are not broadcast in China, so some people won’t say certain things, it will only make you look stupid. ’

 ‘Hey, what did I say? Am I not telling the truth? That’s what it is! ’

 ‘It seems that your resentment is really great. Why, what inspired you to seek your presence online? ’

'none of your business! ’

 ‘Yes, so it’s none of your business what I say! You need to talk more! ’


 There is a lot of hype online, but it does not affect the people on the show at all.

Chen Chu rushed up to give Chen Youlu a hug, hugged him and spun around in circles a few times excitedly. As for Chen Baijia? Was ignored.

Chen Baijia was also smiling, not angry, angry? What are you angry about? He should be angry if Chen Chu was holding another woman.

“Sister Youlu, why are you here?”

  ? ? ? ’

 ‘She, she has a boyfriend? ’

 ‘Goodbye, my 1234th crush…’

 ‘I knew it, I had already guessed that such a beautiful girl must have a boyfriend, and I guessed it. ’

 ‘My love is over, gone. ’

 ‘Wake up upstairs, even if she doesn’t have a boyfriend, she still doesn’t like you. ’

“Gan, we are just strangers on the Internet. Please have a sense of boundaries and don’t mention such heart-wrenching words, okay?” ’

  ‘What a pity that such a beautiful sister has a boyfriend. ’

  ‘What a pity! She should obviously be happy, right? ’

 Chen Youlu's face turned red after being picked up by Chen Chu and spun around. She quickly patted Chen Chu. Fortunately, she was wearing sportswear. If she was wearing a skirt, wouldn't she be exposed?

How could Chen Chu not notice it? It was because he noticed that it wasn't a skirt that he dared to pick it up and spin it around.

“No, it’s just fine, so I came here to take a look.” Chen Youlu turned his head to the side and hummed.

  ‘Who made her angry? Hurry up and coax her! I said! hurry up! ’

“This little one is obviously angry. He is so cute when he is angry. Oh my god, it is even rarer.” ’

   ‘Crying to death, she is willing to let Chen Chu hug her when she is angry, how much does she love him? ’

 ‘Brothers, is it really not okay to have a boyfriend? ’

  ‘Okay, okay, there’s a thief sneaking in between us, right? OK OK! ’

'What? Cao thief? Where is the thief Cao? ’

'ah? Looking for Cao Cao? ’

‘To be honest, I’m just a thief. ’

  ? ’

   ! ’


 ‘Some people are good wives, and some are good robbers. The sexual habits of modern people are really worrying. ’

  ‘Humanity is indeed hopeless! ’

Seeing that Chen Youlu might have a temper, Chen Chu picked him up and started spinning him around without saying a word.

 One circle, two circles, Chen Youlu couldn't hold himself any longer and laughed out loud: "Haha~ don't turn around, don't turn around, I'm dizzy..."

 Chen Chu asked: "Are you still angry?"

 “I’m not...I’m not angry.”

 Chen Chu then put her down. Chen Youlu's physical fitness was not much worse than Chen Chu's, and he didn't feel too dizzy. He just rolled his eyes at Chen Chu and didn't want to talk to him.

There was a lot of wailing in the live broadcast room:

 ‘I cried, seeing my new goddess being held in someone’s arms, my heart felt uncomfortable. ’

  ‘They are so sweet, I... am so pitiful. ’

 ‘Looking for a girlfriend online, you need private background information. ’

  ‘Okay, okay, let’s play like this, right? Showing affection in front of me is so rude! ’

 ‘Draw a circle and curse you, bastard! ’

 Chen Baijia coughed dryly at this time, cough cough, this young man was just having fun, and the two of them started spinning in circles in front of him.

Chen Chu suddenly remembered that my father-in-law was still beside him.

"Ahem, Uncle Chen." Chen Chu didn't feel embarrassed and just said hello in a close manner.

Chen Baijia stretched out his hand and put his arm around Chen Chu's shoulders. The height difference between the two was a bit big: "Ah Chu, are you having fun?"

 “Happy! It’s very interesting.” Chen Chu also cooperated with his father-in-law’s approach and lowered his head slightly.

Chen Baijia laughed: "I just wanted to see you having fun, so I decided to bring Lulu to play too."

Chen Chu was a little nervous. Even though he had known the news for a long time, if Chen Youlu came too... he would have suffered too much.

 After all, this is an island, and it is also an undeveloped desert island. There are really many mosquitoes and many other messy things.

 Fun, but terrible.

"What are you afraid of? I think I took your eldest brother, Lu Lu and the others to play in the mountains back then. We played there for a day and two nights, and it was fine." Chen Baijia said with a smile.

I have indeed been there, but I went there when I was very young. There were guides and security guards, but after going there once, the three siblings never mentioned going again.

 Just once, the three of them had a psychological shadow on camping.

It can be seen that the impression left on them that time was by no means a good one.

 The fact is that, it was a childhood nightmare for the three siblings.

 Chen Chu didn't know about this. When Chen Baijia said this, he immediately stopped talking about it: "Come on, uncle, Sister Youlu, I will take you to see our camp."

A few people left the open space by the sea and went to the camp in the dense forest.

The people in the live broadcast room were amazed:

 ‘Good guy, you are so brave to hold his daughter in front of your father-in-law! ’

 ‘Even if I am at my father-in-law’s house now, I would not dare to get too close to my wife…’

 ‘This Chen Chu’s father-in-law has an extraordinary aura, he must be a great person, right? ’ ˆ ˆ ‘That’s for sure. ’

 ‘But I have such a good relationship with my father-in-law, and this is the first time we have a shoulder-to-shoulder relationship. ’

 ‘Is this the first time we’ve met? Hey, my father-in-law and I drank and bragged when we first met. If we hadn't been taken back to the room after drinking too much, I guess we would have become good brothers. ’

 ‘Good brothers? I'm afraid that as soon as you leave, my father-in-law will have to be dealt with by the mother-in-law, right? As soon as my uncle came to visit my father-in-law, I almost had **** with him... He wasn't afraid of people laughing if he spread the news. ’


 The dense forest where the camp is located…

Well, it’s actually not a dense forest. This is just a sparse island with not many trees.

 You can probably see the blue sky as soon as you raise your head, and you can see the blue sea when you climb up the tree.

 The three of them walked into the camp, and Old Adams and Adams looked up.

 This is the first time the three of them have met face to face, and they didn't even know each other before.

People around him could sense that the atmosphere was unusual. Rogers and others looked at each other and stepped back to do something.

 Okay, okay, here comes another one, right?

 People in the live broadcast room are already numb:

  ‘So, is this another ‘peach blossom’ provoked by Chen Chu? ’

 ‘Hahaha, peach blossom, it’s so funny, sister, you are so good at talking, you actually said it was peach blossom. ’

 ‘Six, here comes another one who is jealous of Chen Chu? six! ’

 ‘Shura Field, let’s go! ’

  ‘I have never practiced good deeds in my life, I only like to watch people kill people and set fires. Suddenly I opened the golden shackles, tore off the jade locks here, and the tide came from the Qiantang River. Wherever there are melons, there is me! If you like it, come for more! ’

‘Let me just say, Chen Chu is from our country, how could he not know some people from our country? It seems that he is also a figure with similar status to the presidential consortium. ’

 ‘No, how did he know so many great people? I’m really impressed. Is there any secret to social networking? ’

   ‘Upstairs, are you a primitive person? Social networking is a kind of broad and profound knowledge, okay? If you can't even socialize well, then your life will probably be like this. ’

  …Don’t I know? I mean, how could someone like Chen Chu, from an ordinary family, know so many big bosses? Who doesn’t know how to socialize?

Who doesn’t know how to kneel and lick gracefully? The most important thing is how to get to know these people? Damn it, for people with our status, we usually don’t even know where they go!

Even if you know it, you are not even qualified to apply! I still know these people! ’

  ‘Is this the legendary innate social body? ’

'six! ’



 The three of them looked at each other for a moment. This was the first time that the three of them faced each other in reality. The three of them had a lot on their minds.

 In the end, it was Old Martinson who spoke first: "Nice to meet you, I am Chris Johnson Martinson."

 Chen Baijia reached out and shook his hand: "Hello, Chris Johnson Martinson, I am Chen Baijia, nice to meet you."

Adams also stretched out his hand towards Chen Baijia and smiled: "John Charles Adams, nice to meet you."

“Chen Baijia.” Chen Baijia also stretched out his hand to shake his hand, paused, and said, “Me too.”

The three of them already knew each other, so naturally there would be no formality or politeness when meeting at this time.

 Old Martinson looked at Chen Youlu: "Oh, is this beautiful and lovely girl Chen's girlfriend? She is so beautiful."

 He praised him sincerely.

Adams also cast his eyes at Chen Youlu, and also cast friendly eyes, and his attitude was quite kind.

Perhaps Chen Baijia is not the one who should not be offended. Among these two people, the one who should not be offended should be Chen Youlu.

After all, if Chen Baijia is offended, Chen Baijia will probably be the only one offended. As a junior, Chen Chu will not interfere in the grudges of the elders.

 But if it is Chen Youlu who is offended, it is equivalent to offending Chen Chu.

Chen Youlu greeted politely and obediently: "Grandpa Martinson, Uncle Adams."

Chen Chu came over: "Hey, Sister Youlu, you don't need to call me grandpa or uncle, just call me by your name."

 “This is not good, this is not polite.” Chen Youlu refused.

 Chen Chu scratched his face in embarrassment: "Ah..."

Then wouldn’t it be more rude for him to call Old Martinson directly?

 “You can call me Old Martinson, you don’t have to be so polite.” Old Martinson said in Mandarin.

 Chen Youlu was surprised: "Really?"

“Yes, just call me after Chen.”

 After getting to know each other, Chen Baijia, Old Martinson and the other three stood nearby and chatted about some topics.

The drone also moved farther away and silently lowered the voices of the three people. Although it caused dissatisfaction in the live broadcast room, the program team was unmoved.

 If they are not sensible at this time, they will be too good at seeking death.

Chen Youlu couldn’t wait to ask: “Chen Chu, where is the horned eagle?”

Chen Chu pointed inside: "Here, my bed is the innermost bamboo bed."

“By the way, I gave it a name, Big Sand Sculpture.”

Chen Youlu suddenly looked strange and hummed: "Then you are really a genius at naming?"

Chen Chu smiled awkwardly. After all, how could he not know whether the name was good or not? But he is afraid of trouble!

Chen Youlu ignored him and reached out to Chen Chu to ask for some water and meat amid the puzzled eyes of the audience.

Only a few people know that it is a marrow washing spring and special meat. This kind of thing is used to feed a pet...

Even Adams and Old Martinson couldn't help but feel a slight toothache. It was too luxurious.

 Chen Baijia didn't take it seriously, because Chen Youlu's relationship was there, and his relationship with Chen Chu had reached a full 100 favorability level, so nothing would be missing from him.

Well, there are other Chen family members.

There is no way, Chen Chu met Chen Baijia when he was still young, so the relationship and feelings are naturally unusual.


With the arrival of several new team members, the food prepared before was not enough, so Chen Chu was ready to go out and try his luck in hunting.

 Chen Youlu chased after him, and the two walked into the dense forest.

   ‘I have a feeling that there will be another hearty hunting! ’

 ‘Hearty and hearty,’ means the prey fell on its own in front of Chen Chu, right? ’

  ‘Isn’t this hunting? Real hunters wait for their prey to come to their doorstep. Only those hunters who are not skilled enough will do it themselves (laughs). ’

  ‘My grandpa was an Orion before. I told my grandpa what you said, and he said he would take the guy to talk to you (laughing)’

  ‘What do you think the working eagle brought this time? ’

‘I feel like it’s a rabbit. I feel like the smoked and roasted rabbit made by Chen Chu has something on it. The color is very different at first glance. ’

  ‘I think wild duck is still delicious. ’

 ‘Working Eagle: Okay, okay, you still picked it up, right? Then I won’t eat it myself, just stay hungry. ’

 ‘By the way, what happened to the eagle before? Chen Chu didn’t let us see either. ’

 ‘It should be healed soon, but I feel that the other horned eagle cannot be saved, and I am afraid it will also be killed by Chen Chu. ’

“He may not do anything in front of the live camera. With the abilities of his friends, they can easily get the horned eagle after the show ends.” ’

   Yes, there is no need to leave a stain in front of the camera. Rich people are so nice! ’

 ‘Hey, I can’t be envious. ’

Suddenly, a roar that shook the forest suddenly sounded: "Roar!"

The audience seems to feel the shocking feeling through the camera, that unique cry, as if the chest is resonating with it!

 It makes the hairs on your body stand on end! My scalp instantly numbed! (End of chapter)

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